The Game-on Thread-Help!

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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by Sam Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:01 am


Good to know about the archiving potential.  To push the envelope a bit, is there a way an entire night's Chat Box posts could be copied and pasted onto a regular thread for posterity?


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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by pete Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:09 am


Just for the heck of it, I pasted from the game on in the chatbox last night. It will store 195 posts. I looked at the Game On thread last night and there were 102. There was previous one that had 201, but most fall under the 195 limit. So, yes it can be done and is pretty simple. Here is what it looks like:

[21:30:30 18/11/14] @ NYCelt : anyone home?

[20:30:12 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : Nice run

[20:31:55 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : Scal's good doing color. Hope he sticks around for the day when Tommy hangs it up. Would be a great replacement

[20:32:45 19/11/14] kdp59 : hey NY

[20:33:09 19/11/14] kdp59 : not sure why this isn;t more used yet

[20:34:07 19/11/14] kdp59 : I;ve never understood the Boston love for Scalabrine?

[20:35:04 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : hi kdp

[20:35:14 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : hi kdp

[20:35:56 19/11/14] kdp59 : hey

[20:36:01 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : Scal seems to appeal the same way shaq did, just a funny guy

[20:36:18 19/11/14] kdp59 : I do agre he does a good job now

[20:36:25 19/11/14] kdp59 : as a player......meh

[20:36:45 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : let's see what zeller can do here

[20:36:58 19/11/14] kdp59 : I hope they figure out how to archive these

[20:37:23 19/11/14] kdp59 : it should be a more popular use

[20:37:28 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : it does store some, but I think less than 200

[20:37:37 19/11/14] kdp59 : ahh

[20:37:53 19/11/14] kdp59 : Zeller ahsn;t been in much tonight

[20:38:04 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : Ithink it's better since it's live, no refreshing

[20:38:33 19/11/14] kdp59 : me too and have used hats for other sports too in the past

[20:38:42 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : I'm intrigued by the choice to go with Kelly over Zeller

[20:38:44 19/11/14] kdp59 : plus you can see who is on

[20:39:01 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : kellu can score, but often far from the basket

[20:39:15 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : hey Bob

[20:39:17 19/11/14] kdp59 : Stevens has stayed with the same starters most of the year

[20:39:20 19/11/14] kdp59 : so far

[20:39:28 19/11/14] kdp59 : hi bob

[20:39:33 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : yes, he has

[20:39:37 19/11/14] bobc33 : Gentlemen!

[20:40:08 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : well, you don't have to call us gentlemen, you know me better than that

[20:40:13 19/11/14] kdp59 : I really wanred to see Young play tonight

[20:40:49 19/11/14] bobc33 : Zeller with a miss....

[20:40:59 19/11/14] kdp59 : not much chance yet

[20:41:01 19/11/14] bobc33 : Ha"

[20:41:25 19/11/14] kdp59 : did he say good d...turner?

[20:42:07 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : must've been another turner

[20:42:16 19/11/14] kdp59 : LOL

[20:42:50 19/11/14] kdp59 : actually I like Turner this year fro us

[20:43:11 19/11/14] kdp59 : when he stays in his game he is a solid BU

[20:43:25 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : i think Zeller can supply the offense we need , but is a stronger defender and rebounder than kelly, wonder what it will take to get him more minutes

[20:43:49 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : would like to see young also

[20:44:55 19/11/14] kdp59 : Zeller will play more the next couple games

[20:44:59 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : kelly on the floor with zeller now

[20:45:13 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : hi Rosalie!

[20:45:56 19/11/14] bobc33 : I'm all for Z getting more minutes, but Brad must see something he doesn't like

[20:46:06 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : wroten has his upside

[20:46:09 19/11/14] kdp59 : LOL... nce shot for Philly

[20:46:34 19/11/14] kdp59 : I think Stevens feels Kelly has more upside

[20:46:52 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : yeah, bob, easy to be a fan and make calls without knowing the facts, but i never let that stop me

[20:46:53 19/11/14] kdp59 : and we know stevens like those bigs that take the 3's

[20:47:10 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : he sure does

[20:47:23 19/11/14] kdp59 : Kelly os the ebst outside shotting big on the team right now

[20:47:35 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : kelly seems to shoot more threes and has an allergy to the block

[20:47:51 19/11/14] kdp59 : they just ahve to figure out how to cover his defense lapses.

[20:48:26 19/11/14] kdp59 : I don;t think Kelly can ever "live" in the paint

[20:48:34 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : yes, going to have to involve sully, z or bass rotating down low

[20:48:46 19/11/14] kdp59 : he doesn;t ahve the hops or long arms needed

[20:49:35 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : with the right complimentary pieces, kelly could be a great changeup as a floor stretcher

[20:50:15 19/11/14] kdp59 : he probably is best as a stretch 4

[20:50:38 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : have to get my son to bed but will try and return here or game on thread in a bit

[20:50:51 19/11/14] kdp59 : look at Pressey in the trees

[21:10:55 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : 10-year olds sure can stall at bedtime

[21:11:16 19/11/14] @ NYCelt : going to have to rewind what i missed

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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by Sam Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:50 pm


That looks super!  And we can probably keep the number of posts under 195 just by having Bob Heckler and me tone it down considerably.

