Comments From The Other Side - Warriors, Away

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Comments From The Other Side - Warriors, Away Empty Comments From The Other Side - Warriors, Away

Post by bobheckler Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:30 pm

Really need to tighten up on defense. We went from 5th, to 20th opponents ppg pretty quickly over the last week and a half.

they have to improve the defensive focus. I think the game against the Jazz may have awakened them. This is yet another tough game.

Must win game.

Boston no longer in 4/5 seed territory, and it’s going to be harder to get back if they lose to Dubs tonight

it's kinda amazing that if David Lee would've stayed in Boston, his team would've been the last one to make their first visit to Oracle

Crowder had his ankle heavily wrapped after Thursday’s loss as the team prepared to fly to Oakland and said he was ready to play through the pain against Golden State

would be dumb to play him (I think, I don’t know but I hope he doesn’t play)

Just take it easy, Jae (plus, you’ll help contribute to our historic season!)

Crowder officially out now

Perfecto! Still going to be a tough one, but this sure as heck helps us out a ton!

Boston has been playing over its head, and has been coming-down-to-earth in a spiral, lately. We will help them along and bid a fond adieu to the LEast till the Final Championship Series!

They haven’t been coming down to earth, their best (or second best) player has been injured. When he plays they’re pretty damn good (though they suffer from having only one guy that can create efficient offense)

Steve Kerr pranked the team at shootaround, saying he was going to rest Draymond Green tonight vs. Boston.

Isaiah Thomas, man I love him watching him ever since I caught him at U-Dub and when the Kings and Dubs played meaningless tank-off games But when the Warriors started winning and he became a threat, his penchant for upstanding Curry has become a concern. In that 48-34 year in Phoenix, it seemed like every game he or Dragic would drop 40 in the first half and get Curry t’ed up. Now, this season he was basically his relentless self back in December and worked Lillard(not saying much though) over most of last night….hoping he is kinda tired for the contest tonight

Didn't he kinda shoot them out of the game last night? I’m more worried about Avery Bradley.

IT had 22 points on 21 shots last night But you’re right, he does always seem to play extra hard against us. Hopefully our bigs have learned their lesson about fouling shooters and we can keep IT inefficient.

I hope we punish them for being mean to David Lee

I don’t think they were "mean" to Lee per se. Brad Stevens had great things to say about Lee’s attitude, work ethic and game. He just realized — like Kerr before him — that Lee’s smooth offensive game doesn’t offset the fact that he can’t really defend a position in today’s NBA. Stevens wants to mold the young Cs into an elite defensive team (they’re currently #5 in the NBA, right behind the Ws) and that’s not really possible with Lee getting big minutes. Given that, I thought it was kinda nice of the Cs to send him to the Mavs where he could get some productive minutes in advance of his impending free agency.

In Oakland
Kerr: "Dray, you’re resting tonight."
Draymond: Glares, knocks over trashcans
Rest of team: Riots
Meanwhile, in San Antonio
Popavich: "Timmy, you’re resting this week. Ginobili, go back to Argentina we’re not playing you until April 12. Parker and Kawhi, get in the stasis chambers we rented from Kubrick we’ll thaw you out in two weeks."

The Celtics have that skip pass scouted

Avery Bradley is one hellacious defender

and Steph can be hellaciously dumb when he thinks any and every pass will work regardless of who is on the floor

Feel fortunate. They are playing really bad

WAY too many turnovers right now. We just keep giving it back to them. Frustrating.

How do we look like the more tired team When boston just played last night

If Curry and Klay want to start playing well that'd be great

Score? ESPN hasn't switched yet     At a bar, they won't change the channel

Lol, people are assholes on the east coast

Did smart and sullinger lose some sort of bet with their hairstyles?

I actually like them Better than the Elfrid Payton and Stanley Johnson

Being better than the lowest possible bar doesn’t make them good

Keep olynik away from steph’s shoulders

gonna let Bradley get 50 or what?

Curry’s still got Thomas on him, it’s not even Bradley

Sure hoping we're able to play like an actual elite team tonight

Steph always gotta suck against IT

This is ridiculous. I'm very confused why we're getting beat and outlasted by a tired bunch a scrubs

Id hardly call Boston a bunch of scrubs

Steph plays polite against IT like he doesn’t want to offend him by trying too hard

Boston plays a perfect 1st quarter and trails by 2 That’s p funny

A lot of times warriors poor quarters are on them, but I gotta give a lot of credit to the Celtics defense

yeah really good pressure and great job running around our screens and staying CLOSE

We need to match the defensive intensity and our offense will be fine. This is going to be a long night.

