Comments From The Other Side - vs Nets, Home, 3/6/22

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Comments From The Other Side - vs Nets, Home, 3/6/22 Empty Comments From The Other Side - vs Nets, Home, 3/6/22

Post by bobheckler Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:13 am

by FLCeltsFan

Really hope our good friend Marcus Smart doesn't shoot the lights out from 3 again.

No excuses today. KD and Kyrie should be enough to beat these guys. Please give a convincing win

Zach Zarba is ref crew chief today. "Let the flopping begin"

Our coaching staff is inept but a win here with everyone playing except Simmons can right the ship.

Our players are Inept from the superstars on down.

Nash being considered a good coach was always downright laughable. If he’s not fired at the end of the season, nothing will change no matter what moves are made. They have more double digits losses than the Pacers.

At least Ky will be well rested

Rested from what? Laying on the couch?

Kyrie is showing Ben how to shut up a hostile crowd.

I think this game might just determine how much to panic

When i got tickets for this in December, I did not think i would be going to a game that could put the Nets under .500.

Kyrie is a killer, he will ball out just like he did at Boston in the playoffs

Wonder if the gardens boos for Kyrie are gonna help or hurt his shot. I’m gonna go with the former.

Hopefully Marcus Smart doesn't turn into Ray Allen against us like he always does (in regular season games)

Watching Ime coach circles around Nash makes me want to weep

Udoka was another good coach we had on the bench last year. Him and Dantoni were saving our a**es.

Wtf, Grant Williams is shooting 45% from 3

Didn’t realize how big the Celtics are. Smart, Brown, Tatum, Horford, Williams is their starting lineup. So one of Kyrie/Curry on Brown. Even Smart has 20 lbs on Curry/Kyrie

Someone take the thesaurus away from Mark Jones

this is why you want/ need home court in the playoffs. The refs are such little b**ches to the away team

We get whacked? Play on   Tatum gets grazed? FOUL!

I’m hearing a lot of cheers for Brooklyn when we score but TD Garden is LOUD

All the ranting going on and we up 5. Nets will win only on talent if they win. Claxton has to get in the game.

Trying to implement a post-Harden defensive scheme with 18 games left in the season…it shows

Shouldn’t take much since he didn’t play defense this year

Why’s that not a flagrant on horford? Gave Kyrie no room to land

Because it’s kyrie. You’re allowed to undercut him

Robert Williams is what we thought Claxton would become

Robert Williams is awesome. He’s becoming one of my favorite players. So much BigJay in his game.

Marcus Smart: 32% 3 point shooter against the league. 70% against the Nets

Smart got blown down by the wind of dragic going past him and they called it

I’m so fed up watching the Celtics just manhandling the Nets players and no calls. Every play on the Celtics is a whistle.

Tatum is a 33% shooter. Somehow hes making every single shot.

It doesn't help that we don't have any wings to defend him.

"We'll make mistakes, but we'll make it with pace."  Nash so quotable.

Grant Williams has never committed a foul

Keep kicking out and falling on those jumpers Tatum

Smart is a crazy Net killer

Watching LMA get blown by byTatum is irritating

I hate to admit it but d**n...Tatum is a special player.

Why hate to admit it? He’s phenomenal

James Johnson needs to go. Straight liability for this team.

This defense is practicing social distancing this is honestly pathetic

Drummond literally let Tatum walk into an open shot. He deserves to sit  (MY NOTE:  As I said in my post-game comments, our bigs will go out to the arc.  Drummond and others (e.g. Whiteside) won't)

Get James Johnson off the court. Awful player.

Put Johnson on Tatum at least he can guard him

Dude wtf is James Johnson doing

Blackmailing Nash I'm assuming

I really think like James Johnson is running a blackmailing operation against the nets or something, that’s the only explanation

Tatum just getting open looks like he’s in practice

Tatum killing us

why do the Celtics shorts look like they got dirt on the side? 🤣

Dragic is so old and slow

Love the Celtics fans coming into the thread to talk sh**.   They have one good month in 40 years and think they got game lmao

I hate how Horfords weird shot always goes in

Hate the fact that Al Horford is back on this Celtics team

That was an insane trade for them

Get that bum grant Williams outta there

Celtics fans booing like they haven’t gotten a foul on every shot

refs hate us still. i thought that might change after the deadline

Getting lucky on some calls, not a foul on Williams there

I can’t lie Williams be eating us alive

We just let teams stick around all the time. We have no killer instinct

Almost as painful listening to Doris Burke than it is watching James Johnson.   (MY NOTE:  Is that you, ktron?  Were you moonlighting on two Game On! threads?)

Claxton is the only one giving Tatum trouble

Marcus smart literally hop steps to the side while setting screens and it’s never called

Can we please not sh** the bed in the 3rd quarter like we have recently lol

Ime udoka was right. No offensive scheme, just Durant and Irving isos every play with the occasional pass to a big man.

I don't like how we've let Tatum get into a good rhythm. Now he's just killing us on ISOs. I knew Kyrie was cooked when even Kd is having trouble. Would be nice to have Ben shut that down.

Refs and Tatum vs the Nets lmao

Hate to say this, but we're not a good team; we're just a team with good players.

