Bring Back The Captain!

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Bring Back The Captain! Empty Bring Back The Captain!

Post by rickdavisakaspike Thu May 12, 2016 1:29 pm

"O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning . . ."

Walt Whitman

Right now, the Captain holds a player option with the cursed-from-birth Clippers for around $3.6 million for next year. Last season, Doc didn't use him as much as the Captain would've liked, even after CP and Griffin went down in the playoffs. It probably wouldn't take much to convince him to leave his L.A. home and come home to Boston. He has said many times that after he stops playing, he wants to be part of the organization he loves.

It seems wrong, WrOnG, for the Captain of the last championship team, for the man who played so well that he was chosen MVP of the Finals, to be floating in the wind.

This is not just a former Celtic who should get invited back for team socials every once in a while. This is the second-leading scorer all-time for this team, trailing only John Havlicek, and only by about 80 points. He was the face of this team for almost two decades, the guy who kept the dream of another championship alive through the worst of times, who insisted that ownership get off their butts and get some talent here.

Every young team needs an old pro to fill their ears with the things they need to hear. DJ once talked about what a huge difference it made to a young guard-oriented Seattle team to have someone like Silas with them, to steady them and build them up.

Lastly, there's the boost to the brand. Players these days don't believe in loyalty (why should they), but wouldn't it help, in talks with Kevin Durant or any other free agent, for Danny or Wic to be able to say, 'We take care of our players, even at the end of their careers and after?'

Bring back the Captain. It's the right thing to do.


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Bring Back The Captain! Empty Re: Bring Back The Captain!

Post by bobheckler Thu May 12, 2016 1:50 pm

rickdavisakaspike wrote:

"O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning . . ."

                                                               Walt Whitman

Right now, the Captain holds a player option with the cursed-from-birth Clippers for around $3.6 million for next year.  Last season, Doc didn't use him as much as the Captain would've liked, even after CP and Griffin went down in the playoffs.  It probably wouldn't take much to convince him to leave his L.A. home and come home to Boston.  He has said many times that after he stops playing, he wants to be part of the organization he loves.

It seems wrong, WrOnG, for the Captain of the last championship team, for the man who played so well that he was chosen MVP of the Finals, to be floating in the wind.

This is not just a former Celtic who should get invited back for team socials every once in a while.  This is the second-leading scorer all-time for this team, trailing only John Havlicek, and only by about 80 points.  He was the face of this team for almost two decades, the guy who kept the dream of another championship alive through the worst of times, who insisted that ownership get off their butts and get some talent here.

Every young team needs an old pro to fill their ears with the things they need to hear.  DJ once talked about what a huge difference it made to a young guard-oriented Seattle team to have someone like Silas with them, to steady them and build them up.

Lastly, there's the boost to the brand.  Players these days don't believe in loyalty (why should they), but wouldn't it help, in talks with Kevin Durant or any other free agent, for Danny or Wic to be able to say, 'We take care of our players, even at the end of their careers and after?'

Bring back the Captain.  It's the right thing to do.


Actually, Pierce trails Havlicek by 2,374 points.

I understand your point, emotionally and intellectually, but I think that boat has sailed. If he opts out of his contract and Danny wants to sign him to a 10-day contract (assuming there is a 15th slot open at the time) so he can make his final farewell, then fine.



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Bring Back The Captain! Empty Re: Bring Back The Captain!

Post by rickdavisakaspike Thu May 12, 2016 2:40 pm


"Actually, Pierce trails Havlicek by 2,374 points."

Not sure how I messed that up. It's possible I was counting points Pierced scored after he was traded, or, maybe my math is just bad.

"I understand your point, emotionally and intellectually, but I think that boat has sailed."

Is that a pun on Walt Whitman's poem, in which he was comparing Lincoln to the captain of a ship, as I expect you know.

"If he opts out of his contract and Danny wants to sign him to a 10-day contract (assuming there is a 15th slot open at the time) so he can make his final farewell, then fine."

So what are you saying? Is it so important to keep that 15th spot at the end of the bench open for some 19 year-old going-nowhere James Young type? Pierce, incidentally, still thinks he can bring it and would be at the least be an excellent player-coach. Lest we forget, Gerald Wallace, even though he sat at the end of the bench, added some tremendous intangibles that went practically unnoticed.

What I'm saying is that the Celtics are different from other teams in terms of their brand. It's Red's fault; he was ridiculously loyal. He hardly ever traded anybody, refusing to dump Bird, McHale and Parish when he still could have gotten a decent payoff. It has to do with pride, one of his favorite words. It's something Trader Dan needs to live up to, as well as something he could wave under the noses of potential free agent signees.


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Bring Back The Captain! Empty Re: Bring Back The Captain!

Post by bobheckler Thu May 12, 2016 2:52 pm

rickdavisakaspike wrote:

"Actually, Pierce trails Havlicek by 2,374 points."  

Not sure how I messed that up.  It's possible I was counting points Pierced scored after he was traded, or, maybe my math is just bad.