This is the worst I've seen us play all year. We look lost out there right now.

Is there a way we can gerrymander the Playoffs so that the Spurs face the Celts?

Seems like Celtics were prepared to come out and defend But their energy will give out.

rozier’s had nothing to do with the floor, but there does seem to be a lot of guys falling all over the place. i don’t think it’s all the shoes either

Wish we would have been able to draft him Boston took both players Warriors were targeting early on

These refs hate us, so many shitty calls against us already

Come on refs. Monty Mcutchen, you are way better than this.

i love Livo's turn around over midgets

calls only on one end

I'll have to give credit to the Celtics for our funk here. Even though I can't really see it, they must be thwarting us somehow.

Speights is like training wheels for learning how to pass Because no one is ever guarding him and he is wide open.

Green jumped on a pumpfake from a guy he’s a foot taller than

damn starters are so f***ing dumb sometimes

Klay and Steph playing like trash tonight

Bogut has been useless tonight

Everyone on this team but SDot and HB is complete garbage

We look like we are the team on a B2B!

Another game where the refs are trying to help But really, they don’t need to. Game is already competitive. Of course, it might not be were they not interfering.

F Monty McCutcheon, dude has been on some Tony Brothers/Zach Zarba bs tonight

Tell me these refs are unbiased with a straight face. Go on, try it

This is the worst officiating ive seen all year Which is surprising because these are excellent officials

i’ve said before, being "excellent" in the nba as a ref doesn’t mean you’re good, it means you’re just slightly less shit than the rest of the group

Dirty secret: those last two calls were correct (MY NOTE:  I don't know which calls he's talking about, but credit for admitting it)

Celtics playing with more determination...because they need this win. Tight race in the East, currently they’re at #6. They were hoping to win last night’s game, they probably need to win this to keep up.

the over and back yeah, the offensive foul not a chance

His right arm smacked Isaiah, and McCutchen was right there

I mean... Considering Curry can actually regularly make shots beyond the half court line I vote he shouldn’t have to abide by the over and back rule.

wish Kerr would pull a Popp and start the bench in the 2nd half, starters couldnt woop a d-league squad tonight

Should we give credit to the Celtics' defense for getting into our heads?

Yeah you probably should Avery Bradley is great at frustrating opposing guards

They've been playing great perimeter defense Our guys need to get used to it with the playoffs coming up.

Celtics on a B2B, embarrassing effort by us.

I think someone switched our Curry with the shittier Curry

Celtics getting all the calls so far...hopefully Monty doesn't ref too many of the W's playoff games.

The Golden State Turnovers.

This should be our logo.

Comments From The Other Side - Warriors, Away Shakes-desserts-turnover-cherry-1024x557

Ok I'm getting sick of Curry being out scored by lesser players(with all due respect to Avery Bradley).

Curry still adjusting to aggressive style defense by the Cs. That being said, we had little adjustment on the offense and they are still putting up casual passes.

Bradley with the 3. He's outplaying the splash brothers lol

I give Full Credit to the Celtics’ defense. Refs have played a minute part in throwing us off balance BUT most of it has been Boston playing stellar defense.

I'm not worried at all. Boston hasn't impressed me TOs and Refs are why this game is close.

That's dumb..they haven't shot well...are on a B2B on a tough trip...and were leading at the half..playing good D That's not impressive…come on man.

Klay is dominating Thomas defensively

We know what Isaiah can do against us...lets not jinx it

Thomas has been quiet hasn’t he?

Are we really scared of their elite rim protection? Take the ball to the hoop

wth was that IT flop in the air

Bradley has been an absolute Monster defensively

IT is just throwing the ball up looking for a foul. Refs are bailing him out.

I Thomas is a Curry wanna be. Steph gets treated for blood, so does IT. Curry wears towel over his head, guess what Thomas does

so when is steph gonna get those calls IT get

Barnes should just go lay down, take a nap or somethin'

Does ESPN stand for "No Replays shown ever?"


