Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by 112288 Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:30 pm

A lot rides on Celtics finish

Judgment on court

By Steve Bulpett
Saturday, February 27, 2010

The plan was pretty well set in the Celtics [team stats]’ minds. The club would ride the wave as best it could this season and next, then be in a position where it could squeeze out another year or rebuild almost from scratch.

Whatever that call might be, at least in the summer of 2011, the Celts would be looking back on at least one championship with the possibility of more. Four years as a top contender would have infused the organization with great revenue streams, and with a young point guard and center in place, the chance for a quick reconstruction project would be strong.

But the best laid plans of general manager Danny Ainge and friends have been hit with a case of uncertainty. The way the C’s have played these last months, alternately with brilliance and utter mediocrity, has left the franchise wondering if it may have to make more serious moves this summer.

Ainge is watching the same things you are, and he’s well aware the time is coming when he’ll have to hold, draw or fold.

“I’m constantly thinking about that,” he said. “But I think what happens beyond this season will be based more on how this team performs from here on out than what’s happened to this point.

“I think we’ll know a lot more about this team over the next few months. All we can do now is speculate.”

And be ready to cut in widely divergent directions based on the findings.

“I’m prepared in either scenario,” Ainge said. “We’ll either add to this team or change it.

“And,” he added, “change it big or small. It will become more clear as the season winds down.”

For now, nothing is clear.

“My take is simple,” Ainge said. “My take is that we do a lot of things right. We’re getting leads against top teams on the road and at home. And then we’re doing a lot of things consistently wrong to let those leads go by the wayside.

“If we were not getting the leads, it would be a simpler conclusion. But we’re playing good basketball.”

And then the Celtics do not play good basketball.

“We’re somewhat consistent in how we respond to adversity, and that’s a big problem,” Ainge said. “When things start going in the other direction, we’re not doing a good enough job of stopping the bleeding.

“(Thursday) night was a good example,” he went on, referring to the Cavaliers game in which the C’s led by double figures before losing by 20. “We were ready to play. We came out and we were playing good basketball. We didn’t play great in the first half, but we were playing good. Then in the second half we looked bored. We gave up four layups, and it’s like, where is the urgency?”

Like everyone else, Ainge has tried to pinpoint the root of the problem. Like almost no one else, his diagnosis is discussed in the dressing room.
“There are always little things you can point to,” Ainge said. “We didn’t shoot the 3 (well), we didn’t make free throws, or the bench didn’t come in and play well. But the one consistent pattern is that our starters have to come out and set the tone and they have to play better down the stretch of games, and that hasn’t happened.

“Our starters have been together three years, and age is not a factor. They have to do a better job of finishing games and playing better as a unit. But they haven’t, and that’s the pattern that has developed. I do believe that pattern can be rectified, because I’ve seen it. But that has been the theme song the last month and a half - not getting it done when we have to.”

The question now is whether this is a team dribbling toward its demise like the Pistons of a few years ago or whether it’s one of those Celtics [team stats] squads of the 1960s that stumbled into the playoffs and then just kept winning.

“I don’t know the answer to that,” Ainge said. “I don’t know what the real case is. I don’t know if we’ll know the answer until we get to the playoffs. Until this team runs its course, all we can do is speculate. The playoffs is when this team will be defined, and I still have hope.”


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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by Sam Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:05 pm

Danny's saying what has been obvious for quite a while. It's premature to be doing all sorts of conjecturing about the future when the current situation is so clouded. The plan for this season is in place. The only logical approach is to see what happens between now and June...ascertain how the team really shakes down...and only then proceed based on fact, not on premature fantasies.

If anyone believes a team with this talent (even at this age level) is currently displaying the maximum of what a team with this talent (even at this age level) is capable of, well...I don't think I want to continue that sentence. Danny is absolutely correct when he says it is ill-advised to project into the future based on the conditions that exist today.

And, yes, I think we all understand people's current grievances with the team. This forum is available for more repetition of such grievances if it provides cathartic value. I hope no one minds if I choose to focus on how to get the most value out of watching the rremainder of the games by (1) attempting to identify what needs to change in the team as currently constituted in order to maximize their performance this season; (2) watching and hoping for such changes to occur; and (3) hopefully enjoying the fruits of those exercises by playoff time.

I guess people can see not only me but also Danny in April.


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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by bigpygme Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:47 am

hope i and we see you and hear from you before April, Sam ! Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Icon_smile

in the meantime, i think my biggest question is, where's the fire inside? where is the usual Celtic pride in playing hard-nosed D, relenless O, and the intangibles like who wants the loose ball more? sadly none of these things seem to be in evidence at this stage in the season.

