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Post by bobheckler Thu Oct 31, 2019 11:23 am

by FLCeltsFan

MY NOTE:  My favorites are in bold.  What are yours?

I hope giannis does not GUard Tatum.

I wonder if Boston might be really switchy and have all those guys rotating onto Giannis, and maybe even try Robert Williams on him.

The Bucks are saved! Jaylen Brown is out sick

I’d rather have him playing, he isn’t much of a player, I doubt he’d start for the bucks, might beat out sterlijng brown for 11th man, but it would be a battle

No role on the bucks for such a piece of crap. And he is a Celtic, so the only thing he knows how to do is flop, hold, grab, kick, punch, scratch, and then whine about getting no calls. And since he plays for a smug, entitled, dirty organization, with powerful east coast media bias, he gets away with it every wonder why every Celt sucks as soon as he leaves? Answer – they stop being able to cheat when they play for another team.

Hard to win at Boston If I’m a ref in Boston, I’d be afraid for my life if I called anywhere close to a fair game. On top of it the players play into the circus, whining on every call, no matter how ridiculous their protestations might be.

Celts are irrelevant to the bucks Bucks only rival is the number of banners they can hoist Celts will probably be a 1st or 2nd round matchup for the bucks once in a while, assuming they make the playoffs or win a series once in a while.

What would you do If Giannis signed with the Celtics this summer?
- Quit basketball
- Burn Giannis’ jersey
- Become a Celtic

I would probably quit basketball considering he has 2 years left on his contract.

I'd be the same as I am now bucks fan, interested in giannis, hate the Celts. I am kind of that way already, I’m a huge brad Stephens fan, yet can’t stand the Celts.

Oh wow I just noticed Jayson Tatum’s 2pt% is in the 20’s…

Kyrie is a more talented player than Kemba but his play last year in games 2 through 5 was some of the worst I’ve ever seen from a star player in the history of my watching the NBA. That performance was soul crushing to the Celtics (and it’s fans) last year and there’s almost zero chance Kemba is that bad tonight or in any game against the Bucks this year.

The Celtics will selectively run Especially Jaylen who loves getting out on the break and going to the rim.

Does Marcus Smart still play for this team? Yes? Then I want to stomp them into oblivion. He’s the love child of Matt Barnes and Matthew Dellavedova, and that’s not a compliment.

Something just seems off with this team. They don’t seem to be having fun while they are playing. Giannis especially. Big test here to see where their minds are at. Kemba always kills us. Still can’t believe Middleton got that contract. I guess that’s the bucks way though. Always need someone with a long cap killing contract that isn’t worth it.

This will be the Marcus smart flop game. He will be covering Giannis a lot and falling all over the place

Should be a comfortable win...will be disappointed if the boys don't get way up for this one

Hopefully giannis doesn't foul out, even though he prob will.

Tough game tonight. Man, I despise the C's. Bucks need to bring it tonight, and I think they will. A win.

Are the Celtics wearing those super ugly uniforms tonight???? The ones that Kanter leaked?

Man, has that roster slipped. Celts were poised to be a big dog in the east, and now they just have Kemba, a fading Hayward, and two decent wings.

Stevens is a good coach, but I have trouble squinting and seeing an identity on that squad. Not great shooters, has some size but the bigs are not great athletes, one of the league’s worst “me first” guys in Kanter.  (MY NOTE:  Wait for it.
You'll not only see our identity by the end of the game, you'll also see yours)

Tacko Fall is like a sideshow performer, I tell myself its not polite to stare, but I can’t look away.

Interestingly enough, we have Marc Davis again! Good news, I think Celtics fans dislike him as much as us, so he’ll probably just be all around bad instead of biased against one team. I notice he likes to make questionable calls from the other side of the court, a mark of an official who thinks the game is about him.

Kanter out and Theis questionable means we're likely going to get feast or famine from Boo Butt Williams.

Bucks are second in the league in pace. Maybe they are using up too much energy or something.

I'm really looking forward to this. As PP mentioned they are a great test. Brad can coach. I'm hoping we see Lopez in the post with the ball more like we did against the Rockets. They have no bigs, and we should exploit that.

Seems as of now that Boston will be the cream of the next patch of teams after MKE/Phi though. Getting the 1 seed you would avoid Boston in round 2. Not that I'm afraid of them, but the easier the better.

Playing against perennially overhyped/overrated teams like Boston will make it pretty clear how good we actually are.

