Comments From The Other Side - vs Warriors, Away

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Comments From The Other Side - vs Warriors, Away Empty Comments From The Other Side - vs Warriors, Away

Post by bobheckler Wed Mar 06, 2019 3:12 pm

by FLCeltsFan

pressure from the 1st tip to keep that pressure on.

We only won 6 more games? It does seem like the Cs were always lose...

With Andrew Bogut coming back and the post season drawing near, I’m finding myself interested in watching warriors games..feels’s been a long exhibition season

Big regular season game against potential post season opponent? Warriors will lose by 20. Honestly this regular season IS boring.

Nah  Dubs will blow them out.  They are struggling and not very good at that and on the road.  No contest.  

This is gonna be a tough one. Celts will be up for us.

Not a good start against a team that's struggling lately

Not a good start,  but they will settle down and Celtics won't have a chance.  

Jeez looking like a scheduled loss.

On two days' rest?

More like league politics to create intrigue and narratives.

The Celtics are gonna suddenly overcome all their struggles tonight aren’t they

Boston has been struggling, so .... It was so predictable that the Warriors would begin the game this way

Which team is struggling due to drama again?

Never again do I want to see the Warriors spend the entire MLE on a center who can't move

lol so having a couple days off still doesn’t improve anything. cool, cool

Lmao at Celtics fans who didn't know that if you need a pick me up, play against the warriors

Baynes is a better matchup for Boogie Horford is too much for him

So is Boston just gonna hit contested 3s all night from 3-5 feet behind the line?

How many 3s are Celtics going to hit?

Are they playing the warriors? Then all of them

With this large of a sample size, I'd say it's because we're not very good at defending the 3

Cook guarding Kyrie is a disaster lol

It's smart It’s like when Kidd guarded LeBron, LeBron had too much respect for him to embarrass him. Well, Kyrie and Cook both went to Duke so Kyrie doesn’t want to do his boy like that.

Finally, a Celtics turnover

Aaannnddd. Another one Kyrie not looking engaged at all.

Kd doesnt want his best friend Kyrie to lose tonight

Every struggling team comes into Oracle confident af and punches the Dubs in the mouth It’s like, completely inevitable at this point

And suddenly Hayward is back again

KD tanking the Warriors to make his best friend Kyrie happy

No way KD's not going to NY after that Iguodala's shot at the buzzer

Sucks that this is the last time the Warriors and the Celtics will play this season I enjoy the "will they or won’t they" tension between KD and Kyrie

Might not be the last.

Well, ugly start and ugly finish in the first quarter, thank god that third quarters exists

Warriors bench just looks worse every game

This team sucks Why do I even watch any more. When do the playoffs start? We know they end really quick this year. **** this sh**

Ok, I've had about enough ... Anything else on TV tonight?

Curry needs to go fore 40 to give us a chance

This is on Kerr Team mentally checked out before the ASB and still don’t give a sh**

Why are the Celtics shooting over 65%?!

Damn this Boston team is good

They're not that good We’re just sh** at defense and only KD/Steph are capable of doing anything on offense

We just suck and make any team look good

What a play by Horford to foil the Draymond double team Looks like Boston’s best player is locked in tonight

Play Cousins only against teams that have crappy three point shooting stats. Celtics are #6 in three pointers and will make Cousins look like a fool.

This does not look like a championship team They have in small bursts, but most of the time they haven’t. They look poised to lose and lose bad.

Leave it to the warriors To give a Opposing team tbeir confidence back

Look at the body language and their faces. No joy. No emotion. I don't like the mood of the team at all. It's like they all have KD's mood now.

You know... After the way Durant recently spoke nicely with regard to the Celtics, and me remembering his friendship with Kyrie, the thought of him not playing well to help ensure a win for Kyrie, or that he simply wouldn't be as competitive against the Celtics tonight, briefly crossed my mind. I'm not stating that that's what's happening. But hmm.

Celtics are going to drop 140 on us. Ouch

They out playin us and the refs ain’t given us sh**!

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Join date : 2009-10-28

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