Back to the future on an alternate timeline...

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Back to the future on an alternate timeline... Empty Back to the future on an alternate timeline...

Post by fiorelladad Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:34 pm

Bear with me, since the 07 trade of the B3 we were supposed to have a window of 3 years to win it all. In the first year the Finals were back home in Boston and by the end of them the most repeated phrase in NBA history: "The Celtics are World Champions once again" was uttered once more. Last year we were a great oiled machine starting 27-2 and reaching the playoffs with a record of 62-20. We got past the first round and went to 7 games with the eventual ECC. This year we are 32-17 and confronting problems that should have arisen in the first year of this core team not on the third. They have gone from winning it all to being discombobulated as a whole. This is what I mean by time travel: The Celtics problems right now: lack of focus, complacency, chemistry woes, 48 minute hustle and a lack of urgency and killer instinct are problems that they should have had in the first year, not the third. In my eyes this team has regressed mentally to having to deal with problems that should have surfaced the first year of this group but didn't. Right now, there is no excuse for this team to be having these problems and please note that I haven't mentioned anything physical. Age and injuries are part of every team but the lack of mental toughness is inexcusable especially on a veteran team that "hangs their hat" on defense.

I know this is only half of the season but this team has been playing with no energy, no focus and with a non-existent or fake swagger most of their games especially at home. I don't know how many punches in the mouth do they have to get to dig deep and find that element that would cure ALL their woes and make them the most feared team in the league again: Celtic PRIDE. If they continue to play without their hearts they better watch those fingers for the window will shut down faster than they think.

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Back to the future on an alternate timeline... Empty Re: Back to the future on an alternate timeline...

Post by jeb Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:37 pm


It damn sure looks that way. I concur...heart is missing. Guts.

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Join date : 2009-10-16
Age : 59

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