A Final Exam for this Forum? (PLEASE READ...VERY IMPORTANT)

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A Final Exam for this Forum?  (PLEASE READ...VERY IMPORTANT) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Final Exam for this Forum? (PLEASE READ...VERY IMPORTANT)

Post by mulcogiseng Mon May 31, 2010 3:52 pm

forbearance? that doesn't include me, does it? I already do my best which means I don't post here often. lol but now it's the finals, and bdc is not much fun any more, well, it can be a little fun but not too intelligent with all the good posters here or somewhere else. a couple of good lacker fans are there like jofc, who seems to be intelligent and thoughtful, quick to praise, yet more than willing to show his fandom. here's to a great finals where all can show their colors without any red showing thru, unless it's THE red thru cigar smoke, of course.

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A Final Exam for this Forum?  (PLEASE READ...VERY IMPORTANT) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Final Exam for this Forum? (PLEASE READ...VERY IMPORTANT)

Post by babyskyhook Mon May 31, 2010 5:13 pm

Sam wrote:To the Board,

June will mark the ninth month in this forum's relatively brief existence. That gestation period will culminate in the birth of championship euphoria for either the Celtics fans or the Lakers fans who inhabit our little corner of cyber-space.

There can be absolutely no question that the presence of our Lakers cohorts has strengthened this board in a number of ways. Speaking from personal experience, I was the first person I'm aware of who employed the now-regrettable term "Fakers" MANY years ago, and I have evolved to the point of having a much more realistic, respectful and healthy outlook on the still-intense rivalry. As a result of the board mix, we know that quality people can some in shades of either green or purple—two hues that would turn the stomachs of an emergency room doctor. The friendly competition produces just enough of an occasional "edge" to spice things up around here. And I expect many of us have learned a lot about the art of restraint.

But we are now confronted with an additional challenge—sort of what I might call a final exam for this board. Whereas much of our competitive conversation has heretofore been historical or hypothetical, the teams we respectively support are now entering a period of direct and spirited conflict on an extended basis.


1. Unfortunately, the playing field is not really level here, because this is, first and foremost, a Boston Celtics board. Lakers fans may read some things they don't want to see about their team, and it will be necessary for them to practice forbearance. At the same time, such comments can be presented in a number of ways. If they appear to be gratuitous, deliberate attempts to taunt or irritate our Lakers fans, they'll be zapped without warning or explanation!


I apologize if this message appears to interject a tone of unneeded negativity on a board that has so far been 98% a model of comportment and conviviality. If you wish to brand me as an alarmist, I'll gladly take the shot for the sake of the board because I'm worried about the other 2%. We've come so far in such a short time, and I can envision the upcoming war as a possible bump in the road. All the people involved are far too valuable to risk a misstep at this point. So, enjoy what should be a great series, and enjoy one another, and I'll enjoy watching everyone ace this exam and get a good report card.

And here's to good health on both sides!

Thanks for reading.



No need to apologize. I think you put things into perspective very nicely. You've created a great refuge for intelligent conversations between friendly rivals on this board, and the unique nature of the board is well worth preserving. Much better to draw the line now and make things clear than have something go overboard in the heat of the Finals.

As you stated so well, it's a lot different for us to talk about the rivalry in historic terms (which I think we all greatly enjoy and do so with mostly mutual respect), but it's an entirely different animal when it's a Lakers-Celtics Finals. All of a sudden a lot of deep-seated emotions that have been built up over the decades really kick in, and reasonable objectivity becomes much harder to come by.

I've been feeling it myself over the last few days. I have been cheering for the Cs throughout these Eastern playoffs for three reasons:

1. I badly wanted them to knock out LBJ and his merry band of posers to silence the LBJ jock-sniffers in the media.

2. I wanted the Cs to get out of the East because I know you are true fans and good guys (and Rosie) and it was fun to cheer with you vs Cle and Orl.

3. I wanted the Cs Lakers Finals for revenge for 2008 from an LA perspective and because in my mind, there's no better rivalry in sports, so I want to see it happen whenever possible so that the history keeps on building.

So I was cheering for the Cs one final time on Friday, but as soon as the game was over, I could feel my emotions changing. I have a lot of respect for Pierce, KG and Ray and the things they've accomplished over the years and the way they've carried themselves through the bad times. I've never hated them the way I hated Ainge and Cornbread and ML Carr growing up.

But I found myself quickly shifting from my usual respect mode into "It's the Finals. It's on. I don't like Pierce, KG, Ray or any of the Celtics" mode. Part of that was probably from watching the Eastern Con trophy presentation and having it remind me of the end of 2008 Finals, but a much bigger part comes from my college years It just kicked in and took over temporarily, and I know that will be happening a lot over the next two weeks or so for me, and I would assume the same thing will be happening in reverse for a lot of the Cs fans on the board.

And this is, after all, a Cs board. You guys should be able to vent, beat your chests and say things in a more emotionally charged way than you would for game in Feb or March. Because you are all passionate diehard fans, and I wouldn't expect anything less.

