Public apology

Pumpsie Green
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Public apology Empty Public apology

Post by Pumpsie Green Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:18 pm

I owe you guys this: I am sorry for interfering in your enjoyment of the Celtics-Wizards game thread. Clearly I went overboard. It will not happen again.
You guys are not going to agree with me a lot of the time, that much is obvious. I think that this year the team's effort (NOT the talent level: that is still very high) has been sorely lacking. I do not hold out much hope that they will make it out of the second round of the playoffs either. I will probably keep stating that in my posts until such time as I see evidence in the team's effort to the contrary. Still, there are ways to communicate that opinion other than what I admit were some pretty incendiary words and pictures.
Lest you think that this apology is being written under the threat of censure, let me assure you that it is not. While I enjoy this board most of the time, I would do just fine without it too. No one has told me to write this.
Many of you will question the sincerity of this post and will wait to see future posts on my part before deciding on its veracity. Thats fine. A man is only as good as his word.
Nuff to hit the weights. Thanks for listening.

Pumpsie Green
Pumpsie Green

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Public apology Empty Re: Public apology

Post by Sam Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:19 pm


I personally accept your apology. I, for one, do not doubt your sincerity one tiny bit. And I'll underscore that no threat of censure has been issued by any administrator of this board.

I frankly believe that this is a very unusual board...and probably a far cry from a place like Sawxheads (sp?). The members of this board actually pay (although what we feel is a token amount) for the privilege of coming to an oasis of unabashed Celtics supporters. The very knowledgeable posters recognize negatives and positives as they arise, but it is our basic nature to want to feel as good as possible about the Celtics as much of the time as possible.

The single biggest irritant (in my estimation) has been a sense of someone rubbing it in by incessantly stating and restating the same old negatives of which we're all very knowledgeably aware. Always remember that we're not ignoring negatives just because we choose not to reiterate them constantly because, frankly, it's boring and not constructive.

That kind of atmosphere cannot help but being disturbed by any influence that seems unusually absorbed by only the negative...
especially when that influence has a very declarative style on one hand but admits to a somewhat marginal knowledge base on the other hand.

As for incendiary words and pictures, I don't associate you with having initiated personal attacks, although some of the aforementioned stuff may have goaded others into making them. It is true that you have not been reluctant to respond in kind when you have been attacked. I've stated many times that there's really no place for such attacks on this board—in either direction. Period.

I am hoping that, starting today, we can all declare a clean slate and see what develops over time. Presumably we all want the same thing—whatever is best for the Boston Celtics. There's no better indication of that solidarity than the game-on thread. I look forward to tonight's with much more positive anticipation than I had half an hour ago.

Thanks again for the message.


Last edited by Sam on Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Public apology Empty Re: Public apology

Post by beat Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:50 pm


I was pissed to say the least about the rantings the BOOOOOOOOOOOO crap and LOOSER in bold had no business on this board. How you responded to others was sick.

My son has more manners than that.

Hopefully it is a lesson learned.

Enough said by me at this time. I'm still a bit peaved to say the least but have gotten to the point of at least addressing it, which I would not have done a few moments ago.


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Public apology Empty Re: Public apology

Post by bobheckler Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:11 pm

I accept you apology as well.

At no time did I ever feel insulted, but I'm always happy to accept someone's apology when offered. What the hell...


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Public apology Empty Re: Public apology

Post by MDCelticFan Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:25 pm

I like a clean slate too!-Irish Spring with double deodorant protection. Considering the shamrocks it should be the soap of the Celts! There was no cleaner slate than Fred Flintstone's boss, MR SLATE! (LOL)-MD.


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Public apology Empty Re: Public apology

Post by beat Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:31 pm

Public apology Mrslat10

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Public apology Empty Re: Public apology

Post by Pumpsie Green Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:24 pm

The members of this board actually (although what we feel is a token amount) for the privilege of coming to an oasis of unabashed Celtics supporters.

Sawxheads is very similar to your board. Almost everyone there is a Red Sox supporter. Those who are not, predominantly Yankee fans, come to discuss baseball and are as respectful there as are the Laker fans who come here. There are many people there who have concerns about the Sox's chances this year and frequently note their weaknesses; some focus on them; some focus on all that is well with the Red Sox. It makes for a more lively discussion than if all that was ever submitted was about how great the team is.
I cannot promise you that I am going to suddenly just post what I see is positive in this Celtics team; that is just not my style. I try to keep it real. I will guarantee you only that the language used will be different (ie, no "BOOOOOOOOOOOOO" or pictures with LOSER written in it. That was over the top; it won't happen again. You guys deserve to enjoy this board. If the expectation is that we slant our posts toward the positive all the time even if we believe the contrary, I will probably not be around here much-voluntarily. I hope that works for you.
Now, I have said what I would like to say on this thread.....its time to move on.
Pumpsie Green
Pumpsie Green

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Public apology Empty Re: Public apology

Post by pete Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:31 pm


I think the most important thing for any poster, on any message board, is to "add" something. Whenever I post, and I am not the most NBA savy person here, I at least try to "contribute" something to the discussion. I believe, that is the only thing in question, at least with me on your posts.

It is important to me that, what I read, in someway "educates", or gets me thinking about certain players, or coaching/team strategies, etc. Constant team bashing, throwing in the towel too early in a game, or a season, gives other members "nothing to live for" so too speak.

So, whatever the reason, the most important thing, is what happens from here on in. I suspect you have a lot more you could add, and still present your disappointment/views, or insights, when the team is not playing so well.

Give it a shot, and see what happens. I appreciate you starting this thread.

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Public apology Empty Re: Public apology

Post by Sam Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:56 pm

"Real: occurring in actuality, capable of being detected"

I see nothing in that definition about being selectively, universally negative in a milieu that quite obviously contains both positives and negatives from which to choose. That would not be construed as "keeping it real." It would be construed as a deliberate agenda of negativity, probably with designs on being irritating and baiting.

We moderators serve at the pleasure of the membership. For the vast majority, "reality" seems to consist of positives and negatives as they occur. It is rooted in neither positives only nor negatives only. If the obviously selective inputs of any member appear to compromise the pleasure of the many on a consistent basis, we are duty-bound to take action. Words are only a very tiny part of the situation. Intent counts for a lot.

By all means, let's move on.


Last edited by Sam on Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Public apology Empty Re: Public apology

Post by MDCelticsFan Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:32 pm

This is one time you can move on and you don't need Mayflower! (LOL)-MD!


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