Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by cowens/oldschool Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:36 am

....and they barely beat the Spurs without 4 starters a few games ago. They lost to a Knick team at home playing without their franchise player and playing on a back to back, while the Heat were rested. Heat scored a pathetic 12 points in 4th quarter, if you think I was bashing Lakers, this team I really hate. Dwayne Wade is not the same player, karma baby, hes hurting already and if he can't get it together, no way can Lebron carry that team as hes been already carrying them and in these losses was merely great and it still wasn't enough. Tyson Chandler and old friend Sheed took turns protecting that rim, suddenly smallball is not working......if Lee, Jeff Green and Sully can keep improving and get it going with consistency with Avery Bradley and Rondo, these 2 compliment each other, making them both better, fastest backcourt in the league we can beat the Heat. They can be had, saw frustration all over Heat faces, this loss shocked them. When we start clicking later in the season, the Heat will not be able to handle our speed.

Right now Dwayne Wade is losing it, he can't drive in traffic.....couldn't happen to a bigger a$$hole, will he get it back? right now they can't beat the Knicks, they have the Heats number. I dislike the Lakers, but I really hate the Heat.


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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by Sam Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:17 am


So what are you really saying? That you don't like the Heat?


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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by cowens/oldschool Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:45 am

and seeing alot of cracks Sam, losing by 20 to a team without their best player on second night of a back to back.....who saw this coming? I must say a player I love watching is Jason Kidd, he just has such great instincts and intangibles, always makes the right play, at 40 I believe and can still contribute, if Camby can get healthy.....Knicks have Heats number, when we get all our pieces back and humming, we can take this team, yes thats what I'm saying!!!


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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by cowens/oldschool Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:48 am

......did I mention Dwayne Wade is turning into an old washed up punk?


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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by Outside Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:38 am

It's really, really hard to repeat.

Size has always been an issue with the current version of the Heat, but they were able to get through last year's playoffs without facing a big team that could exploit that weakness. Indiana came the closest, but the Knicks and the Nets are built to take advantage of that.

I don't think they're necessarily done yet, but LeBron can't do it by himself, at least not consistently enough to win a title. As Wade and the supporting cast decline with age, if they don't address their deficiencies in the middle, LeBron might wind up on a somewhat upgraded version of the Cavs team he left. Wouldn't that be something.

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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by bobheckler Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:02 am


You shouldn't hold back like this. Let it out. How do you really feel? LOL.

I watched this game last night. The second half was, to use a word, "dramatic".

I saw a team that has no center, knows it has no center and uses an immediately collapsing defense (with LBJ as their athletic shot blocker) whenever Tyson Chandler got the ball down low. This limited Chandler to only 7 fga, but that is in part to Chandler's own offensive limitations. A player who is quicker, can go over the top better, who can draw a double team and has the court vision to be able to pass out quickly to an open shooter or cutter or can do a quick turnaround, will have a nice advantage over that type of defense. Someone like, say, KG.

The Knicks defense, which hurt them in the first half, was to throw a double team at LBJ. It hurt them because he just passed the ball over their heads to a cutter underneath. Doubling LBJ is NOT a good idea, although it might seem like it due to his unquestioned physical advantage over just about every other player in the league. I am convinced the only thing you can do it move your muffins, one-on-one, to stay between him and the basket and make him shoot from outside. If he's hot, you're sunk, but it beats the hell out of the alternative.

DWade is 30 years old with 37 year old knees. He needs to drop at least 10 pounds, down from his 220#, or it'll get even worse. Of course, if Wade becomes 6'3", 205# he'll be in line with a lot of other 2 guard and shorter than many. At 220#, he's a 2 with almost a 3's body, like the way LBJ is a 3 with a 4's body, but if he shrinks to save his knees...

New Yawk's 3pt shooting was unbelievable last night. 18-44 for 41% out of a total fga of 91. That is an amazingly high % of fga 3s. Live by the 3, die by the 3, I say, but last night they lived and lived LARGE. There's always something unreal about watching a player, or in this case several players, who are just in a zone and are shooting lights out effortlessly and unconsciously. Even if it's against your own team, which this wasn't fortunately, it's almost like watching your house burn down. It's not a good thing but you still can't take your eyes off it. One thing I will say about the NY offense last night: they whipped that ball around the perimeter (and back again, if necessary) to find an open 3pt shooter as well as I've seen in a long time. Their spacing was beautiful and the passes were quite crisp. Doc needs to show the Celtics excerpts of this game. It was a clinic on how to do that. GREAT, GREAT coaching job by Mike Woodson with his star-handicapped roster.

Rasheed? Good God. 13 fga, 0-6 from 3 in just 14 minutes. Think of that. 13 fga in 14 minutes. Considering the other team gets to touch the ball every other possession, that's Rasheed pretty much owning the NY offense for a quarter. And he was 4-13 in the process. Yep, that's 'Sheed. He did get 7 boards though.

53-53 at halftime. The Knicks just blow torched them in the 2nd half. It was up to 18 in the 3rd quarter and then in the final couple of minutes the Heat rallied to cut it to single digits and head into the 4th down by "only" 10. Then the Knicks just kept pouring it on. We could learn from that, we let too many teams back in after we get our feet on their throats.

As far as the look on the Heat's face that you mentioned, cow, it's the same you see on the faces of all champions when they're getting hosed. Kobe had that face when OKC knocked LAL out of the playoffs. Pierce had that face when we lost to Orlando in the playoffs. In fact, he gets that face when he loses to just about anybody. That's part of what it means to be a champion, it means you can't conceive of losing. When you consider that this was the Heat's first home loss after 8 straight wins, and they lost it by 20 to a team without their star, I think I'd be shaking my head too.



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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by cowens/oldschool Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:36 am

bob your getting too mellow, the Heat sucked worse than you described LOL


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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by cowens/oldschool Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:37 am

did Rupaul, I mean Chris Bosh play?


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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by steve3344 Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:57 pm

Wade is 6'3" and 220. Birthday boy Larry Bird was 6'9" and 220. Amazing.


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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by NYCelt Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:54 am

I'm not certain it's significant that The Heat lost two in a row, but I do find it disturbing that they got beat by The Knicks with the Knicks best player, and newly crowned best defender, Carmelo Anthony sitting it out (Carmelo and defense in the same sentence; who would've ever guessed?).

We can't begin to talk about getting past The Heat until we can first get past The Knicks.

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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by steve3344 Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:57 am

NYCelt wrote:I'm not certain it's significant that The Heat lost two in a row, but I do find it disturbing that they got beat by The Knicks with the Knicks best player, and newly crowned best defender, Carmelo Anthony sitting it out (Carmelo and defense in the same sentence; who would've ever guessed?).

We can't begin to talk about getting past The Heat until we can first get past The Knicks.

Or the Sixers. Or the Nets.


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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by NYCelt Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:01 am

Valid point Steve.

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Miami Heat lose 2 in a row Empty Re: Miami Heat lose 2 in a row

Post by steve3344 Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:12 am

NYCelt wrote:Valid point Steve.

We've got a lot of hills to climb. Really can't believe how hard it's been so far for this team to gel. I really liked the Darko signing since all we needed from him was 10-15 minutes a game of solid defense and rebounding, some picks, and if he picks up several fouls in that time so what? And when Bradley got hurt in early June, no one thought he'd be out for 6-7 months (it's already been six). What a key to this team's defense he is. We took off last year when Doc started giving him significant minutes and hopefully, after a short break-in period, the same can happen this year.

Doesn't solve our thin frontcourt problems however...


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