The Boston Celtics

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The Boston Celtics Empty The Boston Celtics

Post by dboss Fri May 14, 2010 6:45 pm

I posted this thread on the globe today and am reposting it here.

If there was one undeniable fact about this series it would have to be that the ability of a ‘team’ to win will always take precedent over the extraordinary talents of a gifted player.

This entire series can be characterized by a media drooling over Lebron James. A media all too willing to point the finger and over analyze the fiber of an individual. A media that overwhelmingly gave the Boston Celtics little chance to compete let alone win a series against the Cavs.

All of the ESPN basketball gurus blew this one big time. This just demonstrates to me that they really do not care about nor understand the game of basketball. They prefer the glitzy matchups of a Kobe Bryant and Lebron James to a matchup of the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers. The history of basketball in the NBA cannot be fully understood unless the ‘Rivalry’ is held in high esteem over all else.

And it is clear they understood less about the journey of a team that has its’ ups and downs during the year but are still able to take their game up several notches when it matters the most. They must have forgotten that the Celtics have fielded the same team that won it all in 2008. They must have forgotten that Boston is the only team that has the audacity to put a Dwayne Wade or a Lebron James in their place. They must have forgotten about the 17 banners and how each of them was earned. They must not know that a heart of a champion cannot be on island and they must have forgotten KG’s prophetic words that ”Anything is Possible”

The media just cannot make sense of all of this. They still do not get it. They do not realize that even if Lebron James played great all series, the result would have been the same. Boston is simply a better team top to bottom than the Cavs. It’s that simple. The Boston Celtics have championship lineage flowing through their veins and the Cavs have nothing. It’s that simple. The Boston Celtics won this series because they earned it. The Cav lost this series because some perverse sense of aristocracy fooled them into believing that they were entitled.

Well now everyone knows that no team or player is entitled to anything.

The Boston Celtics have literally cut the heart out of the Cavaliers and in the process sent shock waves through the minds of those teams that thought they could win the whole thing.


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The Boston Celtics Empty Re: The Boston Celtics

Post by Sam Fri May 14, 2010 7:50 pm

Amen, dboss. The Celtics always have been, are now, I hope always be just plain different and cannot be judged by the star-studded criteria favored by the so-called pundits.


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The Boston Celtics Empty Re: The Boston Celtics

Post by fiorelladad Sat May 15, 2010 2:11 am

You forgot Bryant in the Wade, Lebron list of pegged down superstars.

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The Boston Celtics Empty Re: The Boston Celtics

Post by Hoopdeedoo Sat May 15, 2010 2:36 pm


I week ago I started a thread with a similar point. You said it better. The pundits seem to like the drama or the "what if this is LB's last game" stuff more than the "Tony allen is giving the C's great minutes story". It sells ads I guess. Sports media is like people magazine now. All fluff.

I even heard a line "LBJ's decision will change the face of the NBA"

Geesh, shouldn't he win a few championships first?


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The Boston Celtics Empty Re: The Boston Celtics

Post by RosalieTCeltics Sat May 15, 2010 3:28 pm

Well, now Dwight is pumping his chest and saying that the Magic will win the series. When will these idiots ever understand that opening their big mouths is not confidence, it is a kick in the face of the opposition. I want him to keep talking, he hasn't won anything yet. Keep smiling Dwight, we will wipe it away soon.

The media is so hung up with "super" stars, that they refuse to use their heads at times. Granted, the Celtics didn't play the regular season the way they should have. However, the quality of the men on this team should at least have these writers give them some respect. You would think they were all 40 years old.

When the playoffs started and the Celtics got off to a good start, it was so
hard for these guys to say anything positive about them. They looked forward to the Cav's series as if it was going to be a blowout, start to finish.
When it wasn't they refused to eat their words. Barkley will be touting Dwight every game, even if Perk can contain him a little. This kid is a cocky little sh.... I can't wait for him to be shut up. Bring them on, they have no
respect for the Celtics, lets show them what we are made of.

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