Comments From The Other Side - vs Jazz Away

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Comments From The Other Side - vs Jazz Away Empty Comments From The Other Side - vs Jazz Away

Post by bobheckler Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:13 am

Leprechauns have fools gold in their pot. They are out of wishes and shall not escape ESA with a win.

The Smart/Bradley combo Means that Dante’s ball handling will be tested.

I can't wait for the pre and post game dialogue about Hayward seeing his college coach. Boler will reference it at least 1000 times.

I feel Kanter could struggle some with Sullinger's girth. Unless of course Sully isn't on him and likewise. Then, Nevermind.

Destroy them!!!!!!!!!

Boston got into a track meet last night against GSW. The Warriors did Utah a favor by letting them get back in the game in the 4th period. Celtics should be dead tired tonight.

Hopefully the Celtics aren't as shy as the Nets were about taking the ball into the paint. I want to see more Gobert blocks.

That's the wonderful thing about having an elite rim protector. When his stats show zero blocks, it usually means the opponents did not have the cojones to challenge him and just jacked up jump shots. Or, like against the Nets, they missed half a dozen shots at the rim because of him.

I'm sort of torn on this one... I want us to win but if we lose - good chance we move up in the draft because the Celtics play in the super weak side of the league (they should get more wins..)

I'd be worried about smart playing with a chip since Dante was taken right before him

Hope Exum outplays Smart. I wonder if he may be coming pushing to come back this game just for some perceived rivalry with Exum who went before him. I'm glad Jazz took Exum over Smart just on character alone.  (MY NOTE:  HUH? )

Boston has been playing really good teams pretty tight lately. Could be a good game.

Comments From The Other Side - vs Jazz Away 600full-celtic-pride-poster

Damon Wayans, best 2 guard we ever had: (MY NOTE:  I'm sure Phoenix head coach Jeff Hornacek will be happy to hear that)

Rudy Gobert will feast on the Leprechauns

Does Gobzilla like Leprechaun meat? You bet he does!

I watched Boston play for the first time this year last night They may give the Jazz all that they can handle. It’s possible that this could go the way that the 2 Pacer’s games went. Boston’s defense is pretty good.

I couldn't believe how close they were to GSW last night They must be doing something right

Brad Stevens just seems like a smart guy I would believe what he says and I don't even know the guy

BOS crew has a women Can we trade Brownie?

I wish we would have started Gobert. Boston wouldn't be able to compete with size at all.

BOS ultra physical

Has Boston missed a shot yet?

I don't know I am too busy watching Crowder's hair I’m jealous.

Sullinger too fat for a professional basketball player.  (MY NOTE:  Yeah, and he ate Favors' lunch too)

Celtics have a nice young team.

I love these Celtics announcers.  (MY NOTE:  WOW)

Boston feed is nice cause it's just worshipping Hayward lol

Wait, Boston guys singing praises to a white guy? What a shock!

Is everyone in the crowd just sitting on their phones? The fans should be ashamed of themselves.

When did Prince become KD.

Smart looks a bit chubby

Nice play by Smart This game is going to be a battle

Boston is a scrappy team.

Prince going all KD on us too

I didn't know Gerald Wallace was still in the league.

The Celtics are making a lot of shots they don't normally make. The Jazz are getting good shots and bricking them.

Like I said, Boston has been playing really great teams very closely lately.

Sullinger with a three Good lord

Celtics are playing good d

Our frontcourt is annihilating theirs. But it doesn't matter we have arguably the worst backcourt in the NBA

Their perimeter defense is pretty good. They're trapping our young guards on the front and packing the lane at the same time. Good defensive scheme. They know how to disrupt us.

We have problems with teams that play physical defense... They knock us off our spots...

The way the Celtics are playing defense is really savvy. They're guarding the perimeter and the rim and leaving gaps in the mid-range. Their guards can cover ours all over the floor with their quickness.

