Where are the trolls?

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Where are the trolls? Empty Where are the trolls?

Post by gacracker Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:30 pm

GaCracker present and accounted for, SIR!!! The pleasure is all mine.

Looking around..... what.... no trolls? Tini? Hater? Girl with No Socks? Red4all?

How about Dottie, the moderator? Is Dottie around?

No? Good! No.. GREAT!

Glad to be here, fellas. Bring on 2009-2010 season and lets get ready for # 18!

Thanks Sam for making this possible. A wee bit of sanity returns to Celtic basketball enjoyment.

League Pass subscribed to. HD tv programmed and ready for action. Remote control commands understood. CD recorder.... check... check..... and check!

IGNORE button put away.

Hells Bells! Lets jump it!

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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:44 pm


Welcome. Sounds as though you're as stoked as we are. You seemed to log on quickly, which is aood sign. I wish the next game were sooner. I'm looking forward to a game-on thread here.

Thanks for joining us. Glad to have your commentary and wit aboard.


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by NYCelt Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:58 pm


My brother is a Laker fan; you want his email?

Glad to see you here.


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by gyso Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:04 pm

Welcome, Cracker, Hi Sam,

As I just posted elsewhere, I plan to start a Game On! thread this Sunday during the game at Toronto, which starts at 3:00 P.M. I will start the GO! thread about 1/2 hour prior to game time. Hope to see you there!!

(well, not exactly see.........you know what I mean!!)


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:14 pm

And we'll have a contest. Entries have to be posted on the game-on thread by the end of the first period. The person who guesses closest to the total number of points for the two teams (combined and including any overtime) wins a free year on this site.


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by NYCelt Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:32 pm

gyso wrote:Welcome, Cracker, Hi Sam,

As I just posted elsewhere, I plan to start a Game On! thread this Sunday during the game at Toronto, which starts at 3:00 P.M. I will start the GO! thread about 1/2 hour prior to game time. Hope to see you there!!

(well, not exactly see.........you know what I mean!!)


Where are the trolls? Icon_basketball


The Game On! for Sunday sounds good. I hope DirecTV will show the game as they did with the last two.

It's got to be a heckuva lot better than watching the Bills!


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by gacracker Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:43 pm

NYCelt wrote:Cracker,

My brother is a Laker fan; you want his email?

Glad to see you here.


Well I'm a Dodger fan. Maybe he wants mine. Actually I am a Brooklyn Dodger fan and have never really accepted the move out west. I kept holding out hope that they would return to NYC but my hopes are now waining. five zero anniversary this year. Rumor has it that Ebbets Field is gone. Shocked

How time flies.

I fell for the Dodgers the same year I fell for the Celtics.

No regrets about the latter.


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:02 pm


I've been a Red Sox fan since 1946, but I always had a soft spot for the Brooklyn Dodgers. What a lineup they had! The Duke was my favorite Dodger.


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by beat Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:11 pm

Welcome GA Craker
Just got in from some hoop at Syracuse midnight madness

Thank goodness I didn't pay for the honor.

I'll know now not to go next year.

I'm waiting to hear about Sam's first victim of the ray gun!


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:20 pm


No action yet. For one thing, they know I have access to their email addresses and IP numbers. For another thing, I think they're genuinely happy to get rid of a lot of us. I honestly don't expect a lot of problems. You're probably too young to recall the old radio show, "The Shadow." It always started with this crackly voice saying, "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow does." I've thought of that many times in dealing with the trolls. I don't miss them a bit...not even as comic relief.


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by gacracker Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:24 pm

Sam wrote:Cracker,

I've been a Red Sox fan since 1946, but I always had a soft spot for the Brooklyn Dodgers. What a lineup they had! The Duke was my favorite Dodger.


Duke was my hero... my first hero. It broke my heart sometime back when he was arrested for tax evasion, apparently for not declaring some of his sports memorabilia (spell?) income... like a 2 bit crook. Its a long fall off of that pedestal.

Sneaking out to the car and listening to the Dodger games on the car radio at night, trying to decipher what was going on thru the crackle and static with the signal coming and going. What a thrill when The Duke knocked the ball out of the park.

