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Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads) - Page 6 Empty Re: Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads)

Post by beat Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:25 pm


here you go!!



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Post by KellyGreen17 Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:37 pm

Thanks Beat! I noticed that 5 of the top 10 teams listed were from the '98-'99 lockout season so I'm going to ignore those. Looks like 40.3% is the number to beat! Think we can do it?

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Post by beat Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:41 pm


there is a tab there that allows the top 100 teams to be listed
I only put it on the top 10 when I posted the link.


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Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads) - Page 6 Empty Re: Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads)

Post by KellyGreen17 Wed Nov 04, 2009 2:54 pm

Excellent, thanks again Beat. I was wrong on the 40.3%, it would be 40.9% if you don't include the lock out season. I believe we are at 41.4% right now.

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Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads) - Page 6 Empty Re: Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads)

Post by jeb Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:37 pm

Howdy fellers

Well this is going to be a tad thready cause I didn't see the whole game. Let me start by tipping my hat to Gomes and Big Al whom played hard all night. I always pull for those guys to do good even against the Celts.

Tonite I thought the Celtics looked like an older team playing the second game of road back to back.

The younger guys carried a lot of weight tonight. Kendrick continued to show how much he matters with tough d on Al and just plain court sense. And Rajon Rondo just rose up and flat took the game for us. The Wolves were doubling off of him and he just roamed and his teammates found him for some tough layups. He was his usual pesky self on d and got some steals when it mattered most.

Sheed hit a giant three. He seems to always do it when it counts the most. After an airball Eddie hit a big three.

In the first half the d was for the first time this season just plain flat and uninspired. The Wolves just got whatever shot they wanted. And they hit them.

But in the second half the d started to slowly tighten up. The bench including Shelden (whom I am starting to flat want on the floor) came on and stood tall.

Ray Allen made some timely shots. Hellz fellas I dont know ...but I do know this. I felt the whole time that the team would get it done. How they did it I aint 100% sure cause I lost the feed in the 4th and watched espns game cast.

The Wolves shot a higher % of fg than we did. BY 8 % points. We made 3 more 3's than they did and locked em up on d when it counted and gutted out the game.

The assist came in the second half ...in the first half everyone was just playing street ball. We looked terrible. Tired. No flow. Like maybe we had been reading our own press a bit too much.

It is good that this game was so tight and it is good that we won. Friday is the next game against a good Phoenix team and I expect us to come out gunning and look for Rondo to rise up cause Nash is playing so well.

Looking at the box score it seems there is no reason we should have won. But we did. And it goes in the w column. Sometimes you just got to brass it out.

My apologies if this seems thin but I didn't see half the game.

D14 I will pass the baton to you and if I get another crack at this when I can see the whole game I will do better.

In closing pp played too many minutes. But Kobe (his lordship whom you cannot touch in the 4th w/0 foul) played 48.

Go Celtics!

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Post by jeb Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:18 am


Looking at some highlights and I need to add that it looks like ticket came up huge with a couple a big dimes and a nice tie up with Brewer that pretty well closed the deal. Looks like he had a pretty damn good floor game.


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Post by Matty Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:14 am

jeb, well put, especialy when, like me it was hard to get a good feed...

sometimes its just not going to be a pretty win, this is a game where once more somebody had to rise to the occasion- and rondo, who for those who consider the amount of points scored as the premier and only important way to determine skill has been eerily quite in the first 5 games became the guy to get it done for us..

sheldon i think has finely found a team that he can work within the system and contribute- i think he has the reverse of posey- posey fit in here wonderfully and then went to the hornets where what he does and what they do doesnt meld so well... sheldon has finely gotten into a program where what he gives, and how we play works...

i just wanna go back over what one guy has done for this team this yr, he was able to keep House, resign Baby and convince Wallace to come, Daniels to take a huge paycut over any other place to play here, and then picked up this sheldon fella (and lester may be a huge pick as well) and getting rondo for 5 more yrs

after 6 games, if danny dont win gm of the yr again, folks ought to be hung...

if Doc doesnt win COY getting this revamped bench so quickly intergrated somebody ought to be hung

if we dont win a title.... i'll be damned...

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Post by jeb Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:29 am


It is incredible that we can see all the games on the puter. When I cant I get frustrated but we should be grateful for what this technology can do. Unbelievable!

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Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads) - Page 6 Empty Re: Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads)

Post by beat Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:20 am


Not seeing a good chunk of the game might be a blessing in some ways. Obviously we played perhaps our worst game of the young season.