I see Jaylen Brown caught a case of the Greek Freak Flu

The Celtics are kinda trash. See them as a first round out.

Tatum's facial hair is, um, interesting.

Steven A. Smith and Paul Pierce.... Name two sports personalities less qualified to talk about the Bucks.

Paul Peirce is "rooting" for us in the pregame. I don't like it, stay away from us.

Go to hell Paul

They are putting Marcus smart on Giannis lol. I am going to be so mad if we somehow lose this game

I was wondering why we were booing our own team...then I realized we're in Boston

Giannis just needs to drive to the basket every time, there's absolutely no one on the Celtics that can effectively guard him

Marcus Smart is my least favorite player in the nba pretty easy

He's that player you hate unless he's on your team

Kemba can’t lead a team

Why does Tatum look like a kid who spray-painted the hair on to look like Wolverine

Boston is in disarray ATM.

Tatum needs to shave

In 76% of Tatum’s minutes he’s the tallest Celtic? That’s insane  (MY NOTE:  welcome to today's small ball NBA, and we've got a better record than you now)

Is red curly hair a requirement to be a Celts play-by-play guy?

Pat with the Tatum shot Don’t want to ever see it again.

Ojeley up there for the worst haircut in the league.

I have no qualms with Boston having bad, overpaid players But watching Hayward play lately is just sad  (MY NOTE:
Once again, wait for it)

Beating up on Celtics is fun

Tatum = poor man’s middleton

I predict Smart is going to flop a lot and the officials will keep falling for it as if they've never seen him do it before. Because NBA refs are gonna NBA ref.

I love that Giannis hates the Celtics.

I hate Smart with all my heart but he's probably the best defender in the NBA.

Best scrub in the league no doubt

Everyone has to play by 2019 NBA defensive rules. Except Marcus Smart, Marcus Smart gets to play by 1992 NBA defensive rules.

Don't worry, Marc Davis will do his best to keep it close.

Boston is garbage and this will be a blow-out by halftime.

Boston getting easy calls yet they still can’t get shots to go lmao.

I really feel bad for Gordon. I just don't think he'll ever be the player he was unfortunately

Don't. He has recovered, he is making a ton of money, and he pooped all over Jazz to go the Boston.

They maxed Hayward hahhaha

I did not realize how sh** Boston's depth is. This team ain't sh** without Brown

If by brown you mean Horford

I love how we always bring our A game against the Celtics

What a flop! Smart teaching the youngsters well

If this is a flagrant 2 then its proof that NBA hates giannis

How is grabbing someone out of the air and yanking them to the ground a common foul

Tbh giannis could literally shoot a Boston player in the face and I’d defend it

When Wanamaker jumps and hugs Giannis, I think an unhurtful elbow should be the least of your worries

Defense looks superb but it's a hobbled Celtics team

We just lost a 21 point lead to the Heat. I'll wait until the final whistle lol

Tatum's form is like a sling sometimes isnt it

Williams has about 3 fouls per 10 seconds of defense 😄 Lol. I don’t know it’s fine but at some point it needs to be called.

unforgivable for celts trading baynes

The refs really hate Giannis don't they? That was no charge!

Anybody else hating smart always trying to undercut Giannis on rebounds

This is going to be a boring season. The Bucks are going to be regularly up 20.

Going to enjoy a hearty laugh at the team that gives Tatum a max contract

Smart hitting threes at decent clip is a ****ing TERRIBLE development. Hate him so much.

Someone mentioned this but why does Smart get to reach reach reach punch punch without calls??

Because he's a scrappy, defensive-minded player. Rules are different

Smart in his own way has done a very solid job on Giannis. Clearly frustrating him.

He has but he gets away with a million reaches cuz refs don't want to deal with his whining.

Smart is shutting down Giannis.

Giannis can't overpower Smart and it breaks me

The whistle a dwarf like kemba gets over Giannis lol. Refs still rewarding Smart for his egregious flopping while never cease to amaze me

Nothing like Boston fans booing when their player commits a borderline flagrant

Celtics are out to injure Giannis tonight.

I wish Boston still had Aron Baynes - he was always good for two Giannis monster highlights a game.

Remember when Celtics fans b***hed our entire playoff series about reffing? What a ****ing joke, they're down 16 despite having their hands held by the refs tonight.

That Tatum tattoo sucks lol

If there's one thing he should quit it's getting sh** tattoos

We own this team so bad. I hope we get em in the playoffs. Easy sweep.

