The Case For Rajon Rondo

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by NYCelt Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:07 pm

gacracker wrote:Any thoughts about how a team might attempt to cover for a poor FT shooting PG when the rubber meets the road so to speak?

Are there any precidents for this in Celtic lore?



I don't really know how you cover for that. I do feel if Rondo were better from the line we would have more options in the closing moments of a tight game. I certainly have no way of knowing Doc's thoughts, but I wonder if we wouldn't be even more dangerous in the closing moments of a nail-biter if we could have Rondo handle the ball with both Pierce and Ray Allen able to position themselves and move freely without the ball. If Rondo can't hit from the stripe consistently, you don't have that because other teams will simply put him on the line. I suspect that's one reason why it's always Pierce with the ball in those instances (well, that and the fact that Pierce is deadly in those situations). That is to say I suspect if Rondo could hit the freebies more consistently we would be seeing him with the ball more often with the clock ticking on a tight contest. However, I feel Doc won't risk it; a guess on my part.

As I said earlier, Rondo's one of my favorites. Hey, we've won one already with him as is. But if he could hit from the FT line I think we would be even more dynamic because so many new possibilities open up on offense down the stretch.

Then again, if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their butts when they hop. I also lose no sleep over it.


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by Sam Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:11 pm

Any Celtics precedents? I guess so.

I've talked a number of times about a Celtics PG who was a poor free
throw shooter. He played with them for nine years and averaged only
.647 from the line. They had one measure to offset his poor free
throw shooting: limit him to shooting only 2.7 free throws a game (more than Rondo takes).

And, to make matters worse, during those same years, they had a center
who averaged 5.8 free throw attempts a game but who shot only .561 at
the line.

They somehow managed to stagger through, withstand the poor free throw
shooting of these two hapless bums, and win 8 championships in those 9
years—8 in a row, as a matter of fact. And the accomplished this by taking advantage of what these two players DID, not by worrying about what they did NOT do.


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by gacracker Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:20 am

Gentlemen... and ladies:

Turns out that Rondo's has averaged 2.6 FT's per game over 3 seasons and 3.3 FT's per game in 40 playoff games shooting 63% for his career.

This season, at the one quarter mark, he is getting to the FT line far less often (1.6 FT's per game) and his shooting percentage is hoovering about 20 points lower than his career average. YIKES! While the Supreme Court may not be able to define obscene, I would wonder if they might have an opinion about a starting PG shooting FT's at a 40% clip. Obscene? Def!

Okay, it would appear that we let PP handle the ball at crunch time and I guess let our PG disappear or roam the floor and focus on rebounding. How embarrassing! Embarassed

What, me worry??? Where is the Kool aid?


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by David14 Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:24 am

Sam, I agree with you about the "working around" KC and Russ' free throw issues. However, both players, Russ in particular, were able to hit free throws in crunch time. I can still remember Russ' bent knees, the long left arm getting ready to launch the shot, the dripping of sweat down Russ' face and "go-tee", and then "swish".

I also believe Doc is smart enough to work through Rondo's free throw issues at crunch time with alternative plans. However, back in the real days of professional basketball, we didn't have "hack a Shaq" or "hack a Superman". There were far fewer intentional fouls even when there the one shot only rule and the infamous "three to make two".

I personally believe attempts to "hack a Rondo" will backfire with Rondo's quickness and ability to be "Cousylike" when finding an open man.


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by NYCelt Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:39 am

I just wanted to throw a quick side comment in here.

This has shaped up to be the kind of outstanding debate we had all been wishing for when we signed up. Thanks again to dboss for kicking of a great topic that has even taken a few twists from the original post.

What I see that I like is there are differences of opinion on a player's (Rondo) place in the hierarchy of his position and both sides of the debate have very valid points. Both sides are intelligently trying to convey their thoughts or even sway the other without getting pushy about it. I think that may be called respect for the opinion of others; what a concept.

There's no "well I know an NBA coach who says..." and especially nobody chiming in trying to sell that Derek Fisher is a better point guard anyway.

Very nice indeed.

Back to the debate.

Last edited by NYCelt on Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by Sam Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:47 am


When teams go out of their ways to implement an unusual tactic (like
"hack-a-fill in the blank"), it can backfire on them as often as not.
I still haven't seen one single instance of a "hack-an-Rondo" attempt,
much less a successful one.

One technique for defeating the "hack" tactic is evasing passing.
Rondo's a good passer—probably better than Shaq and Russ and maybe K.C.
too. Combine that with his elusive agility and ball controlling
abilities, and I'm Alfred E. Neuman on this one.


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by dbrown4 Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:50 am

I think Rondo is a great point guard with loads more to show us. Let's make this point clear. Rondo was a "rookie" point guard on a championship team. It will be up to him over the next 5 years to do with that what he will, but let's repeat that...Rondo won a championship as a rookie point guard. Yes, I know he had a great supporting cast and it will be up to DA to make sure he has that cast or better over the next 5 years. That bodes real well for Celtic fans.

