The Chicago Bulls Are Making It Really Easy To Fire Vinny Del Negro

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The Chicago Bulls Are Making It Really Easy To Fire Vinny Del Negro Empty The Chicago Bulls Are Making It Really Easy To Fire Vinny Del Negro

Post by Brandon$$ Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:50 pm

Let's face it. The Bulls organization is looking for a reason to fire Vinny Del Negro and they are certainly going to have "fair" reasoning when this season comes to a close.

But how fair is it? The Chicago Bulls Are Making It Really Easy To Fire Vinny Del Negro 96350255_cropped

The Bulls were ready to fire Del Negro around Christmas time this season before he really even had the chance to become fireable. The team was 16-18 and Derrick Rose was still not completely healthy.

Now with the Bulls in a nine-game tailspin and a "creative" starting lineup each night, the Bulls are trying their best to lose every game in March and finish as far down in the standings as they can.

Is it Del Negro's fault, however?

Three out of his five starting players have been injured and the fourth missed a game due to suspension.

In fact, the three starting players were by far the best players on the entire team.

Joakim Noah hasn't consistently played over 25 minutes since the beginning of February, missing 16 games completely and playing a combined 52 minutes and 58 seconds in the other four games.

Luol Deng will miss his fifth straight game and Rose will miss his fourth Friday against the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Del Negro hasn't had his starting five of Noah, Rose, Deng, Kirk Hinrich, and Taj Gibson starting a game together since Feb. 3.

Del Negro is not the greatest coach in the world by any means. In fact, he is extremely questionable, but he was put into an impossible situation.

The year started with him having to live up to last year's first round playoff matchup where the Bulls completely overachieved against an injured Boston Celtics' team.

Some people seem to forget the Bulls lost that series.

After he survived the first firing rumors, the Bulls went on to win 13 out of 17 games.

Now, at the end of the season, he is supposed to coach without his three best players. If the Bulls can find a coach who can do that then they might as well trade away Rose, Noah, and Deng.

Either way it looks as though John Paxson and Gar Forman have their wish to go coach hunting once again this offseason, while at the same time trying to woo a couple of free agents to Chicago.

Paxon and Forman better get busy finding a big-named coach because no free agent is going to waltz into Chicago without knowing who is coaching them.

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Join date : 2010-02-01
Age : 34

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