NBA Players, Yes, But They're Human Too!

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NBA Players, Yes, But They're Human Too! Empty NBA Players, Yes, But They're Human Too!

Post by MDCelticsFan Tue May 15, 2012 10:57 am

A game like last night's really mirrors that statement. No way would you DVD the game for Springfield HOF for instructional purposes. However imagine these guys, most of them have been doing this since grade school. That was tens of thousands of shots and rebounds, and yes turnovers & assists ago. When you do something as much as that you're bound to have more than a few clinkers thrown in along the way. With the amount of injuries the Celtics have had to endure this season, and recent seasons for that matter, and the amount of aches, sprains and separations many team members are playing with now it is a tribute to them that they made it this far. The outcome of the loss to Philly last night just fuels the Sixers' belief that they can hang with and beat the Celtics. Barkley said it at halftime that Boston was playing like they had no respect for the Sixers. Now I hope the C's will have new found respect for Philly. There is nothing more infuriating to a person, or a team than to disrespect them. The C's wounded the Sixers in Game 1, but were not able to further perpitrate the homicide in Game 2. That could prove costly. A wounded animal is the most dangerous kind. This will be a war for the Celts from here on out. Home court apparently meant nothing to Boston. Doug Collins is a good coach and will exact maximum effort from his troups for the duration. Doc will try to do the same with the Celtics. Does experience & expertise prevail over youth and passion? Stay tuned Wednesday to find out!


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Join date : 2009-11-03
Age : 72

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