I have to admit that I haven't yet been able to use the Chat Box because I can't find a box in which to post.  Gyso told me to click on a very tiny box in the lower right-hand corner, but I can't find it.  Maybe some more detailed instructions are needed for dummies like me; or, failing that, I could go in for a brain transplant.

I think it would be interesting, once people are comfortable with the Chat Box, to have the Chat Box be the official game-on thread for a game and see what happens.  Maybe post a regular Game-on Thread, but only to redirect people to the Chat Box.

Lots of potential here.  Another question.  If the number of posts exceeds 195, do the earliest posts start to disappear when #196 is added?  Is there a way one of us could save the first 100-or-so posts and merge them later with all later posts?


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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by NYCelt Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:24 pm

Sincere question about archived posts; why do we need them?

File this under me either playing Devil's Advocate or my lack of understanding, but I can't think of why we would need old posts hanging around.  Especially from a game; does anyone go back and read them?

If I need to catch something someone said during a game, isn't the ability to go back 195 comments enough?

The original BDC was live, around '01 and '02.  I think Cowens and I are the only two that go back that far.  Games and everyday topics were live and ongoing with whomever cared to log in, round the clock.  I don't have a record of what I said to Cow back then, but don't need one.  I know we talked about the Celtics and a host of other things along the way.  I can't speak for Cowens, but I can't imagine either of us needs to go back and review a conversation we had 14 years ago.  Cow was 10 then, I was 12, just in case anyone asks.

Chatbox; it's more than just Pete and gyso messing with the web.  It's the future of hoops talk for fans who bleed green everywhere!

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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by pete Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:37 pm


Chatbox is shown on the lower left corner on the home screen. If you look for it in Hot Basketball Topics, or any other thread, you will not see it. You must be logged in to see it. It opens a second window that can stay open, while viewing the rest of the forum.

Yes, they do begin to disappear one by one starting at 196. If we had a hot game, with a lot of participants, say a play off game (wishful thinking) we could easily grab some and save. I don't think that is going to happen too often. Take a look at the amount of posts from previous games, 102, 140, 101, 85, 201, 81,22, 86, 91 etc.

I know some are very comfortable with the regular game on, but this is a much quicker way to post, and allows me to focus on the game at the same time. There are less steps to post a comment, without getting a message about another post being posted at the same time. Also, I can read what several members posted a few minutes ago with out scrolling. You can choose how many you can see at once by simply choosing the size of the chatbox window.

For those who are watching the game on their computer, the chatbox window can be set smaller to allow for a larger game screen. You actually do not even need to keep the main forum window open. What is missing, are avatars, which do make the existing game on threads nicer to look at. And one of my favorite things, gyso's "DEFENSE" posts in red!


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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by pete Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:06 pm


"Chatbox, its whats for dinner"?


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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by Sam Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:30 pm


I've been fine with getting on Chat Box.  My problem has been with finding somewhere to post once I'm on.


I'm probably an exception.  But I have cone back in game-on threads (even using the search function on occasion) in my function as a moderator.  There have been occasions when I've been looking for posting patterns, although I'd rather not go into greater detail.  I've also used the Game-on Thread to go back over Jeb's posts in an attempt to extract some of his best quips.

If the Chat Box were to be adopted as the single Game-on thread, I can see many advantages—mainly in the areas of expedience—which is definitely important.  Ironically, if the popularity of the thread were expanded, it would be more likely to increase the number of posts past 195.  I'd just want to ensure that no threat to the board's conviviality or archiving exists.  As for the archiving, I think the main value of the archiving would be in the short term, not years later.  I know that I sometimes track my own comments on the Game-on Thread for use when I post on the Post-game Thread the very next day.  Said comments might have occurred among the first few posts or the 210th post.

I expect there's no issue with the Chat Box that can't be solved.


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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by NYCelt Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:59 pm

pete wrote:NY,

"Chatbox, its whats for dinner"?



Well, I still prefer beef, but OK.


You have to first click on Log In at the top right. When you do, you will automatically log on, no password entry needed, and other information will open around the Chatbox border, including along the bottom of the frame. There's a small window for message entry at the bottom, within the lower boundary of the green frame.  Post in the box in the lower right hand corner and hit the enter key or click on send.

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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by NYCelt Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:12 pm


I just checked and you can alter color, bold, underline, add emoticons, etc. in Chatbox.

So gyso can do the big, red, bold DEFENSE in Chatbox too.


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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by pete Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:41 pm


Good i never looked that part of it.

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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by Sam Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:55 pm


I've been doing all that, but the green banner with the message box never appeared until tonight.  The Law of Averages was obviously with me.

Now I'll look forward to catching someone else who's logged on for a chat.



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The Game-on Thread-Help! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Game-on Thread-Help!

Post by pete Fri Nov 21, 2014 7:32 am

Sorry Sam, misunderstood what the issue was.


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