No Shortage Now of Must See Professional Sports & News

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No Shortage Now of Must See Professional Sports & News Empty No Shortage Now of Must See Professional Sports & News

Post by dbrown4 Mon Jan 15, 2024 7:48 am

With Dallas pulling the ultimate Holy Crapola move last night, combined with the now fading, shocking conclusion to Ja Morant story for this season and the upcoming stage now given on a silver platter to Draymond "I'm miraculously cured of all my ills and transgressions in record time" Green, this may be the best time to own a TV with the ability to record for all posterity in my lifetime next to the OJ Trial.  But first,..... 

To start off this week, if you want to see a really sad, major implosion, just watch the fallout in Dallas starting this morning that after a few weeks will dovetail into the end of Draymond's career.  The sports media has been harping on Dallas, and deservedly so, all season.  Good and bad.  Dallas having a great regular season again but falling apart in the playoffs history, et al.  I'll square boss' paycheck and GUARANTEE like Charles Barkely (well, that may jack this up!) that last night Steven A. Smith missed his first night of sleep since college preparing for Get Up and more importantly First Take.  Definitely set your DVR/NVR's for these tirades.  Maybe he'll take the "I tried to tell ya" high road, but I seriously doubt it.  The First Take set is going to need bodyguards and some fresh batteries in the dump button.  You'll probably see Steven A. go off his nut like never before.  Click "Guide" First Take" & "Record", that's all I'm sayin'.  Shannon Sharpe will show up and have a really solid players perspective tilt.

Draymond will have to take a backseat with this recent NFL development in the sports world.  He ain't gonna like that one bit.  This Dallas implosion may move my one month Draymond implosion prediction up some since he will be off the front page temporarily, but I'll keep it where it's at since he ain't even back on the court yet.  When is that BTW?  I know it's this week.  Record all GSW games going forward.  

I don't know when it will all go down, but we will all know when it happens and you will want the specific in-game build up, etc., not just the news clips.  The key with all his bs is the/his definition of "antics".  Very odd self-imposed choice of words to describe his behavior.  But then again, he lives in the NBA world.  Clearly, totally different than our world.  He calls his behavior antics, we call them assault.  No one, including Draymond, has defined that word just yet.  I feel as confident about this impending final explosion/implosion for Draymond as we all felt confidently expressing our opinions in the early 90's when asked..."Oh yeah, OJ did it!"  You can hire the Dream Team and you can run, but you can't hide.  The sad end of Draymond's spectacular career is coming soon to a theater near you.        

But for now, back to the NFL and everything Dallas.  


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Post by gyso Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:48 am

Who amongst current players have strongly complained about his antics? Who and when is important.

Asking for a friend.

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Post by dbrown4 Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:16 am

Good question. No one really. This is a word I first heard used by Draymond in his pod cast on 1/8/24 to describe his own behavior. No one outside of Draymond has used this word that I am aware.


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Post by gyso Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:22 am


I'll reword the sentence and leave out the word "antics".  Antics = "physical playing style".

Who amongst current players have strongly complained about his physical (sometimes out of control) playing style? Who and when is important.

Sure, the teammate he punched may have an axe to grind, but who else?

I'm just trying to see if this is more about the reactions of fans, the media, the commissioner, etc. about his style of play and not so much the players as a group deciding "Enough is enough".

Let's see if, after games, everyone goes around hugging and chatting with him in a friendly manner.  I'll bet they will still welcome him with open arms.

I am in no way condoning his style of play.  I am just trying to point out a couple observations:

1. The players, as a group, are like an exclusive club.  As you say, they live in the NBA world.  It's hard to get in, and once you get in, it becomes a little "Us vs. Them".  The bigger stars are even a more of a tight knit group.  I do not believe they will ever, as a group, turn on another club member.

I would say that his teammates are more angry with him because his antics kept him off of the floor than just because of his antics in general.

2. The Celtics fans (here and elsewhere) have been asking for an enforcer type player since we lost Marcus, Grant, etc. last summer.  I would go so far to say that the fans have been asking for an enforcer for much longer that just recently.  Do we fans really want a player to "teach" a player on the other team "a lesson", to physically assault another player for a perceived (or real) slight?

I would have to say that some fans really want a player like that.  Draymond is a player, just like that.  I just wonder what Celtics fans would be saying if he was on our team?  Would we be mad at his style of play or just mad at him because his style of play went too far and kept him off the floor during the season?

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Post by dbrown4 Wed Jan 17, 2024 4:41 pm

Oh, make no question. We would want him on our team and we would defend him. Just like Steve Kerr, et al.

The rest of the players that have been clocked depend upon their current management above them and then if that shows nothing, they wait for the commissioner to come in and rule. GSW basically did nothing and that's why AS has become involved.

But if we had a DG that was acting this way, which is not Celtic basketball, we'd reach a breaking point. I think the overall fans have reached that point. Yes, I understand standing up for your teammate. But this isn't elementary school. As my wife would say, these are GAM's. Trying to choke the crap out of Rudy because he swung or punched another GSW is beyond the pail. Punching/cold cocking your own teammate unless you walked in on him sleeping with your wife is ridiculous and completely out of the norm. That's assault anywhere else in the free world.

Plus you have his incessant bs/jawing with the refs. Nothing needs to be discussed that much. Nothing. That's reached a point of childishness and flat out stupidity. You're never going to change the refs mind.

I still don't think he believes his "antics" go beyond his jawing with the refs. That's why I've given him such a short leash. He just doesn't get it.

The players aren't going to stand up and speak out against him. They still have to play against him. But it is like the code of honor of which you speak.

Now if he comes back and is the model citizen for the rest of his time in the NBA, I'll eat my words, but this just all seems way too smooth and slick. Something's amiss.


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