But with emotions running high on both sides, I can easily see that some of the things that will be said will piss me off, and that I could easily respond in a way that would piss others off. Knowing yourself is to know your flaws, and I can see myself potentially becoming involved in a rapid fire exchange that I would later regret. It's like I'm Dr. Jekyll, but I can feel Mr. Hyde coming out.

So I, for one, am going to be a bit scarce around here for the next couple of weeks. I have a busy few weeks kicking in tomorrow anyway, so the timing is good in that sense, and plus I'll be doing a lot of ranting and raving with my Laker pals in my spare time.

I might check in between games here and there with you guys, but I don't want to be seen as taunting if the Lakers are winning, nor do I want to eat a ration of shite if they are losing.

So it's better off for me at least, to wait for the most part until after the Finals have ended and emotions on both sides have cooled down. Mr. Hyde will disappear again until the next Lakers-Cs Finals (Hopefully 2011!), and at that point, I'll come back to break things down and debate things with you guys and to either accept or give out congratulations on a series well-played.

And then we'll start talking about the draft, free agency and offseason moves, which I enjoy talking about almost as much as I like talking abut the games themselves.

So good health to both sides, and MAY THE BEST TEAM WIN !!!

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A Final Exam for this Forum?  (PLEASE READ...VERY IMPORTANT) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Final Exam for this Forum? (PLEASE READ...VERY IMPORTANT)

Post by Sam Mon May 31, 2010 5:46 pm


Isn't it ironic that you've been rooting for the Celtics and I've been rooting for the Lakers recently? Who could have guessed that either event would ever occur? Of course, the reason was that we had something in common...the desire to see these two great rivals lace them up and go at one another again.

I understand your decision to post less during the series, but I hope you'll feel free to do so whenever you wish. No one's going to give anyone a ration of shyte because I'll make it disappear faster than the Tidy Bowl Man. But do what you feel comfortable with because I know that, even if you don't post, simply reading a lot of contrary stuff can be a hassle.

Just don't forget us because we need you and others like you to make this a better board.

All the best during these playoffs.


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A Final Exam for this Forum?  (PLEASE READ...VERY IMPORTANT) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Final Exam for this Forum? (PLEASE READ...VERY IMPORTANT)

Post by babyskyhook Mon May 31, 2010 7:08 pm


I'll come around a bit, but since I've got a busy time hitting anyway, I thought it would be best to give people room to let loose in a way they see fit, as it is a Cs board.

I didn't want to get into a lot of unneeded conflict, because I am a big picture guy much more than a moment by moment guy. I'd rather talk about how things are in the macro than get into battles over the micro, and I know things will get posted in the heat of the moment that are more volatile than what gets posted after things have cooled down.

What's so funny is how things have changed over the years.

My best friend is a lifelong Bulls fan and has had season tickets since the late '80's.
I'm a lifelong Laker fan and have had season tickets since '95.

We both grew up hating the Celtics and were college roomates from '83 to'87- right in the heart of the modern-day Celts-Lakers battles.

We have both also always hated Sheed, no matter where he played.

My buddy and I were laughing a couple of weeks ago saying that f you had told us in '85 or '87 that 20-some years later we would be wholeheartedly rooting for the Celtics to get to the Finals, and be cheering for Sheed no less, we would have both laughed and said you were crazy.

I think it's the combination of growing up and realizing how special those battles in the '80's were and getting to know the people on this board. I never think about the Lakers beating the Nets in'02 or Philly in '01 or Indy in '00. Those were all great experiences, but they were anticlimactic.

I think of the real championships of those years being LA beating PDX in '00, the Spurs in'01 and the Queens in '02 (still can't help myself there- I really hated that Sacto team).

But most especially, I always think back to the '80's. I've never been as heartbroken as I was in '84, and I've never been as happy as I was in '85 and '87. And time has only made me appreciate those moments (both the good and bad) even more. It's made me realize how precious and special a Lakers-Celtics Finals is, and how much they should be relished.

I think back to the '80's and realize we were watching what were probably the two best basketball teams ever assembled playing each other for the title 3 times in 4 years. We are so lucky to have experienced that.

Those teams were loaded with HOFers, and I think these two teams, although not as stacked as the '80's squads, will be remembered in similar terms, and we will all look back on it and say how lucky we were to have watched the battles.

And don't worry, I'm around for the long haul. I like the board and its members too much not to be. I'll be back to may regular posting patterns (which are themselves irregular) after the Finals.

And back at you Sam- the best to you and Mrs Sam. Hope your summer is off to a great start out on the Cape. Or is it Nantucket ? I know it's somewhere nice either way.



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Post by worcester Mon May 31, 2010 8:12 pm

Sam, To tell the truth, I was more afraid of the Celtics playing the Suns in the Finals than the Lakers - tougher matchups for the Celts I thought.

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Post by Sam Mon May 31, 2010 9:22 pm

BSH, it's the Cape...specifically Wellfleet. Mrs. Sam has heard all about you... recounted as we stood at Fort Point looking in awe out under the GG Bridge. Here's wishing you a great summer and even greater waves.

Worcester, to tell the truth, I never thought about the matchups. I just wanted it to be what I consider the epitome of an NBA Final: Celts vs. Lakers. Sort of rolls easily off your tongue.


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