Remember everyone, Monty mccutchon is going to be officiating the nba finals

If Thomas is going to try and use the refs to win the game can someone just knock him the F*** out?

We are playing bad defense as well as bad offense now

just waiting for Smart to turn into Paul Pierce in the 4th quarter  (MY NOTE:  Normally, this comment would make me laugh, but this game...?)

can Barnes seriously not take Amir f*n Johnson off the dribble? Seriously??

Thomas is destroying us

Nobody can stop IT, seriously? Green and Varejao are like trees standing still

I feel like Bradley is allowed to get away with more contact than most players and that's why he's so effective.

Refs are gonna be tough to beat tonight...they're committed.

Thomas vs Curry is fun to watch!

we’re letting a f***ing midget beat us single handedly

Pretty obvious these refs will not be refing any playoff games They will be getting a call from the league later tonight.

The league will be putting a bonus in their account more like it

Jared Sullinger is so fat he waddles

Are you f***ing kidding me leaving Kelly o open like that is UNACCEPTABLE  (MY NOTE:  Even Dub fans know it)

Boston has enough firepower to make any team pay for leaving them wide open every other shot

Give Credit to Boston, they'ere making everything they're throwing up this quarter

Hats off to Boston they're playing great this quarter is ridiculous

This is Boston’s Super Bowl

AV is trash

SO how is it that IT and Bradley get those calls but not steph

Am I the only one that notices varejao is bad at everything

He wont be here next year, he's just a stopgap because FE and Bogut are walking hospital bills

Imagine if Amir was on the Dubs and Andy on the C's right now how lopsided this game would be

Officials have been shit, I’ll grant you that, Boston has been playing amazing on both sides of the ball. Yall keep blaming Turnovers AND last time I checked, Boston has had a hand in a majority of those.

Boston is an excellent defensive team when it comes to creating turnovers and contesting shots.

Great game all round but we still not gonna lose this...

I agree.. Not worried

This a loss. Boston withstood Curry barrage because of awful awful defense...and some bad reffing.

Kelly Olynik is killing the Warriors?

I don't like the Celtics They seem to be a good matchup against us.

Okay, that's it. The refs officially love the Celtics.

KO just hopping down to the rim, these refs are on one

Everything they are throwing up is going in

Turner has an uggllly shot

I blame curry's turnovers

I blame the Celtics

We still aint losing this!! Never give up on these Dubs!!  (MY NOTE:  An excellent suggestion.  I've watched enough games this year to second this)

19 fouls to 9 fouls Boston doesn't foul ever I guess

Refs were doing the Warriors a favor by putting the Celtics on the line, where they’re shooting 50% on 1-point attempts. That’s a lot better than 60%+ from the field that they’re shooting in the second half.

who was it that was counting out Boston? Please f***off from the gamethreads from now on.

Dumb Klay as usual

Refs need to take a long walk a short cliff

Refs aint the problem

Celts just look better For once this season, I’m not confident

They got 25 points off our 17 Tos! If we keep coughing the ball up when they pressure us, why foul? Our shooting is not getting us out of this one...

evan turner hitting jumpers

What a flop by Smart

#41 can't stay on his feet

What happened to Bogut? Olynyk pull his arm?

Thomas (finally) called and he looks SHOCKED.......Hey.. we PAID you clowns......

The Warriors played awful and still would have won with a halfway decent officiated game. It's too bad the refs played such a big role in ending the home winning streak.

Fitz is pathetic, STFU Kept on whinning about the refs. It's bareable when us fans do it, but its a bad look coming from the team's broadcaster. He's calmed down in the post game.

Just his usual constant excuse making instead of just tipping his hat to the opponent "he was fouled on the inbounds! Herp derp,is this football?" His crybaby rant went on for a good minute after the game was over. He's an embarrassment and his face sucks.  (MY NOTE:  These Warrior fans never heard Johnny Most)

You spoke to soon, he's now claiming the league needs to look at the officiating for the last 2 minutes. Comments From The Other Side - Warriors, Away Icon_ead2

I've seen fans on neutral boards saying we were getting favorable officiating to get back into the game lol.

Celtics played well dirtying the game up, but the key to this game was the unforced turnovers. BRush on the break. Draymond after the time out. Winning masked a lot of the problems, but this is something the team has to address before the playoffs.

