If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

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If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend? Empty If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

Post by Shamrock1000 Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:57 pm

These have been trying times for Celtics fans. Fan frustration is palpable, and everyone has an opinion as to what is ailing these Celtics. I would like to take things one step further, and ask, if you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend, and why? What direction do you think the Celtics should go, and what personnel decisions are necessary to set the ship in that direction???


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If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend? Empty Re: If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

Post by dboss Mon Mar 25, 2019 7:17 pm

Shamrock1000 wrote:These have been trying times for Celtics fans. Fan frustration is palpable, and everyone has an opinion as to what is ailing these Celtics. I would like to take things one step further, and ask, if you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend, and why? What direction do you think the Celtics should go, and what personnel decisions are necessary to set the ship in that direction???

I mentioned some what if scenarios already but since this forum enjoys the repetitive nature of my comments...I'll do it again

I see 3 distinctive options for the Celtics.  They are  dependent on the final results for this season.  I mentioned this before.

Option #1 the Celtics do have a turbo switch and make it all the way to the finals.  Win or lose, Boston is less likely to make a major change.   i do not see them resigning either Rozier or Morris.  At that point their # 1 priority would be to lock Irving into a long term contract.  Since the team is already a tax payer they will not be able to resign Irving and resign either Rozier or Morris.  Low cost replacements for Rozier and Morris will come form the 2019 draft where Boston has 3 selections.  With both Rozier and Morris gone Brad will have less issues distributing minutes.  The Celtics can use their tax payer MLE to either retain Theis or get someone else.  They will also have use of the veteran minimum to sign a player or players.  If not use this year they may also have their bi-annual exception.

Option #2 same situation as option # 1 except Kyrie decides to go elsewhere.  Danny would match any reasonable offer for Rozier but he will still let Morris walk.  He may make a trade using draft picks to add a quality big.  Danny will also use his MLE to address roster needs.  Overall the team did well so there is no reason to blow it up.  I however do not think Kyrie would leave if we make it to the finals.

Option # 3 The Celtics freakin suck.  They get blasted out of the playoffs early on.  Everybody is pissed, except for Danny.  He calls NOLA before the draft and works out a trade to get AD.  In order to make the numbers work he has to include Marcus Smart as well as yabusele and either semi or Williams.  NOLA also wants Jason Tatum.  He also has to part with 3 first round picks including the Memphis pick.  Danny makes the deal and then resigns Kyrie Irving who  wants to pair with AD.  Danny lets Rozier and Morris walk.  Danny uses his MLE as well as vet minimum exceptions, his D-league affiliate and some guy working at Burger King to fill out the roster.

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If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend? Empty Re: If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

Post by RosalieTCeltics Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:50 pm

It is funny that this post is here today. I have done nothing but think about how things have transpired this year, especially these last few games, after putting on the show of shows in Golden State. The situation on this team goes beyond belief. Sitting here in August, thinking about the fall and the beginning of the season, I had all I could do to control my excitement.

Remember, I have been around some of the best teams ever to take the floor for the Celtics as well as the worst. This team had so much potential. And then the slow, slow start, the problems Gordon Hayward was facing returning from that awful injury, Jaylen dealing with injury and indecision on what his role was on this team. And then that wonderful Christmas Day game. I was drinking the kool aid again.
The ups, the downs, it just is so unbelievable. Everyone on here, with their own ideas of who is good, who is awful, who is dispensable, who will walk, who will get traded, and who wants to really stay and see this thing through. The questions are enormous. Brad has made his share of mistakes, but I believe behind closed doors, more has gone on then we will ever be privy to.

As I have said, I bleed green, as to a lot of you. I want them to bleed green too. I question Kyrie’s devotion to one team, Jason Tatum’s ability to put his friendship aside with Kyrie, and go back to being the next great Celtic, I am convinced Jaylen Brown gets it, as does Al and Gordon. Rozier, he has been pulling out the papers from last year and reading them about “Scary Terry”, he has only been scary in about three games this year.

So, if I was Danny, it is an problem I am sure he never thought he would have. He is not naive, though, so he will think nothing of letting go of those who do not want to put out the effort. I am sure he has a list in his desk, just waiting for June. This is a sad state of affairs, one I certainly never thought I would be defending being a die hard Celtic fan the way I have to all those who enjoy watching this take place.

Seems the national press is convinced Kyrie is gone, good luck to him if he is, he will rot in NY if that is where he ends up, or rot in LA if he goes running back to LeBron. Boy, if only IT still had IT!!!!!!!

I have gone on and on enough, but this has been a terrible day for me thinking about this. If only I got paid by the hour for the time I put in worrying!!!!!

