Apology to dboss

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Apology to dboss Empty Apology to dboss

Post by MustangGator Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:04 pm


I wanted to apologize to you for my response to your post game 2 thread. I wanted to make this post yesterday, but ran out of time due to work and family commitments last night. My post to you in that thread has been bugging me, and I needed to get this off my chest so I can enjoy the game tonight. I also want to apologize to the rest of the board for my rant.

I do still standby my thoughts in that post. However, in reflection now, I wish I would have just left them silent. I respect Sam so much as a person, sports fan, Celtics Fan, and for what he has done with this forum. You, along with the other moderators are, or as Sam would say (the brains behind the operation), have put allot of time into making this forum work. You all are doing an outstanding job. Your post game threads have been intelligently written and usually spot on. I just felt that in that particular thread you were attacking the Lakers, and I had a hard time resisting.

My comments in my response to your post game 2 thread were just my opinion, and nothing more. However, I felt bad after the fact that it looked like I was trying to call you out. Sometimes it’s not what you say, but how you say it. In this case, it was not what I posted, but how I posted it that looked like I was trying to call you out, IMO. Maybe allot could be said of what I posted also. I should have picked a better way of responding by not using the “quote” function to highlight, nit-pick, virtually every line in your post. If anything, I should have just used a broad brush and left it at that. Again, for whatever it is worth, I am sorry.

Have a good evening. I have a thank you thread to post, and then I will be watching the rest of the series from afar. So, good luck in tonight’s game and the remainder of the series. I do expect the Celtics to take game 4.


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Join date : 2009-10-20

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