Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away

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Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away Empty Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away

Post by bobheckler Mon Sep 21, 2020 9:50 am

by FLCeltsFan

I hope the NBA stops rigging these games I'd like the players to decide how these games go.

I'm sorry but can we stop acting like it'd be against the NBAs interest for Miami in the finals? Especially against LeBron. Sure they'd love Lakers Celtics but the only fanbase that has standing to say it's rigged is Denver. But it's not. If it was then Milwaukee would've beaten us and Denver wouldn't have beaten LA.

Are you serious the NBA did everything they could to give the Bucks a chance to win we should have blown them out multiple times but they were giving them the benefit of the doubt the entire series and calling BS on us.

Hayward or not, let’s win.

Please don't dig a 15+ point hole this game. The refs are iffy and Boston has a chip on their shoulder.

Come to think about it even if we make it past the Celtics there's no way we're beating the Lakers when they're getting 25 Free Throws in a quarter.

I don’t think Hayward will save Celtics season. Probably the refs and NBA will.

3-0 lets finish off this weak minded Celtics team

No Heat team has lost a series when up 2-0. Now no NBA team has come back when down 0-3. Odds against Boston would be out worldly

I feel like game 3 will be an nba vs ref vs celtics.

Can’t wait for the C’s to blow another fat lead because they are soft and can’t close!

the media is already crowning us as Eastern champions and I hope that doesn’t make us take our foot off the gas

Still baffles me that were are once again ~ 3 point dogs. No respect, let’s show em who we are. Culture

Whoever makes the betting odds: "The Heat have to lose eventually .... right?"

Refs rubbing their hands together

You already know the refs bout to be on our a**es tonight. We can't fall behind this game. Expect two quick fouls on Duncan and Bam right out the gate.

. This isn't the Pacers, this isn't the Bucks, the series ain't over until it's over. I'm still expecting a 7 game series but I hope that I am wrong.

Same here. 6 minimum. The Celtics aren't a joke, no team left now is.

It’s too bad the NBA wants to see Lakers v Celtics

I honestly see us losing tonight going 2-1 into the 3 day “Hayward break” (lets be honest we know what its for and its not to avoid Monday night football).

I think Celtics getting Hayward back will mess up their chemistry. I see them falling again tonight.

No doubt Boston comes with the fury of a thousand suns. That being said, if we keep it close until the late 4th we can maybe create pressure along their emotional fault lines. Let’s see how together they are after "locker room-gate"

celtics are going to be like wounded animals next game. cornered and feisty. be carful

If Hayward comes back and gives em a spark that could shift the momentum. It's hard to imagine him coming back and making a significant impact right away though considering the severity of the injury.

The one disadvantage being it gives Boston time to refresh. I think fatigue played a role at the end of the last two games for Bos.

Low key hoping his Mrs goes into labour a little early...she’s due end of September I heard, a week early ain’t gonna hurt. Do us a solid pls.

Time to step on their throats and apply pressure. Must win game.

On the bright side for Boston, they've won 5 of the 9 quarters/periods played so far.

Brad Stevens is being outcoached by Eric Spolstra so far in this series. But how much does Riley do/work with Spolstra? What does Riley actually help Heat's head coach on?

Need to lull them to sleep. Make them think every thing is okay....then, finish them.

looks like heyward back off the bench tonight

Welp, there goes the zone.

They acting like Heyward is the Winter Soldier or some sh**

I get a feel the Celtic will mop the floor with us, unless they are completely disjointed from the locker room issues the other night.

Is anyone nervous Boston is gonna be extra motivated with that last game and their locker room argument and we’re gonna drop the next 4 games...? I’m lo key scared

im not nervous, but yeah i think we'll lose; dont matter. Well take it in 6

Prepare for bam to be in foul trouble all game. Here comes the NBA officials

Expect 2 quick fouls on Duncan right out the gate. It'll also be the refs job to stop Dragic since no one else can right now lol

I still can't believe the NBA extended our next game to Wednesday they want the Celtics to advance.

The Refs also need to rest. It’s bound to be a whistle factory in Game 4 specially if we are up 3-0 heading into Wednesday.

Can’t wait to see the returning Gordon Hayward running around chasing a better version of himself in Duncan

Why is there this narrative that hayward is gonna be trash? Completely possible that hes a very good player this game and gets like 15/5/5 on good efficiency. Ik hes been out of the game for awhile but still that doesnt make him Adam Morrison

I hope spo makes it a mission to expose hayward on defense

Paul Pierce must hate having to talk about us being up 2-0 on his Celtics lol

I want us to win tonight so bad to see the life just leave Pierce’s face

I hate Paul Pierce.

