Bradley Overcoming Bumps in Road to Recovery

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Bradley Overcoming Bumps in Road to Recovery Empty Bradley Overcoming Bumps in Road to Recovery

Post by bobheckler Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:48 am

We forget sometimes just how young Bradley is, because we've seen him for a few years now. Monday, yesterday, was his 22nd birthday. When you consider he was just 21 in his breakout year, with virtually no court time in his previous year and a "one-and-done" at Texas, he's a defensive prodigy like Rondo. Crazy as this might sound, his shoulder injury might be the best thing that ever happens to his career. If he was healthy and told to watch hours and hours of game film, he'd be bored to tears and unhappy. Now, knowing he can't do anything else, he's learning in great quantum leaps. I can't wait to see him take the floor again.

My right shoulder has had a rotator cuff tear and has been separated a few times (rotator cuff was from skiing, the separations were from trying to box out guys much bigger than me whose elbows inconveniently came down on top of my shoulders). Aside from the initial pain, I can tell you that, on a daily basis, it is very difficult to get comfortable and stay comfortable. Take the weight off the shoulder and you're looking like Quasimodo. Not take enough weight off the shoulder and you're in pain. So, you're constantly adjusting your arm, shoulder and sling.

Avery Bradley sat at the head of his bed and began his
nightly routine. He carefully piled pillows around himself, making sure
not to overextend his reach and cause any pain. Stacking one on top of
the other, he strategically surrounded his body with a "fort," as he
described it, until he was securely blocked in on both sides. Still
sitting in the upright position, Bradley pressed his back against the
wall and closed his eyes for a good night's rest, or as good as it was
going to get.

"That was the hardest part for me," he said. "It sucked."

Bradley underwent double shoulder surgery this year, first a season-ending
procedure on his left shoulder in May and another operation on his right
shoulder in July. He knew the road to recovery would be a long one --
there is still no definitive timetable set for his return -- but he
didn't know all of the bumps he would encounter along the way.

He also didn't realize all he would learn from being apart from the game.

* * * * *

Last Spring Bradley was riding the momentum of a breakout season with
the Boston Celtics. After a rookie year in which he saw minimal playing
time while battling through shyness around his veteran teammates,
Bradley had earned the starting shooting guard role in place of Ray
Allen. Lauded for his defensive toughness, he offered the team a glimpse
into a future of a young, athletic backcourt with him and point guard
Rajon Rondo.

During the 2012 playoffs, though, Bradley began
suffering nagging shoulder injuries that plagued him as the Celtics
title hunt continued. The 21-year-old guard was shut down after only 10
playoff games.

His first procedure was just as emotionally painful as it was physically. A tenacious competitor on the court,
Bradley found it too difficult to watch his team from the sidelines.

"It was really hard not being able to play while they were playing Miami
(in the Eastern Conference Finals)," said Bradley. "I didn't come to any
games because I couldn't handle it yet."

The Celtics lost to the Heat in Game 7 of the series and began rebuilding their team for the
2012-13 season. Bradley made it a priority to do the same for himself.
It wouldn't be without hardships, though.

After living on his own for nearly two NBA seasons, Bradley found himself back in Seattle,
Washington with his family. He bandaged his shoulders -- "It's taken
skin away because I had them on there for so many days," he said -- and
alternated resting one arm in a sling at a time throughout the day.

There were points in the recovery when everyday activities were off limits.
Bradley was unable to turn a steering wheel. As a result, he had to
depend on his mother and girlfriend for rides. Even typing on a laptop
was ruled out. When it came to being around people, Bradley had to stay
away from large groups out of concern of being bumped in his shoulders.

"They hurt so bad," he said.

Bradley had two options. He could either spend the coming months pitying
himself over lost playing opportunities, or he could use the time to
enhance his game for his return. He didn't become a key member of a
championship contender by being a person who would choose option A.

The young guard embraced an even deeper sense of focus. There was a purpose
to his injuries, he decided. He never learned the Celtics system in
Summer League nor did he ever have the full training camp experience.
Bradley had rehabbed from ankle surgery prior to his rookie season and
this time he was recovering with a new perspective.

"I was so focused on this year," he said. "I was like, 'OK, this year (2012
season) is over.' I wanted my team to do well, but all I could do was
control next year. For me to be prepared for next year, I had to do
everything the doctors and (Celtics athletic trainer) Ed (Lacerte) were
telling me to do. That was my main thing."

Unable to do many physical activities with his upper body, Bradley focused on the mental
approach to the game. He studied film -- a lot of game film -- after
watching Rondo do the same over the years. Soon he began seeing the
court differently, comparing the realization to solving a Magic Eye
puzzle. By shifting the way he watched the action, he opened his eyes to
a completely different point of view.

"There were some of those things (head coach) Doc (Rivers) would yell at us about," Bradley said.
"[He would] look at us like, 'Are you serious? You don't see that? You
don't see what I see?' We'd be like, 'No, we don't.'

"Now I see those things and I look at people that way, like, 'Why aren't you doing
things that way?' I look at the game completely different, it's weird.
It's like once you know the plays and you feel comfortable, you know all
the other teams' sets, it's like you know everything and it's just
easier. I know Paul (Pierce) and them can say the same thing, too."

Bradley constantly reminded himself his recovery was an opportunity to focus on
all facets of his game. He had played in less than 100 regular season
contests over his first two years and with practice time at a premium
during the lockout-condensed 2012 season, there was never a lengthy
stretch of time to hone in on areas of improvements.

And the ambitious Bradley has a long list of ways he would like to further himself as an all-around player.

"I want to be a stronger ball handler," he said. "I've been working on
that a lot. I want to be a consistent shooter. I want to improve my
defense -- I want to be great at team defense. Those are my main focuses
right now. I just want to learn the game."

Bradley turned 22 years old on Monday. As his NBA game continues to develop, he is
enjoying a dual role on the Celtics, both as a mentee and a mentor.

"I ask Rondo so many questions now," he said. "I watch a lot of film
because of him. It's funny because it seems like I was just a rookie
yesterday and now I'm helping the rookies and sometimes I'm helping the
older guys because I look at the game differently."

Bradley hopes to participate in contact drills during practice in December. He
encourages his teammates to stay ready at a moment's notice and
continues to practice what he preaches. Each step in the recovery
process, every dribbling drill and shooting routine are all critical to
being able to get back into action when he is cleared to play.

"People do come in and out of this league but I always look at it, I say this
all the time, things happen for a reason," he said. "I got injured for a
reason and that made me hungry, want to keep working. I just continued
to get better and better and better, and when my time came last year, I
was prepared and I just want the same thing to happen this year. I want
to continue to keep working."



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Join date : 2009-10-28

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