Comments From The Other Side - Sixers, Away

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Comments From The Other Side - Sixers, Away Empty Comments From The Other Side - Sixers, Away

Post by bobheckler Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:03 pm

Covington Is questionable tonight so this will probably get ugly. Seems like we never play the Celtics under typical circumstances, there's always something.

I just want Holmes to throw down on Horford again!

Our guards always get abused by Celtics guards' defense. While Jah and Noel have a love hate rationship with Boston. LOL

I'm curious to see if Noel will log some minutes tonight. I know what BB said, but Nerlens practiced with Delaware yesterday and I think he would like to play against the Celts.

I'll probably DVR just to see Jae Crowder, one of my favorite players from around the league.

I hope Jah plays well, tired of Boston fans saying he's terrible. I think that without Embiid it will be tough to compete though. I think Jah goes for 16 and 10, we lose by 15.

We are probably going to get embarrassed tonight though.....maybe Okafor will have one of "those" games.

Maybe silly *** Danny Ainge will even desire him again.

Tonight is going to get ugly boys and girls. We're gonna end up giving up 120+

This could be real ugly watching Stauskus guard the monster in Crowder

Sixers probably shouldn’t win tonight, but the Celtics defense has been poor to start the season and their rim protection is middling. They’re also a terrible rebounding team, so you never know. If their shooters have an off-night we could steal a win. But that’ll have more to do with them not playing well vs us playing well.

So far on the 2nd night of back to backs we have lost by 16, 21, 24, and 27. Obviously Joel has not played in any of them, but we haven’t even competed. This could get ugly. Let’s keep it under 30.

I don’t look forward to seeing us have to defend the Celtics without RoCo me Joel, especially a pissed off Celtics team that hasn’t been winning as much as they hoped

Honestly, I think the Celtics are so bad up front we can still give them some problems. I mean they suck in the frontcourt almost as bad as we do in the backcourt.


Horford is a good matchup but he can’t play 48 minutes.

This is probably going to be a very depressing game... Isaiah Thomas will go off, no perimeter D or at the rim means Crowder, Avery, and Thomas are going to kill it. At least we’ll see the second best healthy center on the 76ers play tonight.

Isaiah is about to go bananas.

Would love nothing more than for Okafor to drop 30 on this team

Great start for Jah. Great start for the team. Quiet around here, though. Guess everyone’s expecting the inevitable collapse. Or didn’t tune in for that reason

Or everyone is actually there to hate on the Celtics?

That dude Avery Bradley is a true stud now

Olynyk does not look like he belongs on a bball court, just looks out of place for some reason, can’t figure out why

Reallllly getting sick of Ilyasova flopping on every shot attempt

what’s the deal with Marcus Smart? he’s no good? Someone give me the cliffs notes.

Shhhhhhh. Nobody wake up the Celts.

Well, we got to watch an entertaining quarter of basketball tonight, that's more than I was expecting.

Who is this team and what have they done with the Celtics?

Jaylen Brown Wearing semi-short shorts. Gotta respect that

I still find is amazing that even playing a weak rebounding team like Boston with really a small starting line-up...Okafor with 8 minutes played has 1 Rebound ???

For a second I thought Marcus Smart was Jared Sullinger.

Lol everytime they show green I can't not laugh.

Am I the only one struggling to figure out why this Celtics team is good? They should be rolling us without Embiid.

Lol, Crowder claiming he got all ball, he didn't even touch the ball...

"Ball don’t lie" -Jae Crowder

Bradley is outstanding

There were a ton of fans who wanted to sign him myself included. It’s crazy that at 6’2 he’s their leading rebounder.

Okafor is allergic to catching and shooting.

The Sixers are playing pretty poorly, but somehow winning by double digits.

It's been ugly, but as long as we're hitting 3's than nothing else really matters.

Horford --- Do you think Boston is regretting that contract? I know he has been out with concussions, and they planned to use him to lure other stars, but.
A) he isn’t that charismatic, so who is he luring?
B) He is averaging less than 7 rebounds and 15 points. Granted he is swatting more than 2 a game
C) who is he making better?
He is 30 years old and making 26 million a season. In four years he has a player option for 30 million, is isn’t a top ten player now, and he certainly won’t be then, so again I ask…do you think Celtics regret that signing.

We're just lucky IT and Bradley decided to try to be splash bro's tonight because if they kept dumping it to Horford over and over we would be toast.