I love how everyone in the world have been trying to coach the celtics lol

Threw $200 on the Celts -3 to hedge against catastrophic shambling if we lose

Hayward will play This should be fun. I’m sure if the Celtics win they will say it was due to Hayward. Be a shame if they had to report a different outcome 😊

Let’s gooo!! 3-0 spo vs stevens

Marcus smart gonna try to switch teams next game

Filipino Jackson about to go 3-0 against Chad Stevens

If we play our cards right, you’ll be able to see Smart suplex Hayward on the sidelines.

I have a feeling that we are all in for a looooong night with the officiating.

It has already begun phantom foul.

Well that's that, see you guys for game 4. Well played Boston. GG.

Marcus smart is annoying af

We can’t let Smarty boy get hot

Zach Zarba going for 50 tonight

looks like another game of 5 v 8... yet again

Boston always starts off hot then cools down to Antarctica temperature

Here we go with the refs

If Jaylen Brown takes those shots all night and makes them, good for him.

Build that deficit baby, just where we want em

someone tell them they don't have to trail to win

We suck so far but it’s also obvious who these refs want to win

Theis should be bbq chicken for Bam

Kemba is overrated idc

As expected we will not get any calls this game. Book it.

This game is a **** show already refs going to decide this game. They wont let us sweep this series the NBA wants more games.

Be prepared to see the refs give the leprechauns good calls. They were told by Silver to help the leprechauns win this game

Guys, can we not blame the refs every game?

Ah yes, down double digits early. Smells like another disappointing Celtics loss to me.

Tatum wants to be kobe so bad

Pick on hayward time. Let's see how well he plays defense

Bruh refs are trash

Remember when we thought Hayward was our savior? Now look at him

lol Hayward hasn’t done sh** for the Celtics since he came there years ago

We got this, coach spo is running circles around this fraud "genius" coach

I hate Kemba. Biggest flopper

KO think he still playing for the Celtics

Smart is low key bostons best shooter

Can't believe Hayward was a big free agent signing. He is above average at best.

His leg literally got snapped bruh nobody comes back the same from that

If theis is gonna be in foul trouble Bams gotta feast

Brad Stevens, more like Bad Stevens

Don’t tell me Hayward is about to cook us tonight

Gordon has to be neutralized. He can kill us in many different ways

Yo that Hayward mustache needs to go.

Holy ****. There's Gordon HayGod!

Damm I remember those rumors of Miami wanting Hayward. Seems like it was yesterday

You mean this rumor ?
Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away HJH02%20Heat%20News%20rk

Gordon ditching his wife as she gives birth to their fourth kid HAS to be some bad juju for Boston

Hayward not leaving for the birth of his child. Time for some trash talking. “Your baby is ugly!” “If I were your baby I’d beg the doctor to snap my neck”

That's extremely bad taste man wtf

There are no points for second place. I couldn’t care less about Hayward and his stupid family.

Kanter is a clown.

Hayward looks tired Don’t break a leg!

Hayward was wheezing his way to the bench

Enes Kanter better shut his mouth before we call the Turkish govt on his a**.

we are the only team that makes Kanter a playable NBA center lol

Kanter so annoying

Olynyk is killing us

The fact that Enes Kanter is giving them good minutes in back-to-back games. Hurts. My. Soul.

Gordon Hayward is gonna be an X-Factor the rest of series.

Someone wanna tell me why Grant Williams is mic’d up?

Why have the Celtics gotten all the mic ups? I mean, grant williams? Really?

Grant Williams seems like a lovable dork

Grant Williams seems pretty cool for a Celtic.

Herro>Michael Jordan

To think we were a coin flip away from the Celtics having Herro 🤮

Brad Stevens getting nervous. They came out on fire. And it’s a four point game.

Celtics look at ref every time something doesn’t go their way lmaooooo TRASH

Now I don’t want to overreact, but Tyler Herro May be the greatest player of all time

Herro is going to be the next Larry bird

Celtics Legit waste seconds every play complaining to ref allowing us to get into transition. Lmao so dumb keep doing it tho

Woof we got away with an awful foul there.... lucky for us. Wow.

Compared to all the flopping Celtics got away with last two games I don't care.

Have really grown to dislike Kemba through this series. Dude screams at the refs after literally every single play.

How many bail out calls are they going to get

Wow the refs really want them in this game

Refs totally babying the Celtics.

Hayward being back is lowkey a blessing. Marcus smart’s role is gone now

Every time Hayward drives to the basket, I close my eyes

It must be nice to get bailed out by the refs.

I'm sorry but this isnt the refs. They're playing a lot harder and attacking non stop. Everything they're doing looks decisive.