"I understand your point, emotionally and intellectually, but I think that boat has sailed."

Is that a pun on Walt Whitman's poem, in which he was comparing Lincoln to the captain of a ship, as I expect you know.

"If he opts out of his contract and Danny wants to sign him to a 10-day contract (assuming there is a 15th slot open at the time) so he can make his final farewell, then fine."

So what are you saying?  Is it so important to keep that 15th spot at the end of the bench open for some 19 year-old going-nowhere James Young type?  Pierce, incidentally, still thinks he can bring it and would be at the least be an excellent player-coach.  Lest we forget, Gerald Wallace, even though he sat at the end of the bench, added some tremendous intangibles that went practically unnoticed.

What I'm saying is that the Celtics are different from other teams in terms of their brand.  It's Red's fault; he was ridiculously loyal.  He hardly ever traded anybody, refusing to dump Bird, McHale and Parish when he still could have gotten a decent payoff.  It has to do with pride, one of his favorite words.  It's something Trader Dan needs to live up to, as well as something he could wave under the noses of potential free agent signees.


"Is that a pun on Walt Whitman's poem, in which he was comparing Lincoln to the captain of a ship, as I expect you know."

Actually, that went over my head, I was just using a time-worn metaphor.  A Freudian ship, er, I mean 'slip' by me.



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Bring Back The Captain! Empty Re: Bring Back The Captain!

Post by rickdavisakaspike Thu May 12, 2016 2:56 pm

Nyuk, nyuk.


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Bring Back The Captain! Empty Re: Bring Back The Captain!

Post by tjmakz Thu May 12, 2016 2:58 pm

I definitely agree with Bob about Pierce.
If Boston was in rebuilding mode, I would say it would be great to let Pierce finish his playing days as a Celtic.
But Boston is probably going to go into next season thinking that they could be the #2 team in the East.
Boston has 9 players under contract next season who are not free agents.
If they keep two out of these four (Amir, Jerebko, Zeller, Sullinger) that brings their roster to 11.
If they have 3 rookies on the team out of their 8 draft picks, that brings the roster to 14.
I am sure they are hoping to sign multiple players with their tens of millions of cap space.

If you watched Pierce play this year, he is just not an effective NBA player anymore.
His offense has fallen off the cliff and his defense is extremely poor for an NBA player.
To clog up a roster spot for Paul to sit on the bench doesn't seem like the direction the Celtics should go in.
This is not a snub to Paul.
He was an all-time great Celtic and a Hall of Fame player.

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Bring Back The Captain! Empty Re: Bring Back The Captain!

Post by rickdavisakaspike Thu May 12, 2016 3:35 pm


Thanks for the comments. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see Pierce play this year but it wouldn't surprise me if he has lost his effectiveness. It just doesn't matter. He fills a need on this team for a veteran presence, and also provides a major dose of that ultimate intangible: chemistry. Also, when I say I want Pierce back, I don't mean just for next season: I mean for years to come, whether as a coach or in the front office.

What I want him around for is the force of his personality and the knowledge gained from all those years of ballin'. He's the living symbol of a very special team, built on tradition and pride, if those things mean anything anymore.

Incidentally, as far as roster space goes, you have to anticipate major roster changes this offseason: Sully, Amir, Zeller, and Young are currently adrift in lifeboats, to continue the metaphor.


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Bring Back The Captain! Empty Re: Bring Back The Captain!

Post by swish Thu May 12, 2016 3:54 pm

He has received more curtain calls in 5 seconds of his career than the average fan receives in a lifetime. How much is enough?  I'll take that end of the bench rookie, and hope that he turns out to be a gem someday. A good dose of nostalgia is great for the fans but this team needs an infusion of top notch talent for the now and near future.



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Bring Back The Captain! Empty Re: Bring Back The Captain!

Post by RosalieTCeltics Thu May 12, 2016 3:55 pm

Pierce has said his decision to return next year is 50-50. I am sure that Doc Rivers would like that spot on his bench for a player who could really bail him out at times.

It is so hard for some of these guys to say goodbye to the game. Watching Tim Duncan the other night was sad. He is a shell of the player he was. Even the guys on TNT remarked that it was time for Tim to sit and the younger guys to take over. I do not know if Pop can make that decision They are joined at the hip. It is tough to watch these guys who we have so admired struggle with the decision to leave the game they love so much.

There is no doubt that Paul belongs here in Boston. I am sure Wyc and Steve feel the same way. But he will have to come to the realization that it is time to move on from the playing floor to the office. That is where you will find him next.


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Bring Back The Captain! Empty Re: Bring Back The Captain!

Post by BaronV Fri May 13, 2016 12:11 pm

If Paul isn't an effective player anymore (I didn't see any of his games this year), what about bringing him back as a coach, assistant GM, or whatever. They team still benefits from his experience, shows him loyalty, and gets him back to where he says he wants to be. He can help mold the draft pick he was traded for into the next Celtics star.


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