Celtics half-time show is saying this is a must-win game and a loss would be "demoralizing" Sixers please, we’re begging you

Looks like about 10 Celtics missed the memo

Wonder what Ersan’s personal record for flops in a game is. it’s gotta be double digits.

wonder if Vivek ever feels stupid for dumping Isaiah Thomas for no good reason. then again, doesn’t seem like a guy who admits mistakes.

IT is complaining a lot to the refs.

Celtics out there with a great lineup – four defenders + Isaiah.

Tank lineup plus refs = bye bye lead

Did I mention Avery Bradley was phenomenal?

Sauce telling Thomas "that’s some bullshit right there", followed by Thomas mouthing off and saying "stop lying".

This is the lineup that's going to sink us. IT-Bradley-Smart-Crowder-Johnson. Way too much speed, athleticism, and penetration.

And all those tall guys and Avery Bradley gets the rebound.

Scalabrine is throwing so much shade at Saric it's insane "He’s been playing professional ball since he’s 15. He’s not a rookie."

This Boston team might be the most hateable group ever assembled

Dario Puts Jerebko down with the sick crossover—-THE HOMIE! Drains it

Croatia takes down Sweden.

That’s one helluva coach over there

Smart is awful on offense.

Not a total 3rd quarter meltdown Trust the progress

We have a chance here, but I’m terrified of Jah’s fourth quarter D.

Smart is terrible. Jumper a work in progress my ass.

A friendly reminder that 7 meaningless wins was the difference between Embiid and Smart in the 2014 draft.

So in the year when the Celtics will be paying horford $30M, that will be more than the combined salaries of…embiid Simmons okafor and whoever we take this coming year, correct?

Ok so someone tell me why Horford (Okafor’s man) gets left wide wide open for the 3. Is it Jah’s fault? It the scheme? How can that happen?

Well Okafor forgot to cover Horford....of all people to forget and needlessly double Marcus Smart...

Lol, Jaylen Brown was standing in that lane for a while. He’s got no clue what he’s doing out there.

If there is a championship of how to lose a basketball game The sixers are perennial world champions. Bunch of losers, lol.

Brown out-coaching Stevens, coming out small out of that time-out?

Isaiah Thomas just absolutely schooling the Sixers.

Ha horford clanks a 3, well not everybody can be Joel embiid

$113m for Horford, he.

Thomas can literally do anything he wants to because he's so small, lol.

Horrendous officiating. Yet again. This is becoming investigation worthy. This happens to the Sixers on a nightly basis, and it's not fair.

This team never has any clue what to do on offense ever. It's basically a free for all pick up game. Hopefully we hire a head coach one of these days instead of coming into the season with the position vacant.

Is Thomas the least impactful high stat volume guy in the NBA or what? He and Wiggins man. Hollow numbers.  (MY NOTE:  he says as IT rips their hearts out)

Freaking fat *** can't hold a post position and get pushed to the 3 point line, and can't even give the spin out. Silver lining is he now has 5 fouls because he can't stop hugging IT.

The fact this this is still a 2 point game is hilarious

I live in Boston and am watching the Celtics broadcast. Scalabrine went on a 3 minute rant early on of why Saric was overrated. He’s been awfully quiet too.

Can we hire a coach only for the last 3 minutes of close games? Brett can coach the rest of the game though.

I'm so sick of tanking……watched everygame of the process. Sigh

Trust the process Took the C’s wire to wire without Embiid, Simmons, Cov (could have at least added some D), and Bayliss

The most depressing thing about this season for me is that we’re likely never going to see this team out on the court at full strength since Noel is likely to be traded the second he’s healthy enough to play.

Sixers putting up over 100 on Boston is the latest sign that the Boston defense is utter **** this year.

No Embiid, Simmons, Noel, and Covington and the Celtics barely beat us. How pathetic.

Man so surprised they were even remotely close in this game against a good Celtics team

When things slowed down in the 4th, Isiah Thomas got to the rack or drew a foul whenever he wanted.

The Sixers have the same result every game for the last 3 years. Loss, loss, loss, loss, loss, loss, loss, loss, loss, loss, loss, loss, loss....

I love that Boston spent 100 million on Al Horford, to do the same thing Kelly Olynyk already did for them. Shoot jumpers and avoid Rebounds. The Celtics are going to get ran over in the 1st round again, unless they trade one of those Brooklyn picks for a legitimate big man.  (MY NOTE:  Apparently he wasn't paying attention to Horford's game vs Sacto and Cousins)



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