Forget the officiating, that is not what cost GSW the game.

Celtics have played their asses off & DON'T need help from the Refs but they still get it

Celtics just playing dirty All that is left is for Olynuk to break Curry in some way

Credit to the Celtics though, they are finally a good team again and play the Dubs tough. I like playing these guys because regular season games feel like playoff basketball.

Didn't like the Warriors all running off the court as soon as the game ended either. Seemed a bit petulant. You should congratulate your opponent in that situation.

C's have a very bright future with all those draft picks and money to spend, not to mention a great head coach.

Now beating the Spurs in San Antonio is a must for multiple reasons

Yes, I don't want the Spurts topping the Warriors home winning streak; so the Warriors will have to beat the Spurs in San Antonio because the rest of the league doesn't seem to be able to beat the Spurs in San Antonio.

Good news is in the playoffs I doubt they’d play Bogut or Speights against the Celtics at all

You think the Celtics are going to the Finals?

Actually without joking I think they’re the Cavs biggest threat.

Every single Celtic clears out with their free arm every single time

I miss Andre

And they miss Crowder

on offense, the Celtics clear out with forearms nonstop....on defense they shove any dude in sight in the paint

yeah theyre really really scrappy thats why their defense is so good lol

I hate Turner so much

He always makes shots against this team and he makes bad ones too

i would LOVE him if he was a Warrior

Boston finally gets jobbed on a call

Draymond fouled Amir twice on that loose ball

And then he tackled a guy and nothing was called. How can you complain after what Dray$ did to Smart?

No disagreement it was a poorly reffed game. I just find it pretty ridiculous to complain about the calls on a play where our guy tackled someone in one of the most obvious fouls I’ve ever seen not called.

I saw Bradley with a shank out there Ban that guy

Wow, how did Draymond not pick up the foul there? He just threw the dude down.

Props to the Celtics They played last night and showed up tonight even better.

we still aint losing this!! They're just trying to make it amusing.

I am more than a little embarrassed we lost to a team on a f***ing B2B

Have to tip the hat to Stevens for that play

Why not murder Thomas on that layup?

Internet consensus is the refs are helping the Warriors tonight

Congratz Boston!! They deserve it despite the horrible Refs!!

Sullinger: 20 points on 13 shots
Turner: 21 points on 13 shots
Sullinger also hit 2 3s. No, seriously

No they don't They were given the game by the refs

Boston played a great game man.

Isiah Thomas said it best He said they desperately wanted this game and end the Home Cour t Streak. There you go. This is everyone’s mentality. Thy play us like it’s game 7 of nba finals. Still full credit to Boston. Please don’t blame this on the refs

Refs were incredibly bad too helping Boston practice MMA mid-game

Congrats to Boston-they absolutely deserved it. I hope the Celtics do us a favor and make it living hell for Cleveland in the East.  (MY NOTE:  I promise we will do our best)

Not a Celtics fan but I think Brad Stevens may be the 2nd best coach in the league behind Pop. What he did at Butler with nobodies except Gordon Hayward plus the way he has the Celtics playing with no stars speaks for itself.

Oh well, we'll try to go undefeated next season when we have KD Very Happy

Someone needs to make Curry watch Hoosiers on repeat.

I would think that Boston gives the Spurs a pretty good run for best coached though, and you also have to credit Boston's GM for the quick turnaround. They've come storming back and if they're not already a contender (I think they are very close), they will be next year. Cap space, draft picks, and a lot of good young players on cheap contracts... Crazy, isn't it?

As second best coach behind Pop, yeah I could see that, either him or Kerr. As for Boston having no stars… They actually have 3 stars and none of them are even the one chosen to the ASG. Crowder didn’t play today and Olynyk and Sullinger are legit star big men that could spread the floor with their range and play pretty good defense and even hit the boards when necessary (all intangibles needed to win). Olynyk was a star already last year, not AS (which is really a joke and non meaningful when you have fan voting) but star nonetheless. Brad Stevens groomed the other 2 players into stars this year and that along with his in game strategy makes him one hell of a coach. I really didn’t see this when they hired him but he proved me wrong. Boston will upset a team/teams this year if they remain as the 6 seed.    (MY NOTE:  Board members!  Read this, from a fan of the World Champion Golden State Warriors)



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