We shot poorly and Minnesota made some tough shots but perhaps got a few (quite a few) too many open looks. They ended up over 50% from the field and outrebounded us too. SO again to win a game in which the stats perhaps favor the opposition is good I suppose. Beats a loss for sure.

Noticed Orlando game back with vengence against the Suns yesterday. Now for understatement #1, we will need to play better to win Friday.

Rondo showed up in the scoring column finally. Bench did OK but once they got us even they sort of gave most of it back. PP looked ready to take over the game late but Tommy thought a bit of fatigue left him front rimming a couple of jumpers late. Fatigue? Yeah it's the back end of 2. but he certainly did not play extented minutes the first of the two and got significant rest this game too.

Looks like KG is far from himself maybe only 50%. He is settling for shots where his heels are nearly on the three point arc, instead of the 16-18 footers.

A win is a win is a win.

Lakers gutted their game out too.


Last edited by beat on Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads) - Page 6 Empty Re: Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads)

Post by Sam Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:22 am

Jeb, that was terrific. I really got the flavor of the game from what you wrote. Next time, don't watch ANY of the game and you'll probably win a Pulitzer Prize.

The post-game posts don't have to be like a newspaper account. We can read newspaper accounts. They don't have to be play-by-play. We can get that off the Internet.

What you and Matty both did was exactly what they're supposed to accomplish. In addition to making observations about the game, you provided a feel for the flow of the game, particularly the differences between the two halves. You mentioned broader implications, such as the rather amazing development of Sheldon Williams.

So you left me feeling I was better off drinking my Goombay Smashes than watching the first half but wishing I could have watched those various guys come through when it counted.

Good job, and thanks a lot.


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Post by Sam Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:35 am

And Matty, you picked the perfect time to give props to Danny. You know I'm generally not particularly interested in individual awards. But wouldn't it be interesting if the Celtics of 2009-10 had two guys fighting it out for the best sixth player award (Sheed and Daniels), two guys fighting it out for the most improved player award (Rondo and Williams), two guys fighting it out for MVP (Pierce and Garnett), two guys fighting it out for defensive player of the year (Garnett and Perk), and two guys fighting it out for coach of the year (Doc and Thibodeau—only kidding on that one)?

Before everyone jumps on me, this was pretty much a tongue-in-cheek remark. For one thing, those who pick award winners seem to regard Celtics as anathema. But this team, which is only scratching the surface of what it can be, could make it extremely difficult to overlook the Leprechaun Lads this season.


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Post by David14 Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:06 am

Jeb, thanks great summary. It's my turn in the "rookie" hopper. The knowledge my our Celtics' fans family here scares me at times. It makes it obvious that I probably have followed the C's with my heart and maybe not as much with my head. I'll have to work hard not to let my lack of objectivity for the guys in green overtake the facts.

As always, I enjoyed your posts and appreciate the smiles you always created.


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Post by dboss Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:13 am

There will be games were the energy level is low as was the case last night in sota. And after the 6ers blowout perhaps the attitude was that this is way too easy. This is a good game to win if for nothing more than the fact that it is a reminder that your c game will get you a loss against young hungry teams.

But I do not think it has anything to do with a team being old. Afterall the starters did not play big minutes in Philly.

It is only the 6th game of the year. If the older veterans are tired at this point we may be in big trouble. And it is very difficult to 'get up' for a low level team like the Wolves. I think that is where having a strong bench makes a big difference. The rotations guys always want to play more minutes.

After telling my wife to stay awake and watch the game, I actually fell asleep for most of the 3rd quarter. When I woke up my wife told me Rajon played well. The point being that the game was so exciting that I fell asleep. Perhaps the team was a bit sleepy as well.

Back to back on Friday and Saturday...8-0 sounds like a good number!


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Post by KellyGreen17 Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:01 am

That certainly wasn't the C's finest game, but I think props have to go to the T-Wolves for playing tough D against us and shooting out of this world. I too always like to see Big Al and Gomes play well, even against us. Honestly, I'm not sure I would have preferred a blowout over the game that was played last night. Yes, it would be ideal for the C's to be firing on all cylinders for every game, but there will be times when they just don't have it. I'm kinda glad it happened against the T-Wolves as they are my second favorite team in the league. I'm sure I wouldn't be so neutral about this game if we had lost, but we won so I'm good with it!

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Post by dbrown4 Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:36 am

Pardon my ignorance, but how do you get these games on the computer? I've gone to ESPN gamecast and you can listen but not see it. Is there a way to see it live? For free, of course!! Please advise. db

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Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads) - Page 6 Empty Re: Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads)

Post by jeb Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:46 am


Go to the home page and click on Links books and media. You get in there and you click on links and streams kinda gotta move around to find one that works.