C'mon, Celtics !


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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by Sam Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:53 pm

Michael, I'm not going anywhere. I was simply referring to my frequent comment, "See me in April," when it comes to what I feel are premature assessments of what this team can be all about.


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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by bigpygme Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:27 pm

i didn't really think so, Sam ... and i want to hold close to "what this team can be all about" too ! Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Icon_basketball
(though certainly what they could be all about is MUCH better than what we've been seeing lately.)

hope they start playing with some Pride and drive and energy and cohesion here in the last trimester of the regular season.

meanwhile i'll have to settle for the Nuggets this afternoon. we'll see how they fare against LA, the Nugs being without their best defender ... it might not be pretty ...

best regards,

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by jeb Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:30 pm


Think positive yall win this one you take up residence in their heads.

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by bigpygme Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:53 pm

jeb65 wrote:bygpyg

Think positive yall win this one you take up residence in their heads.

thx Jeb - yes, we would ! we've already taken them twice, and LA will be HUNGRY !! depends on whether Melo is on or not. the other night he was like 7 of 22 at one point - that won't do it ...

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by jeb Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:30 pm


You guys are just better. The Lakers dont like size or team speed and I think Lawson may put you over the top.

Plus to guard a guy like Smith is maddening.

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by cowens/oldschool Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:21 pm

bigpygme wrote:i didn't really think so, Sam ... and i want to hold close to "what this team can be all about" too ! Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Icon_basketball
(though certainly what they could be all about is MUCH better than what we've been seeing lately.)

hope they start playing with some Pride and drive and energy and cohesion here in the last trimester of the regular season.

meanwhile i'll have to settle for the Nuggets this afternoon. we'll see how they fare against LA, the Nugs being without their best defender ... it might not be pretty ...

best regards,

Nuggets are kickin the Lakers arss,up 10 in 3rd,Lakers have ton of turnovers,Kobe looks old is off,Lakes actually look alot like us lately.


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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by jeb Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:38 pm


I concur. Kobe looks EXCACTLY like hurt PP tryin to finish in traffic and expecting but not getting the call.

Gasol just cant handle the action when you put the Cowens muscle to him.

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by jeb Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:42 pm

Great game. Lakers comin back. Their just standin chin to chin.

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by cowens/oldschool Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:44 pm

Damn Lakes making a game of it


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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by jeb Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:47 pm


high marks. Bryant has played the entire second half. Lakers showin heart.

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by jeb Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:53 pm

I think Denver has a very real chance to beat the Lakes. Big tough front line. Good team speed.

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by jeb Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:58 pm

Man denver THINKS they can beat the lakes

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by jeb Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:01 pm

refs just GAVE game to Lakers

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by cowens/oldschool Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:04 pm

jeb65 wrote:refs just GAVE game to Lakers

what a BULLSHIT call on do you call that in last minute of close game?.....let the players decide outcome!!!


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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by cowens/oldschool Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:07 pm

how many times have commentators said how Kobe can't finish anymore and lacks his explosiveness of the past?


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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by jeb Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:10 pm


It aint hard to see. Look at his minute today. Lawson didnt play in the second half.

Artest just MUGGED Melo all day. But Odom manned up. Gasol does not like contact, he does not play well with his back to the hoop.

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by jeb Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:12 pm


43 minutes 3-17 shooting. Great game passing. Showed growth. Cant finish at the rim and it's going to get worse because Jackson dont care. He is grinding the guy down.

Odom really played well.

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by bigpygme Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:20 pm

jeb65 wrote:cow

It aint hard to see. Look at his minute today. Lawson didnt play in the second half.

Artest just MUGGED Melo all day. But Odom manned up. Gasol does not like contact, he does not play well with his back to the hoop.

yes, Artest wouldn't let Melo move -- breathe, even. and that 6th fould on Melo was total B.S. and Lawson's injury was a loss to the effort.

but man, they just threw it away, threw the ball right to the Lakers at least a half dozen times in the 2nd half. Billups, everybody was doin it. can't beat LA if you give away your offensive possessions ...

tough loss, but the Nugs are up on them 2-1 for the season. thx for the input during the game.


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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by jeb Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:35 pm


Yeah you right too many turnovers. Kobe is obviously diminished. We are seeing a changing of the guard.

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Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald Empty Re: Ainge On Celtic's - Boston Herald

Post by bigpygme Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:26 pm

looks like it. wonder when Kobe's finger's gonna get unwrapped ... he is not himself.

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