Given his next contract in place, we're going to judge Rondo on the final number of rings he gets in Boston simply because that's what the Celtics do in the NBA, win championships. You can't say that about other teams or standout players, Steve Nash (Phoenix, Jason Kidd (NJ or DAL) , AI (PHI)...Great players, no title. I really like the fact that he won a championship as a freshman and we have him for 5 more years. It's up to him how to write the rest of the script.

I think by the end of this season, the Celtics will be a lot like Jupiter...a bohemoth that sucks in and innihilates everything that gets in its path. (OK way too much Discovery Channel for me, I know.)

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by swedeinestonia Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:56 am

As long as they do not get caught up in fake photo sessions and dance routines I am good to go. (Cleveland)

Sports is art and show in itself, dont need the off game antics. That is what the And1 mixtape tour is for.

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by KellyGreen17 Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:22 am

Has anyone else noticed over the past few games that when Rondo is at the line and misses the first one, Ray will come over and talk to him? I would guess Ray is either giving him technique advise, or maybe just words of encouragement, but either way I like it! I think Rondo understands that it is a weakness and is doing what he can to overcome it.

If Rondo had no weaknesses the Celtics wouldn't be able to afford him along with the Big Three. It just so happens that he has the one weakness that this team can overcome. We have plenty of guys who can shoot...both jumpers and free throws. Rondo has skills that nobody else on the team has. When you put all the pieces together what you are left with is a pretty damn good team and a title contender. Would you rather be a fan of the Hornets? They have arguably the best PG in the league who can hit his free throws, but I seriously doubt anybody considers them championship contenders.

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by Sam Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:33 am

Kelly always makes sense. Her consistency is disgusting!


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by KellyGreen17 Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:02 pm

Haha, thanks? I'll try to make my points in a less vile manner next time Very Happy

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by jeb Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:13 pm

Rondo is an original. He does his own things out there and there are times when I go I have never seen that on a bball court before.

All those carping trolls are scared. Scared of KG healthy. Scared of Rondo's freakish skills. Elsewise they'd be hanging out on a Laker board.

Unhealthy obsession.

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by Sam Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:29 pm


Reread the first sentence of your post (immediately above) very carefully. Then substitute the word "Cousy" for "Rondo," and you'd be taking yourself back about 55 years.


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by jeb Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:37 pm


Must make it extra special for you.

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by Sam Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:19 pm


When I saw Rondo make that first long bounce pass in transition, in his very first exhibition game, I couldn't believe it. I posted immediately that Rondo had some Cousy traits. And, of course, some idiots felt I was comparing him with The Cooz completely.

How foolish. In the first place, there will never be another Cousy. But it may eventuate that there will never be another Rondo either. Each had/has strengths and weaknesses. But, as long as the strengths far outweigh the weaknesses and bring championships, who cares?



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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by jeb Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:26 pm


Rondo is self contained. He KNOWS what he can do. I think he has another gear we have not seen yet. A guy with his talent can moss def learn to shoot. Though I have seen guys with giant hands struggle.

This though is a very confident kid who fears no one. I like that. It seems to me that when he pushes the ball, penetrates and gets the d confused we are a very very good team.

Very original game his own style. He'll be up for Jennings.

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by dbrown4 Mon Dec 07, 2009 3:11 pm


It is great having you resurrect Cousy's play for us young whippersnappers. (OK, I'm 46) And just seeing a few of his game clips makes me appreciate your appreciation for his game and what he did for the Celtics in the 60's.

There is a point. Bear with me. I think DA is the bridge between the 60's Celtics and what we are witnessing unfold before our eyes. After watching the Len Bias story on ESPN, I am even more convinced. He was actually with Len hours (or days, I can't tell from the program exactly) before the bomb dropped. Obviously, DA wasn't responsible for what eventually happened (I think the story says Danny and Len went to a party shortly after the draft, but not THE party) but he understood the gravity of what having Len Bias would have done for the Celtics through the 80's and 90's. When he played for the Celtics in the 80's, he was greatly aware of the Celtic tradition of winning championships was all about, all coming from the 60s and 70s. For years, he may have been thinking (beating himself up) what could I have done when I was with him for those few short hours that could have helped changed the outcome. While somewhere along the way he finally realized there was nothing he could do about the past or what happened to Len, there was something he could do about the future for the Celtics. Fast forward 20 years later, or whenever he took over as GM.

I think he has taken it upon himself to re-create the old school Celtic winning ways. It's probably why he signed Rondo to 5 years, $55MM. That's a very big bet he placed for one person, especially a point guard. I'm willing to bet my house that Danny's house, office, etc. has tapes, pictures of Cousy and all the 60's teams everywhere.