We're casually thumping the Celtics and all the announcers talk about are the Celtics.

Smart flops so much. Quite possibly the biggest fake tough guy in the league

F I r s t t e a m a l l d e f e n s e

First team all clown

Celtics are a bunch of little b***hes. Change my mind.

Giannis is clearly shaken up after the refs have let the Celtics try and kill him

If I had a nickel for every Celtics hip check when they double and triple Giannis I’d have nearly a dollar at this point

Smart lighting up Giannis. He needs to guard him out there.

Smart outplaying giannis on both ends

Tatum always begging. The perfect fit for the Celtics  (MY NOTE:  Yes, he does need to stop that)

I hate to say this but I love how Boston's arena loves to see their team coming from behind With Fiserv Forum you get the feeling the crowd freezes as soon as the team is not comfortably ahead.

That's what an arena is supposed to sound like

Go **** yourself Smart.

We've played good D but lucky the C's are literal dog shit on offense

Brad Stevens using a challenge to prevent Giannis free throws 😂

Getting thoroughly embarrassed on national television is so fun.

Man with the amount of times Smart has his hands on Giannis you'd think he'd have more than 2 fouls. Must be the goat defender.

Doesn't help that these refs are dog sh**

I am not even American and I hate Boston with a passion

Because they kicked your a** 250 years ago?

They threw our tea in the Harbour!

They can't pronounce the letter R so I agree

I would trade Bledsoe for a bag of chips at this point

Marcus Smart is annoying And Giannis is that weak, mentally.

The Bucks are not even a top 3 team in the East

If there is one reason we need to win this game. It’s Paul Pierce.

ESPN is the Celtics Network!

Damn even tatum scoring it’s getting bad

This Celtics roster is weak…better come back or this will be a really bad loss.

I can't wait till we get rid of Eric Bledsoe

Bad news is he's signed for 4 years. Also bad news, his trade value is at trough.

Brad adjusted. Still waiting on Bud to do the same.

Bucks look like pansies and pretenders, honestly. I don’t enjoy saying that, believe me. They look weak physically and mentally.

I'm already preparing myself for when Giannis leaves Milwaukee because we can't win the East

We are winning this one I am calling it now

No star player in the history of the league has been reffed the way they're reffing Giannis this season.

I don’t even think we can post Giannis anymore due to smarts constant falling down and the refs almost always giving him the call

Giannis has the ugliest shot in the nba

Someone should tell the Bucks Smart can shoot.

Can't let mummy Hayward get all the way to the hoop on a straight line drive from 30 feet out.

It's after Matlock so half our team should be sleeping in a recliner.

Were never going to score ever again.

Bucks are broken

Bring back Kidd

Welp, last year was fun. Back to reality.

Doris n espn so desperately want Celts to be relevant

Some pretty **** excuses for Giannis just being a completely limited player.

Everything about Boston is annoying.

Something just seems off about the energy of this team.

They're old.

Boston is annoying.

Smart is right ... shoulda’ been an offensive foul on Giannis … we’ll take it …

Damn... Kemba would be so nice on this team.

We're overrated Breaks my heart. I’m literally devastated watching the first week of the season. We stink, we’re soft, can’t shoot, worst 2nd half team in the NBA, can’t hit FT’s, and get run off the court for long stretches of game. It’s very concerning. We might have been broken by the refs, by the in the 2019 playoffs, specifically by Marc Davis in the 2019 playoffs, but this is a broken team.

Smart is the dirtiest player in the league Probably got away with a hundred fouls this game

Bring in Sterling to take a shot at Smart!

Bahstan floppahs

Did the Celtics tighten our rim or something?

Normally don't find Doris too bad but she couldn't be more obvious about favoring the Celtics tonight

How to announce this game 1) question any call on Celtics 2) downplay pulling on Middleton’s jersey 3) compliment Boston’s defense

Boston is doing a great job taking advantage of mismatches and we're not. We're being out-coached right now

We are about to lose to the Celtics without brown and their center

Smart is 1000% in Giannis' head.

Smart is really ****ing obnoxious.

Would love to have a guy who gave a sh** like he does and actually plays hard

So Marcus Smart pushing his shoulder into Giannis' chest is a foul on Giannis? Got it.

Giannis brought him down after smart pushed.

Kemba would have been perfect on this team.

I bet Sterling could beat up the fake tough guy that is Marcus Smart.