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If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend? Empty Re: If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

Post by NYCelt Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:28 pm

Great question for debate!

In reverse order...

#4 If you have paid and kept Kyrie, tell him less talk and more D will make him the leader he wants to become. Fine him every time he points a finger at "the young guys."

#3 Do not let Rozier go unless/until you've decided to lock Irving up.

#2 Sign the best FA defense oriented, rebounding big you can find.

#1 Draft the best available defense oriented, rebounding big available with your highest pick. DO NOT trade this pick unless it helps bring back a defense oriented, rebounding big.

The main ingredients are getting stronger in low post/interior play and developing a team first attitude. Do those two things and you're right back where it all left off last season.

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If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend? Empty Re: If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

Post by RosalieTCeltics Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:31 pm

Excellent points but how do you think he would react to discipline? It seems like everyone is walking on egg shells.
Do not get me wrong, I would love to find a way to keep a talent like this on my team, it is a generational type player.

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If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend? Empty Re: If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

Post by NYCelt Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:58 pm


I'm not sure Kyrie takes well to discipline at all.

However, in order for him to use his immense talent as part of this team, he has to understand the pecking order starts with the coach. I think Irving currently sees himself as something higher.

I also believe he needs to get out of Smart's way and let Smart do the talking.

What the odds are on either of those things happening, well, I'm uncertain.


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If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend? Empty Re: If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

Post by kdp59 Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:46 am

Let Irving walk , I;m not even offering him a contract. He's blown up two teams now already.

Re-sign Rozier and Morris not because they are the best bang for the buck, but because we CAN sign them under bird rights being over the cap and other teams Free agents we can't sign.

Trade up in the draftith the Kings and Clippers picks to get the best big man Danny feels is there, Bol, Gafford, Hayes, Fernando, etc. We need more real big men (and I mean players OVER 6-10)

draft a shooter with out own late pick.

Let Monroe, Wannamaker walk

use the MLE to sign Isaiah Thomas...if nothing else Danny owes him that.

Resign Thies if possible.


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If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend? Empty Re: If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

Post by dboss Tue Mar 26, 2019 12:45 pm

You need elite talent to win but the Celtics do not have enough elite level talent in the front line.

I think Danny is going to blow this team up. Something miraculous would have to happen to prevent him from doing that.

Hold on to your seats as we are in for a rough ride.


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If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend? Empty Re: If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

Post by RosalieTCeltics Tue Mar 26, 2019 4:22 pm

If he blows it up, who will want to come without Kyrie here??? Superstars want to play with superstars. I do believe some of these kids will be gone and the way Tatum has progressed this year it is making it a little easier to include him in a trade (and I am beginning to wonder if this is what he wants) I really would hate to see Jaylen go, I still think there is more to see there. Smart with his temper, has put himself in a funny position. Two years in a row. Luckily he didn't hurt himself this year.

Morris and Rozier are gone as far as I can see, unless Kyrie walks and Danny needs insurance. But he is NOT the guy I want leading this team. Too inconsistent. Morris probably cannot wait to go.

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If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend? Empty Re: If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

Post by Shamrock1000 Tue Mar 26, 2019 6:20 pm

RosalieTCeltics wrote:If he blows it up, who will want to come without Kyrie here???  Superstars want to play with superstars.  I do believe some of these kids will be gone and the way Tatum has progressed this year it is making it a little easier to include him in a trade (and I am beginning to wonder if this is what he wants)   I really would hate to see Jaylen go, I still think there is more to see there. Smart with his temper, has put himself in a funny position. Two years in a row. Luckily he didn't hurt himself this year.  

Morris and Rozier are gone as far as I can see, unless Kyrie walks and Danny needs insurance. But he is NOT the guy I want leading this team. Too inconsistent. Morris probably cannot wait to go.

I am not so sure Kyrie is such a huge draw. Reading between the lines from some of the things his teammates have said, both here and in Cleveland, it sounds like Kyrie might be a little moody, and that those moods can influence a locker room. Also, at least to me, Kyrie comes off as kind of pretentious some times (and I am a pretentious bore myself!!!) - I could see how he could rub a lot of people the wrong way.

I think Tatum may have been a little over-rated last summer, but now he seems under-rated. I am going to assume he is going through a little slump and that he will eventually pull out of it. It is not entirely fair to compare his development to some other sophomores. Tatum is maybe the 3rd option on a supposed contender - I am pretty sure if he were on a lottery team, he would be putting up similar numbers.


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If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend? Empty Re: If you had Danny's ear, what would you recommend?

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