Rondo may be his best attempt at a 21st Century look-a-like for Cousy, or at least someone who reminds us of Cousy at certain times and ways, as mentioned above. I think this (his GM job and its subsequent results) is Danny's gift/masterpiece to Celtic fans everywhere. While last year didn't work out like he had planned (and yet on sheer determination alone almost pulled off the impossible), he is carefully building another Celtic dynasty in fine Celtic fashion. Not going for the big, flashy name players. Just putting together a puzzle, one ordinary piece at a time.

Lakers, Cleveland, Orlando, Atlanta...better soon bring your best effort then double it to get in our game because shortly any few loses we experience will simply be minor, baffling mistakes, hiccups on the road to #18 through #25.

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by jeb Mon Dec 07, 2009 3:45 pm

I'm with you. Each player has bad traits. It's the COLLECTIVE assembly of their good traits that matter. Doode won a ring in his second year with a massive collection of salty vets. That takes some epic stones.

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by Sam Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:10 pm


I agree that Danny is one of the best things ever to happen for the Celtics. He is the closest thing to a bridge from Red to the present.

I'm not trying to compare him with an icon like Red, but Danny has good instincts. Perhaps more important, he has CELTICS instincts. Plan around the collective of the team, not around showcasing individuals. Care about the game. Respect the tradition. Keep it a family affair. Cut your losses and focus on your gains. Obtain players who will buy into the philosophy. Etc., etc., etc.

I've always been a proponent of keeping it within the Celtics family when it comes to making important hires; and Danny has confirmed that impression. However, it's nice to know that, just as naturalized U.S. citizens can make fine U.S. citizens, a "naturalized" Celtics citizen like Doc can become a productive and effective member of the family too.

They may or may not win the championship this season. Rondo may or may not become the perfect player. Injuries may or may not occur. All sorts of contingencies lie ahead. But, no matter what happens, I'm very proud that this has been, and continues to be, the pro basketball team I root for.


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by spikeD Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:46 pm

When Red passed over to the Otherworld in 2006, they interviewed Danny and he said he didn't make a move without consulting Red and spoke to Red every day. When Wyc was interviewed recently, he said they, as an organization, tried to get Red's input on everything.

In Red's books he sets out his blueprint for a championship team, not in so many words, but in a way that you can't miss it. For example, when saying why he would take Bill over Larry, it was because center was the most important position. Then came playmaker/point guard, then forward and guard. So, you build your team from the middle out.

Another thing Red said was that you have to have great players who are also good people. When the game is on the line, it's the good people part that makes the difference. A huge percentage of players that Red signed had been on championship teams elsewhere.

Lastly, you try to get one good new acquisition a year.


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Put me out of my misery... please!

Post by gacracker Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:17 pm

Rondo could very well revolutionalize/redefine the NBA Point Guard position in a most interesting way. He certainly has most of the tools to make his unique mark on the sport. Lets hope!

I have a feeling that this thread has plenty of life left in it. The season is after all young and I am certainly not one to crow.....

I told you so!!!...

when we hit a prolonged bump in the road and the defense is collapsing like crazy and double/triple teaming KG or PP, playing Rondo for the drive or pass, daring him to shoot the 12-15 footer or make the FT's ...(you know the senario)

and I'm going to be so tempted to say........ I (muffled) (muffled) (muffled)!!! Mad

Please someone shoot me if it comes to that!

You can draw straws for the honor!


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by David14 Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:56 pm

Sam, et al., this is a great thread to read. There are not many other players in recent times that attract the name Cousy in their public fan comparisons. It should be obvious to anyone paying attention that when Rondo is playing relaxed and confident he can pretty much control the game. His problems seem to appear when he loses his self-confidence and/or gets himself involved with a Brad Miller type incident. It's my humble opinion that when Rondo adopts Cousy's complete approach to the game, he can become Mr. Basketball the Second. The fans will be doing all Celtic Nation a favor by standing behind him good game or bad.


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by Sam Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:21 pm


A couple of months ago, I wanted to try to contact Mike Gorman and ask what he thought of the following idea. He and a Celtic of the past would sit down with a Celtic of the present whose role had at least some similarities. For example:


There could be many themes to the conversations. But a principal one would be philosophies and issues involved in those roles then versus now.

I thought it might be fascinating; and it still could be in some of the cases. However, I wouldn't want Cousy to be bothered because he needs to be near his wife. And I'm not sure how interested Sam would be in uprooting himself from the golf of the sunny south or how readily McHale would be.

But it is an interesting thought. And it would be a great way for the Celtics to archive some great footage. I know the Red Sox have been quietly recording interviews with greats of the past for posterity.


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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by jeb Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:04 am


Where ya been?

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The Case For Rajon Rondo - Page 2 Empty Re: The Case For Rajon Rondo

Post by David14 Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:09 am

Sam- OUTSTANDING idea!! I hope Mike G. responds. I think it would be great video material.

Jebster- Business travel and another family challenge in life has kept me going 24/7. I've been watching you guys and the C's as much as possible. I've enjoyed the C's wins and the discussions. You guys are special Celtic Nation folks!!! I'm hoping to be more active on the board in the next few weeks.


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