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Post by bobheckler Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:23 pm

Tank this baby. We gotta outdo the Celtics for the pick

Those are the presumed Celtics starters. With Ainge as GM, it's hard to say whether they'll be traded by Friday.

Tank or no tank, you do not lose to the Celtics. EVER.

No matter how bad we are, I always want us to beat the Celtics.

I hope we destroy them.

When the Celtics have the pick we wanted I'm sure we'll all be happy about the one game we won.

Lets put the tanking stop just for this game... Beat Boston!!! Then we could tank again!

I don't know if that's even possible, since our tank is much bigger than theirs.

You do realize that Boston WANTS to lose? So in effect if we win the game, we will be giving them exactly what they want.    Do not give Boston what they want - take it from them. A Laker game loss is the true victory.

I hate the Celtics. I've hated them for as long as I can remember, I don't wear the color green and whenever I go to Massachussets, I have a big middle finger sticking up and my purple 24 jersey representing LA. But just this once, I want Rondo to run buck wild on Marshall and reveal him for the scrub he actually is.

I know were supposed to be tanking. But dammit, if we can win in Chowdah City , we can lose every game for the rest of the season and I wouldn't mind.

I'm pretty sure Celts fans want to win this game too. Rivalries > tanks

For this game, I don't care if we are on a tank mission with a band of scrubs. I always want to see the Lakers beat the Celtics!

The Lakers are 1/2 game behind the Celtics in the tank race. A win puts us a game and a half behind, where a loss puts us a half game ahead of them....and the name of this game is "ping pong balls!"

As Kurt Rambis was walking off the court in Boston, Nick Young was talking about Larry Bird. Rambis interjected, jokingly: "F--- Bird!"

I love the fact that Rambis still doesn't talk to McHale. I mean, I don't hate McHale anymore, but some grudges should just never go away.

Lose this, F the rivalry, this game doesn't mean anything, by getting a top draft pick we can pass the Celts in number of banners in the future.

Please win this one....Please! Hate these basturds!!!

Destroy these green scum. GO LAKERS!!!

Let's beat Boston at their own game and outtank them. Ainge would be so pissed to see the lakers call Wiggins name before them.

Ainge told the refs, don't give us the home calls we normally get.

Man a few years ago the Lakers vs Celtics was the biggest game of the year, crowd was wild, players on the court hated each other, now its just like a scrimmage out there

Battle of who doesn't want to win.

So far, unfortunately, they (the Celtics) clearly look like they want to win less.

They haven't seen the lakers secret weapon. The third quarter.

More excited to see Rondo play rather than any of our guys

We're going to win this game. I can feel it

Wtf...that's bos coach...??? He looks like he has 25years..

Crappy Lakers vs Crappy Celtics lol If there was ever a meaningless game this would be it

Wow, the Celts suck worse than we do... They're like the best tankers evar!

Olynyk looks like a girl.

Is that the dude that looks like Jay from Jay and silent Bob?

I wish we had Bradley's defense

If the Celtics were smarter or cared more, they'd try to outrun us every single chance they got. They could run us out of the building quick. Just about any team could do that to us for that matter.

I wish Bradley wasn't a Celtic. I really like his game.

I always liked Ollynyk's game. Shame the Celtics got him.

Don't sleep on Olynyk. Dude may look like a girl or Jay (from Jay and Silent Bob) but dude can play. I'm sure he'll most likely have a career night against is. Most unknown guys do.

Who the f*** is pressey

A pretty good pass 1st PG who went undrafted this past draft. Decent to good athlete whose not a great scorer but a very natural passer.

This is truly like watching a D-league game.

Rondo's making Marshall look WORSE than a D-leaguer.

Rondo taking Marshall to school. Take him out before he's psychologically scarred for life.

The Celtics are bad at tanking

I'm in pain. My Lakers can't beat a rug.

Rondo driving the green tank off a cliff, while the Purple &Gold tank moves forward in its quest to win the war

Rondo is their team. Unfortunately for us (or fortunately, depending how you feel about tanking) they really kept Rondo's minutes down in the first half while he was finding his timing. He should be on the floor to close the game unless they are committed to the tank.

Rondo was fouled. Lakers got away with it.

I want Rondo to be a Laker.

I want Pau to be a Celtic.

This team is god-awful.... They can't even beat a tanking team.... Please trade these garbage goons.

Gasol dunks with titanic power when unguarded. I bet he is a formidable and undefeated shadow boxer too.

We REALLY suck guys Even worse than the putrid Celts

Yeah, we're total garbage this season. Never expected it to be this bad.

Rondo looking like classic rondo

Without PP and KG it really doesn’t feel like any kind of rivalry. It’s all a bit like an old beloved dog who is ill and in pain, you just wanna put the poor fella out of his misery and end his suffering and then give the owner the top pick in the draft to make it meaningful again.

These Boston announcers are so biased. They can't even call our big men by their name on the back and just call them "that big guy".

We're on the comeback trail, only down 3 Celtics got their tanking orders at halftime.

Lmaooo Humphries thought the ball was a Kardashian !!!!!!!



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