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Post by bobheckler Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:42 pm

After all the ish Bill Simmons been talking on Twitter (and the fact that the Celtics got all our picks), I’d really love to crush them tonight. Would make for such an enjoyable Friday night.

Len Bias would have been 63?? Dang, that guy is aging even faster in the grave!

I'm not usually a pessimist, but... I think we lose both games and get blown out for one of them.

The bench is why the Nets are losing games Whenever the starters come in they have to make up huge deficits.

Less then 1 minute into Celtics pre game & they talk about the draft pick Ughhh sometimes I hate living near Boston. On top of that I get 48 minutes of Tommy Heinsohn

Boston sports announcers are absolutely insufferable. I don't know what it is about that city, but it systematically breeds homerism.

Just punish Thomas on defense. Involve him in pick and rolls and exploit the mismatch with JJ posting him up. The Mavericks abused him all night that way. I bet they will try to hide him on RHJ, if that happens, the Nets have to try to give him the ball as well. Their offense, they're not that scary. They often just stand around while Thomas dribbles around. Not that great of a shooting team

What strikes you about them is just the energy level and bench. You know they will play really hard and come in droves.

Celtics defense is very good this year

I think we'll play them tough. Winning is another case entirely.

Lets do this. Lets make them bleed!!!!

No one on the Celtics can guard Brook. We better take advantage of that.

It is torture listening to these Boston announcers If I was a Celtics fan they would annoy the ish out of me

You said it yourself: they're "Celtics fans". These announcers are music to their ears :wink:

Hmmmm....looking pretty clear that refs are going to let Celts foul whenever they want Reach-ins and over-the-backs aren’t fouls as long as you’re wearing Celts jersey

It's not even like Boston is playing great basketball tonight... We’re just really, really bad

TRob looks like a stiff out there... I thought he was athletic

I guess its looked down on around here but I'm kinda hoping for a loss Don’t think this organization will ever change till their hand is forced.

Bargniani is so useless on D. Got destroyed by Olynyk off the dribble.

Our bench is just so bad Thomas Robinson is playing like crap but his replacement is bargs. It’s a no win situation, might have to start playing thad 40 mins a game.

This. Pretty awful to watch. Makes bad players look even worse.

How can Bargs be soooo bad? At everything?

Do you see Hollins ?!! This is how you coach! Wish we had brad Steven smfh

David Lee looking like Kareem...

It honestly looks as though we're nursing a hangover

David Lee having a throw back game like he was playing with the Knicks and D'antoni

LOL... This is the team getting our lottery pick

What I don't understand is how after 3 early fouls on Boston (in first 4 minutes), we have shot a grand total of zero free throws since.

Because we're taking 20-footers every trip down the floor?

Stevens with a preemptive timeout Sign of a good coach

Every game I find myself saying how underrated coaching is in the NBA

Having the worst coach in the NBA will do that

Forget preemptive coaching adjustments I’d settle for regular ‘emptive’ coaching adjustments  (MY NOTE:  I feel sorry for Hollins.  He has to work with shit, except for Young and Jack.  Everybody else is injury prone or ancient).

Horrendous call. Even the Celts homers said it was a clear block.

Are we really THIS BAD?!?!?!

Lol yes

Stevens is just straight up punking Hollins at every turn with his coaching this game.

I'm hoping for blow outs in both games against Boston Maybe that will be enough for a coaching change. This tam needs a new voice

Like I've been saying, our perimeter defenders have had easier matchups the last few games. This Celtics team can hit the three from every position and is very quick.

This should easily be a team that fights for the 7/8/9 spots in the East Instead, here we are…

Do you really believe that? There is very little talent on this team

Stevens is a great coach

Celtics shot 86% in 2nd qtr

Lee highlights look like he's Jordan

This charade has gone on long enough. Clean house, dump King, dump Lionel.

You can’t go through the Pistons or even Boston’s bench and tell me that they’re that much better than ours either  (MY NOTE:  Uh, yes, I can)

Bostons bench is so much better than ours it's not even close. They pretty much have two starting units.

Just tuned in now Can someone explain

First half summary: Our players are bad and our coach is bad and everything is bad  (MY NOTE:  Couldn't have said it better myself, although maybe I would have left the coach comment out and offered a double helping of "your players are bad and everything is bad"

We have no bench

Nets were hanging with Celts Then David Lee happened….hit every shot he took to start 2nd quarter…literally…he made Brook look silly. After that…Celts guards got hot and Nets had no answers.

This is a great roster for tanking. Too bad Boston has our pick.

We could be looking at 3 straight seasons of just gifting high lotto picks to Boston...

Why do we always get messed up by the Celtics

They have nba caliber players and a good coach and we have Andrea bargnani

Celtics told Stevens is there are 4 games you HAVE to win this season its the 4 against us

Not surprised the Celtics are blowing us out. They have a lot of talent and a top 10 coach. They are a playoff team IMO if they were trying buy they aren’t. Our pick combined with theirs.. We are on the verge of creating a young powerhouse in the east

it's pretty telling when nets players were interviewed before the game both thad and jack gave Stevens a ton of credit. Boston got a steal of a head coach

Just walking in from work, turns on TV sees score laughs… its beyond me how we have only 9 assists to the Celtics 23??? Good gosh there is no way King isn’t fired by tomorrow

Boston will get there franchise player in the upcoming draft

Their bench could beat our starters

We need reinforcements… Is Bostjan Nachbar busy?