People forget how good Hayward is Dude can pass, switch on D and of course score, him coming back can change the series completely

The refs are giving them momentum and that is massive in basketball

The fix is in tonight. Refs trying to extend this series at all costs. Disgusting officiating.

Butler needs to go. He can’t pull up shots. He can’t f***ing drive. He can’t do sh**

Butler just coasts on offense the whole game lol like we don’t pay him 30 million

We need to trade Butler and get a real star.

Their defense throwing us off

What makes Hayward a max player? Sure can't be availability. He was nice in Utah, but anyone can look nice on a bad team.

They need to run whatever play that allows Goran to get Marcus Smart off him. He can’t get by him.

Jaylen Brown has came a long way. The dude is ELITE at defense

If Celtics blow this lead again Marcus smart is gonna kill someone lol

Overreaction time: Hayward is outplaying Jimmy

Everyone is outplaying Jimmy.

Tell you what when the Celtics blow this game i wonder what locker altercation there's going to be. Smart going to square up with Stevens ? Enes going duck Turkish police on the locker room? Tatum with the tense resting b**ch face when asked about Gordan Haywards importance? Brown saying we shouldve keep Kyrie? Idk but I look forward to the meltdown.

Foul on Boston? Is that legal?

We get nothing and they get everything. Well we know who nba wants to win

U can just see it in the refs demeanor they’re like excited to blow the whistle for them

refs getting more and more obvious every game

So I guess the refs are going to force this into a 2-1 series.

Jimmy gonna have to get shot in the face to get a call

If it's jayson tatum. that wouldve been a 5 shot foul

Bam getting beat by Grant F***in Williams Hahahaha

refs letting boston get away with everything

Refs are rigging it

This is what happens when you have a max player that can’t shoot. Butler getting exposed bad

Every possession just attempting to score is such a CHORE Celtics D is ridiculous.

If the refs don’t start calling a fair game I’m honestly just going to turn the game off for the 4th quarter

Officials dedicated to making sure the Celtics win

ESPN needs to show a highlight reel of the refs giving Boston foul calls.

Stop blaming the refs we are just getting outplayed

Absolutely pathetic. Trade them all to Sacramento.

Celtics have really outplayed us for most of the series too

They really attacking the paint instead of jump shots

Grant has such a punchable face

Lmao chill out Jaylen Brown. Might be the softest dude in the NBA

Grant Williams really thinks he matters.

Bam getting his a** kicked by Grant Williams...

Does this team know the Celtics are on the verge of collapse and we’re basically going to give them their confidence back

Can't let the Celtics go down 0-3 especially after the locker room drama narrative in play. Refball in full effect.

Refs don’t wanna see Boston get swept bro lol

ThE rEfs aRe bEing uNfair Every sports team ever

Celtics playing harder right now. Just facts.

They want it more. The refs want it most.

This ain’t on the refs lol

Marcus Smart just flopped to get a foul on himself.

Celtics are fake tough. Can’t believe we’re letting them get the better of us

Looks like the Celtics are teaching their rookies how to flop early

They wanted it more than us tonight. A lot more. Plain and simple.

Lol the celts only make contested shots apparently

Can the Celtics shoot without drawing a foul?

Let's keep getting to the line

I hope Jimmy’s coffee brand goes bankrupt

Absolutely outclassed this game.

Going to be a long layoff for the Heat till next Wednesday. Boston's going to be feeling good.

afraid of this game being a momentum shifter with Hayward coming back and everything.

Please put UD on just to flatten Marcus Smart

Please package kelly o and Nunn for someone. Anyone. Anyone other than those two.

Honestly wouldn’t be against putting UD on for 1 minute just so he can f***ing flatten Marcus Smart

F*** Spo for playing Nunn one f***ing minute this series

is the celtic fanbase the most toxic in sports?

I mean probably. Boston is racist as f***.

Somebody punch Marcus Smart please, I’ll pay the fine

when did Smart become decent offensively

Is Marcus Smart a super star?? I'm so **** confused

smart is killing us. he knows when and who to attack

I hate Smart too much

Smart's a winner, although scum

the refs have been especially crooked this game

KO stinks

Kelly is dead to me

Boston has the worst fans in all of sports

Wooooo Boston is about to win 4 games straight

Celtics committing murder on Dragic and the refs are in on it

We're playing bad defense because the refs got us all in foul trouble from the start of the game

Boston should not be allowed to continue wearing their BLM jerseys. How you gonna want social justice but live off the corrupt officials? Shame.

Refs with the clutch foul call. The real MVPs.

They killing the Zone today. Need to stop them its basket on every play. Damn

They’re shooting 52% and abusing us in the paint

Jaylen is just owning us..

