Comments From The Other Side - vs Jazz, Away, 3/12/24

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Comments From The Other Side - vs Jazz, Away, 3/12/24 Empty Comments From The Other Side - vs Jazz, Away, 3/12/24

Post by bobheckler Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:03 pm

by FLCeltsFanv

Celtics on the Segababa at altitude without Jrue/Porzingis. I think this game will actually be close for the first three quarters

Unless Lauri is playing it won't be.

Brice is gonna bury these fools.

must lose game. Luckily we're gonna lose by 60 so no stress

Celtics win by 19.

Just peeping the ESPN injury report, but looks like Jaylen Brown and Al Horford are both out now.  Boston is deep and I may be wrong, but I really think this game will make tank fans sweat

In classic Jazz fashion I predict a win.

Taylor Hendricks makes his return with 30 points. Walker Kessler triple double. Jazz lose by 3 points after Tatum tries to score 60 points like Kobe did on his last game against us, as Tatum is a Kobe super fan. Jazz lose improving the tank.

Trap game for Boston. They absolutely shouldn't sweat the Jazz even if they were healthy, but they are not ready for a stupid Clarkson game--good or bad.

Trap game for the jazz. They've had a bunch of days off and are looking ahead to how to lose to the hawks. They'll probably win this game.

That is what I expect; that or the Jazz losing by like 60. I think the Celts have 3 50+ point wins this season already; so it could get really ugly really quickly. They could Lawler's Law in the first half  (MY NOTE:  Lawler's Law, named after Clippers' announcer Ralph Lawler, says that the first team to 100 points wins.  Since 1996-1997 season it has been accurate 91.87% of the time.  If the first team to 100 leads by less than 5 points at that time (e.g. 100-96) then Lawler's Law accuracy drops to 75.54%, which is still pretty good)

Heard. Heading to the liquor store now.

don't even need to try and lose this one. It'll just happen naturally

Big Al! I missed that dude; such a great guy.

Haven't caught a game in a while, this starting lineup is kind of depressing

Sounds like a lot of Boston fans there

Reminder that Celtics fans are some of the worst in the league, rivaling Laker fans. My heart goes out to those in attendance

The day Scott Foster retires will be a fantastic day for the league.

You spelled indicted wrong.

I really want the crowd to make the money signal every time he does something.

Hayward still on Boston?

Vista Print made a copy of him and named it Mr. Hauser.   (MY NOTE:  This is a new one)

It is truly unbelievable how well teams shoot threes against us

Leaving Hauser that wide open? Jeesh. Reason they are 4/6 from 3

I've never seen a Jazz team have so many contested threes drop on them

Getting sick of Boston drilling 3's

That's basically who they are.

9/14 on threes so far in the first f***ing quarter ...

This is still a winnable game. If we make some defensive adjustments, our guys can come back. But maybe what we "want" is to play hard and put another L in the tank.

9/15 from 3. It used to be 40% was a good standard for 3s. Against us it is 60%

I'm here in person and honestly the Celtics are just comically good.

Tatum gets the most bullsh** calls ever man holy sh**

Kornet might as well be an offensive lineman for White. He can move all he wants and never gets called for illegal screen.

Walker has scored more in goal tends for the Celtics than he has for the Jazz

Jazz making Kornet look like a stud.

4 guard lineup with Collins at the 5. Lmao. There’s zero chance Will is trying to win this game

Held them to 72. They are missing 2/3 top guys though

Hey this isn’t as bad as that embarrassing game in TD garden a few months ago

No Brown, Porzingas or Horford and they still put up 72 - Hardys defenses are awful and he needs to be held accountable

Is this game winnable?


I give us a 5% chance

Celtics are good at basketball

Maybe tired legs and altitude will start to work in our favor

Could you guys imagine this squad beating the Celtics 😂

Scott foster money sign

I hate Scott Foster more than Chris Paul

Okay, I need to back off my JC hate, when he went down on his wrist my first thought was I hope it breaks so I don't have to watch him anymore.

Need to add a Least Improved Player award to give to Kessler

F***ing woooooooof this team. Cut it to two and then go full retard and give up a 9-0 run in under a minute of game time.

We look like the tired team. Embarrassing stretch.

Why Boston putting Tatum back in? These are stupid coaching decisions I don't understand. Save your guys. Long season

Shoutout Shaq and Chuck for telling Derrick White to go bald

The tank is really tankin right now!

General Hardy leaving in Tank Commander Clarkson is masterful strategy.   Very well played Sir

Celtics fans always look like they're on their way to or from a hate crime.

In the future, I wouldn't advise going 6 minutes without scoring

Hey the hope is that one day we can be the Celtics in this scenario and just destroy teams. Hopefully one day…

Tatum is great but when Boston went on their 15-0 run to start the 4th they had a lineup of White, Hauser, Pritchard, Kornet and Tillman.     Come on, there is one legit NBA starter there. That's embarrassing.

There will be he** to pay if Danny Ainge doesn’t get us a championship even though he makes me watch Talen Horton Tucker.

two seasons in a row of half-a**ing a tank job. so dumb to wait until february to tank and they do it two seasons in a row.

I think next year will be the same. Year 3 of rebuild.

Maybe the jazz wise up and tank from the start. We could have 3 rookies and 3 sophomores. Play the da** rookies all freaking year please!!!

Hardy I think got the memo. He was all in on the tank the 4th quarter. A tankmasterful job of coaching there.  



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Comments From The Other Side - vs Jazz, Away, 3/12/24 Empty Re: Comments From The Other Side - vs Jazz, Away, 3/12/24

Post by willjr Wed Mar 13, 2024 5:07 pm

The day Scott Foster retires will be a fantastic day for the league.

You spelled indicted wrong.

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Age : 61

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