Boston's defense deserves credit They are hounding us

This might be our saddest loss since Houston beat us by like 45 at home

At least Houston is a good team. We’re getting slaughtered by a freaking 15-win EC team.

Impressive defense by the Celtics

We're at home, Boston played last night and isn't a good team And we’re getting blown out

I hope the crowd boos them off the floor

Give the Celtics credit, they're defending and hitting shots.

Their perimeter players are better than ours, both offensively and defensively.

Uh oh...we suck again

Our bigs are better than theirs, but we're not getting past their guard line.

In all fairness, Marcus Smart + Avery Bradley play good defense on the ball. They're fast and scrappy.

Lol at the Celtics having a better roster than the Jazz. Look DL, see what happens when you wheel and deal.

Smart is a PG the Jazz would need... He is a great defender, a very good passer and is not turning the ball over. And most importantly he is unselfish....

We are getting outrebounded 22:14 by Sullinger, Zeller and Bass Neutral

Stevens running out the 40 and over lineup with Prince and Wallace, lol Can still defend some.

When Smart, Bradley, and Crowder get dialed in, it can be a terror

For a team that should be tired they are putting in the effort early.

I'm tempted to make fat jokes about Sullinger But we’re getting our asses kicked, so I’ll just leave it alone

What a run

Aaaaand now we're fun to watch again

Brad Stevens with the Corbin-esque choking on his TOs Anyone else notice this?

Boston just let the Jazz right back in

Are the rims smaller on that end of the court or something?

If Benedict Cumberbatch and Evan Turner had a child it’s Tayshaun Prince

Boston has no inside game. None

Hahaha. I was totally expecting this. The Celtics were making 3's like crazy and we were just missing everything (open and contested).

You can tell smart is a rookie He forgot to take that shot after the horn.

Celtics on the 2nd night of a B2B. Should help out the Jazz.

This game is infuriating.

Can't catch Thornton on the wrong side of his streaky offense He’s got the ability to heat up

The bald guy is beating us

His 1 nba skill. Perma heat check guy

What the hell? Prince is playing like KD tonight

Think Prince had like 8 cortisone shots before the game... He’s looking spryer (word?) than he has in 5 yrs

Prince with his best game in 9 years.

Bleh, Kanter flat-out bulldozed Zeller

Quin is weird; he won't play our players even 36 minutes in close games, but he'll play them 35 in 30 pt. Blow outs.

Yeah I can't explain that. Stealth tank?

I'll go with stealth tank.

Zeller is a lot better than I thought.

Impressive going right at rudy. that's the beauty of a hook shot  ( MY NOTE:Music to Tommy's ears)

OMG! I hate this game. Not gonna sleep well tonight.

HAHA Celtics commentators ripping the Jazz lack of hustle getting back on that Hayward block TRUTH

Scal is such a great commentator

Can't play like dump for the entire first half even against a crappy team like Boston.

Oh well, the Celts deserve some credit, they put on a shooting clinic even when closely guarded most of the game.

I can't tell if this Boston commentator is calling him Haywood......or if he's just from Boston and doesn't have an R to give

PG play is what killed us this game

Shutting down PG's is one of the few things Celtics do well Smart/Bradley get after it

Exum is one of the bigger disappointments in the entire NBA There were a lot of teams that thought he was the best player in the draft last year, and he’s done nothing this year. I know he’s young, but he’s gotta give you more.

Should have taken Smart.... (MY  NOTE:  So much for the "should have taken Exum on character alone" BS)

I would take Exum over Smart any day.

I'd take Smart, but to each their own.

At this point in time I'd take Smart Three years down the road…who knows?

Smart shows as an elite defender. Worst case, Tony Allen. Exum, way more upside… just waiting to blossom.

At least Smart has a worse case!

Disappointing loss to a tanking team

Celtics are anything but a tanking team. They played hard and have been playing very well. They earned this win.



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