How bout Nenad krstic

I’m sold. We could probably use Eddie House too

I might hate the C's more then Toronto They have everything we want, literally. A coach,young talent, and a pick or two

I hate the whole Atlantic so much now Except for the Sixers. They haven’t done anything to warrant too much hate. Wait Nevermind, they pretty much gave us Billy King.

So... When is the press conference announcing Hollins' firing?

If 4-7 warrants mchales exit....anytime now

If bricking mid-range jumpers was the most valuable basketball play, Bargniani would be greatest ever.

Celtics try making it as ugly for the opponents as possible Smart recently stated that they all just want to make their opponents just feel defeated and humiliated every game.

I can't disagree with how smart feels. Hell that's how EVERY 80's NBA team used to think.

NOT sure If this is NBA basketball!

I was looking forward to seeing zombies on the walking dead Sunday night. Guess I don't have to wait. They're playing tonight.

I just want Hollins to say post game "we suck, this team sucks and we need to get our heads out of our asses and play like a got damn professional basketball team"

I turned the game off, but apparently this happened
Celtics up 24. Fans now chanting, "Brooklyn draft picks."
— Steve Bulpett (@SteveBHoop) November 21, 2015



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Post by bobheckler Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:26 pm

I am now hearing the chant was "Thank You, Brooklyn. Thank You, Brooklyn..."

Oh man, that's freaking cold. Not "Let's Go Celtics!" or "Brooklyn sucks!" or even mocking a player who shoots an airball, all stuff that fans chant and opposing players expect to hear, they were grinding salt into the wound that we own them, lock stock and barrel, for the next 3 years.



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Post by bobc33 Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:32 pm

A bit off on Len Bias would have been 63, I think 52 is more like it.

Nenad Krstic with a mention..... Miss him it used to be fun to write let's go nads on the game on threads.

I have good vibes about this team, this season and this Forum!

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Post by Outside Sat Nov 21, 2015 10:34 pm

I hate the whole Atlantic so much now Except for the Sixers. They haven’t done anything to warrant too much hate. Wait Nevermind, they pretty much gave us Billy King.

I find it unfathomable that Billy King is still the GM after it became apparent how crippling that KG-Pierce trade was. I just assumed that he was long gone. Why is he still there?

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Post by cowens/oldschool Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:48 am

Outside Billy King works for the owner, the owner wanted the deal to win NOW at that time, King just brokered it, made sure everything, documentation was in place. If Lopez could have stayed healthy that year....who knows? maybe they would have went deeper.


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Post by wide clyde Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:33 pm

Sounds like the Nets fans are ready for a 3, 4 or 5 year ordeal of finishing last or near last in the East.

Not a bad place for them either since the Cs have some of their first round picks for a while from where I sit.

wide clyde

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Post by Outside Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:13 pm


Yeah, I get that the GM works for the owner, and I know they were in a rush to win right away, but draft picks are included as sweeteners in deals where the money lines up but the real value is out of balance.

But with Pierce and KG, the Nets were getting former stars that were obviously in rapid decline, and they were short-term rentals -- Pierce played only one season for Brooklyn, and KG played only 96 games over two seasons and was traded during the second season. To throw in three first round picks, plus the right to swap first round draft positions another year, was beyond stupid.

If King signed off on adding the draft picks, then he's an idiot and should be fired. If Prokorov is the one who signed off on it, then King should have resigned in protest because it was such a horrible idea. Either way, he should be gone. Prokorov's arrogance and impatience allowed the deal to happen, but a GM always has to consider the long view, and giving up all those future draft picks was stupidity beyond measure.

The Cavs once had an incompetent owner named Ted Stepien who traded away all their first round picks for journeymen. They were such stupid trades that the NBA instituted a rule that teams couldn't trade away first round picks in consecutive years, known as "the Stepien rule."

The Stepien rule came about to help prevent incompetent management from completely mortgaging their future in an attempt to win now. You can bet that if there were no Stepien rule, the Celtics would own the Nets' first round picks for the next three consecutive years.

The KG-Pierce deal was the most incompetent, short-sighted, franchise-damaging trade since Ted Stepien. King has no business being employed as a GM after that.

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Post by wide clyde Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:00 pm


Agreed that this trade should never have been completed as it was from the Nets stand point, and not sure that anyone knows who actually gave the OK. But, if it was the owner I see no reason why King should have been fired. Perhaps King was only doing as he was told? Most of us have to listen to our boss's orders even if we think that he may be wrong once in a while.

wide clyde

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Post by cowens/oldschool Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:18 pm

Outside my point was its not all on Billy King, the owner wanted to contend right away, GM's work for the owners.....if it was all on Billy King pushing for the deal like Cheney did with Bush, pushing to go into Iraq, then ofcourse he deserves to be fired.


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Post by Outside Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:20 am

Wide Clyde and Cow,

Yeah, I got that. If it was the owner calling that shot, then King should have resigned. He should have argued against including anything more than one first round pick, and if the owner went ahead with the deal as it was, King should have resigned.

He's the GM. He had to know what a short shelf life that aging veteran roster had and that it was a deal that was going to ruin his ability to build a roster for years to come. He's either incompetent or spineless. I just don't understand why he's still there, whether the owner overruled him on the deal or not.

It's not that big of a deal. Just an observation that I was surprised he's still there.

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