Vitor Faverani: 6 Things I learned about the Team's Mystery Man from Brazil

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Vitor Faverani:  6 Things I learned about the Team's Mystery Man from Brazil Empty Vitor Faverani: 6 Things I learned about the Team's Mystery Man from Brazil

Post by bobheckler Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:09 pm

Contrary to what was reported on Media Day, that is NOT a mohawk.

Boston Celtics center Vitor Faverani: 6 things we learned about the team's mystery man from Brazil
Print Nick O'Malley, By Nick O'Malley,
on September 30, 2013 at 6:32 PM, updated September 30, 2013 at 7:54 PM

Vitor Faverani:  6 Things I learned about the Team's Mystery Man from Brazil BVbeQ3hIMAEQ34U

WALTHAM – For a couple months, Brazilian center Vitor Faverani -- AKA "El Hombre Indestructible" -- was the Boston Celtics' mystery man.

The team agreed to a three-year deal with the 25-year-old big man back in July. But since then, few details (and even viewer quality images or videos) concerning Faverani had emerged.

So when the tall -- but not incredibly imposing -- NBA rookie took to the podium with Austin Ainge, the son of Celtics GM Danny who was there to assist in translation, no one was quite sure what to expect.

How would the mythical Brazilian center perform when thrust in front of a throng of American reporters for the first time?

Pretty well, actually. And with a surprising sense of humor.

Though Ainge was present at the press conference and translated most questions from reporters, Faverani spoke for himself with surprising English proficiency, responding with dry wit and creating a light environment for his first NBA media exposure.

"Not too much questions, please," Faverani said jokingly to open the presser, drawing a laugh from reporters, one of whom claimed that the Brazilian could understand them just fine judging from that line.

Here's what we learned from Faverani's first interaction with the media:

1. He really wanted to join the Celtics

When asked about his decision to come to Boston, Faverani left little room for doubt that this is where he wanted to go.

"It [wasn't] difficult to come here," Faverani said. "It's the best team in the NBA. That's very important for me. So when I came her for perhaps the first time. I think I want to stay here forever."

The Brazilian center went even further when a reporter asked him what it meant to where the Green and White of the Celtics.

"I don't know [if] I can explain for you, you know," Faverani said. "It's a dream for me to put on this t-shirt."

The Celtics have brought in a number in Brazilian players (such as Fab Melo) over the past few seasons. But when he was asked about the franchise's track record, Faverani said that it didn't play a factor in his deciding to come to Boston.

2. The Celtics swooped in and signed him before any other teams could jump in

When one reporter asked if there were any other teams competing to sign him, Faverani mostly deferred to it being his manager's responsibility. All Faverani knows is that his manager told him that the Celtics wanted to sign him, and he said yes.

Ainge followed up by saying that the Celtics were in early on Faverani and worked quickly with his camp to get a deal done as soon as possible, to avoid any kind of bidding war.

3. He's physical, likes to play down in the paint but can also shoot 3-pointers

"My playstyle? I don't know, I like '5' plays in the paint: rebounds, dunks, pick-and-rolls... I'm [a] center -- no more," Faverani said.

Ainge followed up with a little more vivid description of Faverani's game.

"He loves to hit. He's physical," Ainge said. "He comes in an makes things happen and instigates contact and he can step out and shoot 3's. He's a pretty good passer from the high post and he runs the floor pretty well."

As for whether he'll be able to bring his game over to the NBA? Faverani's not sure. But it's still the same game.

"As I [said], I play physical plays. I like passes, I like dunks, I like [to] play pick-and-roll," Faverani said. "This is basketball, so I think [if] I can play in Spain like this, I hope I can play here too."

4. He likes his nickname: "El Hombre Indestructible"

"I don't know who put the nickname [on] me," Faverani said. "But I'm happy, because I like this name."

5. He didn't have a favorite player growing up, but there are some players he loves

Here are the top players that Faverani mentioned: Larry Bird ("I love Larry Bird, how he shoots and plays.") Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant.

6. His number 38 has a story behind it

"My friends, they play handball," Faverani said. "One day [at] my house we're waiting, and my number every time is 13. So [my friend says] if you play with 38, I'm getting a tattoo for you. So, [because I wore] the number 38, he got the tattoo."

Fortunately for Faverani's friend, he likes the number 38 and hasn't thought about changing to 13 to mess with him, as one reporter asked if he'd ever considered doing.



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