The Celtics run a switch heavy system. The Nets won’t get easy looks for Curry or Mills by running pin downs and screening for them.

Robert Williams with 5 blocks is so stupid

After last years playoff series, I don’t think there is a more punchable face in the NBA for me than Marcus Smart, I despise him. Doesn’t help that he seems to turn into Kobe when he plays the Nets.

Grant Williams acts like he’s the DPOY and goes nuts every time he gets called for a foul. Really annoying and prob copying what Marcus Smart does all the time

Serious question: What is Nic Claxton good at?

Stop giving Tatum open practice 3s

Why is Tatum getting uncontested 3s?? Like 7 already todat

Stfu Doris there was nothing unbelievable about that shot

3rd quarter collapse time right on cue. Lmao

These wide open threes for Tatum are getting ridiculous. Some of these aren't even coming in transition.

Tatum absolutely cooking us

You give up that many open threes of course Tatum is going get hot.

I’m so sick of Nash being a cheerleader.

Lol Tatum is going to shoot 20 3s this game

How do you give their best player wide open shots like this? Like if Tatum is hitting contested shots, so be it. But all of his looks are open.

Why is Curry out there? He can’t defend anyone. And he is a redundant ball handler with KD/Kyrie both on the court.

Kyrie can't defend sh**

Need kyrie to step up now, 10 points aint gonna cut it against the celtics.

Doris Burke is openly rooting against us   (MY NOTE:  That's what happens when you have a bunch of arrogant, self-centered iso players in a team sport)

Booing kyrie in 2022… pathetic. Get over it, that sh** happened like 5 years ago

Ridiculous how good Robert Williams is   (MY NOTE:  The Time Lord's time has come!)

The Bruce Brown switch onto Tatum had saved us. They've taken a break roasting Kyrie on defense.

Really giving a lot of airtime to JT complaining about calls

KD pulling up over Robert Williams lmao

Marcus smart tries to sell everything

Smart is the most annoying bush league player of all time. He’s mastered the flop as though it were a viable tool

I respect tatum as a player - he’s tremendous.  The crying about fouls tho he’s a certified b**ch for that for the amount of crying he does

Big baby Davis is at the game? I thought his dumb a** was under federal indictment?

How did Glen davis get those seats i hear he piled a massive gambling debt

Lmaoooo Glen Davis stealing seats at TD Garden

Lmaooo escort Glen Davis back up to those nosebleed seats he bought

Can we not fall apart at the end of a quarter for once

Double teaming Aldridge? Celtics are crazy lmao

Tatum returns and the lead evaporates huh

Refs are feeding the Celtics

Doris has a crush on tatum

ESPN has made this a bit too pro Celtic of a production. They’re a legendary franchise but cmon

Remember when Tatum was a no show during the Olympics and Durant had to drag him to the gold medal?

Ben Simmons with that insane stat line today

The game is gonna come down to if Kyrie can outplay Jaylen Brown for the minutes that KD sits  (MY NOTE:  And he didn't)

Kai is a little flustered today it seems

Bench Kyrie, he's clearly struggling today

Kyrie’s been sh** today

3 guards on the court and we only run isos. Nash is trash

Tatum is going off.

Celtics aren’t going to go away.

That’s was the most obvious foul can’t believe Tatum was crying about that

i feel like the celtics would have to actively shoot a referee to get a technical for their constant whining no matter what is happening

Why hasn't Nash put in ben simmons? Someone has got to stop tatum

This game is very different with Simmons on Tatum

at some point it just starts showing that we're not very good, it is what it is

Tatum has by far been the best player on the floor today.

This team is lost defensively. And now choking on offense.

Thank God KD signed an extension, because if I were him I’d wanna get the f*** outta here.

Unmerciful battle between KD and Tatum. Two studs. What a game.

For all of those yearning for Claxton please refer to his fourth quarter offensive touches tonight. All were bad.

Midget Prichards gets 2 off boards on one play, this is all hustle, and Nets got none

We really look old next to Celtics youthful energy. Brown is the only one getting steals. Everyone else plays old d.

Give Tatum a tech please, hes such a whiny baby out there

This is what separates KD and Tatum   Tatum having a career game yet down the stretch it’s KD outplaying him

Tatum pushing Claxton around. Toothpick needs to gain some weight.

Let Kyrie sit down for the end of this game, he's a net negative right now

wow that was sick, Tatum is MJ today

Gotta say, Tatum has been incredible this game. Hats off to him

Kyrie shrunk tonight

Celtics are the top D in the NBA  (MY NOTE:  They were #1 going into the game but we gave up 120 points.  I know that Brooklyn has a high-powered offense and that should be expected but it might have knocked us down to #2)

Cut dragic he’s a scrub, also kyrie get vaccinated we now have a losing record

KD is the only star we have. Playing like a superstar here with high efficiency.   Kyrie is just a role player.