You will have to scroll down the page and then from the allmighty you will see the celtics game! Just click on it and wait. If it works you will know. If it dont this weird smiley face deal comes up and you move on to the next one.

Dbrown sometimes you have it working and it just stops but try to focus on the fact that you are seeing anything at all without spending all that dough on leaugue pass.

Jeb ( if this dont help shoot up a flare and I will try again)

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Post by jeb Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:54 am


Hey...jeb here. I am 44 and I travel a ton. I think I still perform my job at a very high level. But the hotels and not knowing where the light switch is and the strnge noises begin to grind on you. It drip by drop wears you down. Until finally you hate it. And I dont care if it's the Clift. "Hotel motel...make you wanna cry" to quote the great Bon Scott.

You just get fed up with all the hired bullshit.

SO when I say old it is more that kind of old that I am talking about. But in that spirit to my eye there was some of the other kind of old in there as well. It aint a coincidence that Perk carried us in the first half and Rondo in the second. Most missed shots were short. I PLAYED ball and that tells me one thing. Tired legs.

Any old way. It was one game and my guess is it will wake them up.

Best regards


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Post by jeb Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:52 pm


Buck up kid! you'll whack it outta the park!


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Post by David14 Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:21 pm

jeb65 wrote:D14

Buck up kid! you'll whack it outta the park!


Yes Jeb, but can I keep it fair grounds. Love your debates today with the "fellas".


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Post by jeb Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:31 pm

I am having so much fun. Hope I aint givin everybody a rash by postin so much.


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Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads) - Page 6 Empty Re: Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads)

Post by RosalieTCeltics Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:33 pm

Just remember one thing, it still reads as a 'W' in the win column. They will work out the kinks. Minnie has to be ready to pull their hair out, this is the second time in two years they lost to the Celts after giving them a run for their money.

I am still so impressed with Daniels. He is a terrific addition to this team.
Rondo is showing people why the Celtics made the right decision in giving him that contract. I think there would have been some stupid club out there that would have offered him some crazy money and the Celtics would have been kicking themselves for not signing him in the beginning of the year.

All in all, it really was a terrible offensive game. KG, Ray, even Eddie were not up to snuff. But I hope this is not something we will have to worry about when it comes to back to back games.

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Post by BloodRunsGreen Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:12 pm

RosalieTCeltics wrote:

All in all, it really was a terrible offensive game. KG, Ray, even Eddie were not up to snuff. But I hope this is not something we will have to worry about when it comes to back to back games.

The odds of the entire roster having an off night will be heavily in our favor to NOT happen this season. Last night was about as close as I'd like to come to seeing that happen, however! lol Still, it's nice to see the C's have a less-than-stellar evening but still grind out the win--mark of a champion!


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Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads) - Page 6 Empty Re: Celtics Post-Game Thread (Collection of past threads)

Post by David14 Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:54 pm

Disclaimer- Folks, please excuse any errors, missed comments, and/or lack of specificity in the post game comments. We had a medical issue come up after my sister in law’s had her second knee replacement surgery this past Tuesday. I travelled to be with my brother until the complication was resolved, and had to be one of the “remoters”. I did, however want to assist by adding my post in Sam’s absence. I had planned a more lighthearted approach, however there was no “Joy in Mudville” with respect to the game!!

PS- It’s no fun being the roaming reporter who has the dreaded task of posting the first loss of the season!!!!


While the Celtics lost for the first time this year, Celtics’ Nation should not fret, and/or be down on the team. They will refuse to use travel as an excuse, however they have just played their 4th game in 6 nights including traveling to Philly and Minny, as they say. All in all, they simply did not have their legs at full strength which was obvious with team playing a half step behind the Suns, the team shooting 50% at the free throw line and making only 4 for 18 from behind the 3 point stripe. After tomorrow the team has a time to rest, time to practice, and time to continue to bond as a unit.

Give the Suns the props, and let’s get ready to start a new winning streak tomorrow!!!


(Compliments of the Boston Globe’s Stats Department)

Record- 4 wins, 1 loss

Scoring: Steve Nash 19.6, Amare Stoudemire 19.2, Leandro Barbosa 15.7.

Rebounding: Grant Hill 8.8, Stoudemire 8.6, Louis Amundson 5.2.

Assists: Nash 10.8, Goran Dragic 3.6, Jason Richardson 2.0.