Jaylen killed us

his defense gave us fits.

I'll say it again Jaylen played from the jump like our allstar Jimbo should play.

Brown is way more talented offensively tbf

Tatum and brown is going to be a force for the next 7-9 years. Especially if they max them

Brown is overrated

What ? Plays hard defense and fearless attacker. He's the 2nd or 3rd option that'll make a pretender into a contender. Reminds me of a butler.

Tatum making 3s like that we’re done

Hayward makes them so much harder to guard

I hate to say it but Hayward may have completely changed this series

My confidence is shook simply because I don't know what these refs are going to do.

Wasn't the refs man. We got waxed. Played with no hustle, they crushed us in every category.

Boston comeback in the series is brewing. We’re done.

Yeah just stand there on defense, Herro. It's not a playoff game or anything.

It simple. I can never leave my house again. The 1 L we took I was at a party. And tonight I'm not at home.

Ducan can’t defend a f***ing tree

Drob wouldn’t be able to guard a varsity high school player lmao

refs gave them just enough. this was a win in my book. Horrible calls early made it too much to overcome

Nah. What made it hard was the layup line in the 1st half and the Butler/Dragic no show. This loss is 100 % on the players.

I have a bad feeling about this series. Once Boston know how to sustain their lead like they did today, we’re in problem.

I am depressed

Jaylen Brown can do whatever he wants on Defense with no whistle. It’s absurd

Hayward defended Jimmy pretty well

Grant Williams looks like my big toe

They have way more offensive firepower than we do. It's evidently clear especially with the return of Hayward. Be concerned. Can't rely on comebacks everygame

We didn’t play good enough today blaming the refs is weak

Marcus Smart going to explode if we pull this off

celtics arent even playing ball, they are wrestling

Jaylen brown is secretly dirty bro


Celtics literally going around elbowing people in the chin multiple times

Hopefully this will be a lesson to this team. The Celtics are complete chokers, just keep it close and don't get down 20 and we win, it's simple

We're the better team idc what anyone says

Looking like a fifth seed tonight except in the end.

Their resorting to hero ball. That’s what we want.

Walker gets those big shots all the time in the 4th.

if you’re gonna lose just lose u don’t need to play with my heart😭

I hate the celtics so f***ing much

Let me say this, if we dont play rough defense on brown it will be difficult, if you foul him you need to foul hard, he spent the whole game pushing and shoving our players, we need to get our big boys pants and start playing tough.

We just need to get a fair shake from the refs. Can’t even imagine how bad it would be vs the Lakers

Jimmy so addicted to hero ball he's basically shaving points throughout the first half with his low effort.

Butler is injured?

Spo benching butler to send a message

Spo take everyone out. Knowing the dirty celtics they may injure one of our guys

Jae Crowder broke Hayward’s leg

These are the Celtics that we don't want to play. The team that makes the heat curl up and get stepped on.

Refs celebrating tonight! Got a big dub tonight! Finally!

Well at least were not gonna throw a tantrum in the locker room post game

That tantrum could very well be a huge part of boston winning this series

Hayward was a non-factor though, so thats good news.

first game back from 3rd degree ankle sprain though. now he gets 3 days off. he gives them spacing and someone we have to be accounted for instead of other chit bench players

You swap the refs tonight with half decent refs and we win this game

I don't think there has ever been a team who got more f***ed over by the zebras yet were still in a prime position to reach the finals. Absolutely ridiculous.
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Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away Empty Re: Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away

Post by dbrown4 Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:11 am

They are certainly hung up on the refs!  WTH?!!!

Hayward was a non-factor though, so thats good news.  

Subtle...that's what I like about Hayward's game.  He was probably more dangerous coming in under the radar in this game than he would have been coming out and going for 25-30 points.  Kind of like sleeping through a Cat-5 hurricane and waking up the next morning and your whole house and community is in a shambles.  That's what OG does to you.  Wait'll the next game you idiots and you have to play man-to-man the whole game!


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Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away Empty Re: Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away

Post by jrleftfoot Mon Sep 21, 2020 1:47 pm

Sound like Miamians. Miami is the rudest city In America. There is actually a poll and they "win" every year. Heat , Hurricane, and Dolphin fans are world class crybabies and there are no Marlin fans. These assclowns started complaining about the officiating before the game started. Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

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Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away Empty Re: Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away

Post by worcester Mon Sep 21, 2020 1:54 pm

Welp, there goes the zone.

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Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away Empty Re: Comments From The Other Side - vs HEAT, ECF, Game 3, Away

Post by dboss Mon Sep 21, 2020 3:24 pm

34 Free throws for them and 30 for us and they are complaining about the refs.

They will continue to play zone against us if we let them.

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