That's sad that smart looks more physically imposing on someone who is six inches taller. And I don't wanna hear "Smart is strong." Either way pathetic showing in the second half. That game was over mid way through the 3rd. Bud should've benched the starters in the fourth mid way through.

Well, the Bucks succeeded at one thing: They revived Celtics Nation …. Doris Burke, Paul Pierce, ESPN, Stephen A. Smith …. They will all be having a big party tonight!

You're right for the most part, I concede. More importantly, they revived the Celtics team! Remember, the Celtics didn’t even have Enes Kanter nor Jaylen Brown tonight.

I hate the Celtics...

Refs have been directed by Silver to put the KIBOSH on GIANNIS

Celtics fighting to stay relevant, gotta give em credit.

No. I won’t. I don’t give credit to pulling, slapping, scratching, tackling, punching, pushing, without any reprecussions. That’s not basketball, not really. Noone will mention it, and it won’t matter in a couple of hours either, but that wasn’t basketball. I lost count by the 3rd quarter on how many fouls Smart and Theis had committed.

Bud is done. You blow a championship and you should go.

Brook hugging Tatum after the game makes me .... Sick! What a softie!!!! Boo on Brook!

Very typical game in Boston, Boston essentially fouls 500 times, and whines 1000 times, and gets away with mugging and thugging the opponent Bucks got beat by the same formula that beat them vs Miami

Stop blaming the refs, this is 100% on us. Specifically the offensive scheme is broken.

Budenholzer is an over rated coach. His startegy is Jack up 3s at will even whenbits clearly not working

We are trash in the worst way. Good except bad

I hope Doris and Paul Pierce both get diarrhea tonight Smile

Kemba is exactly the player we need

It’s not the only reason we’ve sucked, but the way the refs have allowed ojeleye and smart and the Celtics and general do sh** like flop, hip check, and go for giannjs legs has been beyond infuriating.

The fact that they let Giannis gets hacked on every possession and whistle the most ticky-tack shit against him will never make sense to me.

This will stop the moment he hits a big market/pairs with another stud that the NBA wants to sell.

Marcus smart is one of the players you would LOVE if he was on your team... I don't think hes dirty or anything. I think hes high energy and super physical.... But yeah. Definitely **** that guy. Lol.

Refs have ALWAYS been incosistent both ways and it hasn't been that much different this year outside of a few questionable calls and they DEFINITELY weren't the reason we gave up a 19 pt lead and lost to an inferior team.



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Post by dboss Thu Oct 31, 2019 11:57 am

Love how the Bucks sunny day turned into a rainy night.

What a pathetic group of fans.

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Post by bobheckler Thu Oct 31, 2019 12:31 pm

They sure do complain a lot about calls for people who think that the Celtics complain a lot about calls.



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Post by Shamrock1000 Thu Oct 31, 2019 12:36 pm

Not much love for Middleton from Bucks Nation?? I like him - seems to always play well against us...


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Post by dbrown4 Thu Oct 31, 2019 1:16 pm

Love how the thread progresses from the Hate Celtics/Hate Smart, etc. to the eventual realization that we are a different kind of problem...But they turn on themselves and realize THEY are the problem. Fire the Coach Bud, trade Middleton, etc. Truly fascinating.

It's great to read this after the games we win as well, knowing the initial tone has to change at some point.

BobH, this is becoming one of my very favorite reads after every game! Thank you for posting it!!


P.S. TOR still in last place but MIL is giving them some competition for that honor for sure! NYK have the best fans so far.

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Post by dboss Thu Oct 31, 2019 2:43 pm

dbrown4 wrote:Love how the thread progresses from the Hate Celtics/Hate Smart, etc. to the eventual realization that we are a different kind of problem...But they turn on themselves and realize THEY are the problem.  Fire the Coach Bud, trade Middleton, etc.  Truly fascinating.  

It's great to read this after the games we win as well, knowing the initial tone has to change at some point.  

BobH, this is becoming one of my very favorite reads after every game!  Thank you for posting it!!


P.S.  TOR still in last place but MIL is giving them some competition for that honor for sure!  NYK have the best fans so far.  

DB quite amusing to see how compromised those Bucks fans are.


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Post by dbrown4 Thu Oct 31, 2019 2:47 pm

They certainly are a vociferous bunch!  I will give them that!


Better yet, they are the jolliest bunch of a$$holes this side of the nuthouse! (Since Christmas is just around the corner!)

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