Garbage lineup, garbage defense, garbage effort

What did people think this was going to be easy today? Boston is the hottest team in the NBA

It’s a good thing Kyrie has only played 25 minutes. We wouldn’t want him to be exhausted for the 5 games he has remaining.  (MY NOTE:  Time to wake up and smell the sarcasm)

We have 3 players under 6’4. The Celtics shortest player is 6’4…

This team is just better than us.

please cryofreeze kd for the season and teach ben to shoot righthanded and we're good to go for next season

Man if only KD had a guy as good as Marcus smart as a bff

All our shooters are massive defensive liabilities.

Kyrie somehow plays a quarter of the games while also being worse than last year, you'd think he'd at least go crazy when he does play

Kyrie is everything wrong with this team man. He disappears whenever we need him on and off the basketball court. I’m so sick of having an unreliable superstar.

Boston fans chanting what most of us here are thinking

Kyrie Sucks!!!!

Kyrie is pathetic

Boston loving Kyrie’s epic fail today

Kyrie shook to play in Boston. Can’t play in Boston can’t play in Toronto..

Tatum is out of his mind lmao

If Simmons on Tatum dude shouldn’t score

Some people think Simmons will fix some issues.  When has Simmons ever fixed any issues?

Tatum dropping 50 on us again

The celtics playing like its the nba finals  (MY NOTE:  Credit to Ime and his staff for this.  GREAT job)

Kyrie didn't play almost the whole season just to be trash

Yeah we suck

This team is exhausting to watch. Kyrie played like 🗑️.

He’s shook because he can’t dodge playing in Boston.

19 as a superstar is f***ing pathetic. Especially the superstar that decided to miss half the season because he's scared of a shot.

KD shaking his head like he now realizes what Kyrie put this team through.

Mr. Part Time was a non factor today

All I know is if Nash was coaching the Celtics they'd be a 10th seed right now

should have kept ime udoka over nash

Udoka actually put time in as an assistant learning how to coach, he wasnt gifted a head coaching job like Nash was. Huge difference

we cant even beat the celtics with kd and kyrie

F*** that streaky b**ch TaBum fraud role player getting coddled by the refs like he's a star

Tatum is a star, he's just being defended by a parade of midgets for the most part. Then of course we just leave him open from time to time

Was a close game, until the Celtics showed up.

We suck

Kyrie ruined this team

Kyrie flaking on us tanked the season from the start

looking like Harden made the right choice to leave…

This was one of the few games where I said coaching made a difference…game in balance Boston double teamed KD off every pick and we allowed Tatum to go 1 on 1 off of his picks…that decided the game…couple calls here and there but that ultimately decided it

Wish we had Ime as the coach

D**n this team is so broken. Coaching decisions make zero sense, no chemistry whatsoever. Season ticketholders should be refunded. Kyrie tanking the season will go down as one of the most selfish moves in all of basketball.

We had both KD and Kyrie.   And we still couldn't beat them. No excuses today.

I'm thinking, Kyrie & KD can't beat a real team.

Season over. Let’s look forward to next season until about game 22 when the entire team is hurt and we say “wait until this team is healthy”

Serious question since I wasn’t able to watch the game. Did Ben Simmons travel with the team and was he on the bench?

no  All part of Ben’s plan to not make the Philly game I suppose.

Overrated Brooklyn. As usual. Kevin Durant isn't a leader. Neither is kyrie. This team is clown status. Being a good basketball player doesn't mean you're a good leader. Kd can get his stats but he will never win a ring without 3 or 4 other stars. Clownnnnn

Silver lining, we have the 5th easiest schedule left but of course we have to you know, win them.

We thinking about next year yet?

At least we have our first round pick... oh wait

I still cant believe we gave an apprentice the job as coach

We need to trade for Westbrook at this point, we need a REAL point guard running this show. He will unlock the team instead of KD ball hogging the whole game  (MY NOTE:  Yeah, because Westbrook and Durant playing together won them so many Championships the first time.  Now the Nets don't even have Harden like OKC did)

We’ve lost 17 of the last 20 games. Just let that sink in.

D**n when u put it like that  what a rough stretch

A stretch implies there's a reversal coming. Nah, this is a full on torpedo dive

The only way these issues get fixed is if Nash gets fired and replaced with a competent coach.

I think that and trading Kyrie away. I think Kd will be done with him after this season. Gotta convince Dame to force the trade.

I've defended the dude for awhile but I feel like I've become a certified Kyrie hater more and more as this season goes on.

Not trading Kyrie when he was being a conspiracy theorist was the nail in our coffin.

This is some absolutely painful defense. I can't tell if we need Ben Simmons or if adding him is just going to create easy double teams on Durant since he's not an offensive threat.

I’m not alone in still believing Ben is soft as baby sh**, right?

Anybody who says Ben Simmons now has a back thing is also gaslighting you. I guarantee it. His back will magically heal very quickly after the 76ers game.

It’s crazy how good of a coach Udoka has become. I remember so many people saying he was crap at the start of the season.

Wish he was our coach.

I cannot believe we let a real coach go to Boston to keep Nash



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Comments From The Other Side - vs Nets, Home, 3/6/22 Empty Re: Comments From The Other Side - vs Nets, Home, 3/6/22

Post by atcross Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:33 pm

"Hate to say this, but we're not a good team; we're just a team with good players." should be a poster on every GM's wall.


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