Head to head: The Celtics swept a two-game series last year.

Miscellany: The Suns have scored at least 100 points in each of their five games this season (111.2 points per game). Meanwhile, the Celtics are allowing only 81.5 points per game . . . Barbosa, the team’s sixth man, is day-to-day with a wrist injury . . . Nash is leading the NBA in assists, followed by Rajon Rondo at 9.7. The two-time MVP has led the NBA in assists three times in his career, and is ninth all time with 7,559.

Pregame Notes- No Barbosa for Phoenix. No Scal for the Celtics-


1. Destroy the Suns Rythym and

2. Control the Boards


The Celtics started out with a fresh looking attitude, but soon settled into a team that did not appear too passionate about continuing the winning streak. They looked anything but a team with a passionate goal to reach 70 wins. The Suns were focused out of the gate to run, enjoy, and take the first open shot down the court. They employed a “pick” and “run” type offensive where the first available player would pick any Celtic that attempted to press or slow down the Suns. The Celtics appeared satisfied with running down the clock, under a “hurry up” and “slow down” their offense while at the same time, the Suns were running the quick, loosey goosey have fun type game. Much like the Timberwolves game, the Suns held the league throughout most of the first quarter. That occurrence took the TD crowd out of the game. Richardson, who was shut out for the complete game in Orlando had 14 points in the first quarter, while Nash appeared to cause Rondo to more like an average point guard then what he has been looking like as the $55 Million man.

For some reason, the Celtics completed the first quarter with no real passion. The largest noise in the arena came when the “jumbotron” focused on Bill Russell who was in the House. Certainly, the other House, Eddie, with no first quarter shots, was not really in the House himself!!!

Whatever was going on, the Suns finished the quarter shooting 61%. The Celtics were “blessed” to be only down by 2, 29 to 27!


The second quarter was very much a replication of the first quarter. The Suns were anxious to “pick and run” and “pick and roll” while the Celtics attempted to slow down the game by running down the 24 second clock. Dudley and Richardson were setting new season highs, however it was Nash’s controlling the tempo that has caused this to be a Sun type game. It appears that the luck would change when Ray Allen brought back memories of Russ lead Celts by hitting a patented Sam Jones bank shot. However, Richardson and Dudley’s shooting along with Nash’s ability to control the tempo kept the Suns offense from allowing the Celtics to get back into the game. By now it had become the kind of game that all the bounces and calls by the refs were going the Suns’ way. The type of night the Celtics are having is reflected by Paul Pierce missing a lay-up and then he and Rondo appeared to exchange a few words.

The Suns ended up shooting over 70% on threes. In addition, the bench was outscored 16-6 with no shots for Eddie House.

The half ended 57-51.


Unfortunately, the third quarter was much the same. Nash controlling the tempo. The pick a roll and pick and run creating havoc with the Celtics’ defense, Richardson continuing his hot shooting, and the all the breaks and key calls going the Suns’ direction.

The highlight of the quarter was David Ortiz’s “jumbotron” appearance and Bill Russell’s laughter at a light point. The low points, no pun intended, included no shots by Eddie in the quarter, again, and the facts that the Celtics were shooting 55% at the charity stripe.


The Fourth Quarter’s highlight came early when Sheed could have put the Celtics up by one at the start of the quarter had he hit the open three. However, it was not to be tonight. The bench simply was not a factor as they missed all 8 threes they attempted. Eddie took his first shot with 7:50 left in the game, however Eddie missed that shot and the next one he took a minute or so later. The trend of the game continued. Jason Richardson hit for 36 points, and Nash was simply too much for Rondo on this night. Nash’s three pointer with 50 seconds to go was the “dagger” as they say. However, the Celtics never game up.



The Suns commitment to run.

The Suns “pick and run” freeing up the fast break.

The Suns “pick and roll” causing the Celtics defense to be one step behind.

The Suns overall shooting percentage

The Celtics poor bench play on offense and defense.

The Celtics poor three point shooting.


Kg’s best game since returning!!!
Shelden continued gain confidence!
No one was injured!!
They guys never gave up!!
Bill Russell and David Ortiz were in the house


Kevin Garnett


Gyso -107

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Post by Sam Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:38 am

Thanks for the great job, David. You're right, it's no fun reporting the first loss of the season. My wife has a knee replacement, and I'm very aware of the complications that can arise. I hope your Sister-in-Law progresses rapidly.

Great reporting job. Poor reporting subject. Get some sleep.

Thanks again,


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Post by jeb Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:22 am




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