The luster subsided somewhat when they moved to LA. Never the same again. I remember as a kid that I cried when they traded my other hero, Don Newcombe away.

Campy's injury nearly killed me. I was sure that he would play again.

Then The Duke was gone soon after the move.

The Moon shots when they played in the LA Coliseum with the 240 foot left field screen. My goodness.

I was a stary eyed kid then and little has changed.


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by beat Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:27 pm


Tomorrow in my neck of the woods is OPENING DAY. Now when that is said around here, it only means one thing

Deer season.

The guns will be out blazing at sunrise tomorrow (if not before).

Here is a little song/poem about it

It's the second week of deer camp,
and all my friends are here.
We drink, we smoke, we shoot the bull,
But never shoot no deer.
The only time we leave the camp,
is when we go for beer.
the second week of deer camp,
is the greatest time of year.


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by gacracker Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:59 pm

I just took a quick trip back to BDC (didn't post anything.... just observed) and read with amazement all of the meaningless chatter between/among trolls and some incredibly dense C's fans who simply cannot contain themselves and stop feeding the trolls, despite their best intentions.

BDC is truly a madhouse and the trolls are simply rolling/reveling in it. I didn't read any of the trolls' reactions to the exodus and am curious about their take on things... but not curious enough to read their posts. Why get angry anymore? I'm out of there.

I thought that I might want to go back occasionally and post... but once away from it, I am not inclined to go back at all. Very dysfunctional/sad.

There are pristine places along the Georgia seacoast that I do love but cannot go to during certain seasons because of the stinging flies that simply do not let up. I've had to break into a full run to get away from the flies who go right for my face. As soon as I slow down, the flies are stinging again. I've had to jump in the car, roll down the windows and speed off like a maniac.

The trolls remind me of the stinging flies who lie in wait for my approach. Hungry, vicious, swarming, looking to ruin my day. As much as I detest the trolls, I am much more upset with BDC.

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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:18 pm


I had to go out and rub some salve on my face after I read your latest post. I was stationed at Fort Benning for a while in the spring. No flies, but water moccasins all over the place. One day, a bunch of us were walking through one of the tributaries of the Chattahoochee River. My boot stepped on something soft, and it moved. All of a sudden, several little heads were bobbing around me in the water. I swear (and this is truly no exaggeration), I ran on water that afternoon.

And a Duke story. When I was in high school, a friend named Dizzy Dahill hatched this money-making scheme. You gave him a quarter and the names of any three major league baseball players. If those three players combined for three hits that day/night, you got triple your investment back. Otherwise, Dizzy kept the quarter.

Day after day, we'd make our guesses. Ted Williams, Stan Musial and Mickey Mantle were frequent guesses. But it seemed that, if one of them had a great game, the other two simultaneously had off-games. For five bucks in those days, you could treat a girl like a queen on a date; and Diz could barely hold up his head in class, he was getting so rich (and so much).

So we all got together and figured out that we'd been going about it the wrong way. Rather than bet on three independent players, we'd bet on three players from the same team. So, that day, every one of us bet on Pee Wee, Jackie and the Duke. Sure enough, they got exactly five hits between them, and Diz went broke. (Actually, the way he was going, we may have saved his life!)


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by gacracker Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:59 pm


Running on water is no big deal. I see geese and ducks doing it all the time, webbed feet and all. No doubt you may have done it... inspired by the little heads bobbing around your feet. I'm hardly impressed.

I've done it too getting away from soft shell crabs while crabbing bare footed at the beach up to my knees in water. Crabs are not terribly bright. They cannot always distinguish between chicken necks tied on the end of crab lines.... and human toes.

But can you walk on water? And I don't mean a brisk walk. I mean a leasurely saunter.

That would get my full attention. Wink

5 bucks back in those days was a small fortune. That was back when I was getting 25 cents allowance weekly... and felt rich. I had opened a savings account at the local bank and put away a dime a week.

Talk about frugal!


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:18 pm


I'm working on the walking on water thing. Weight apparently doesn't help!


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by jeb Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:36 pm

Just went to the globes deal and it is pretty grim. Just a buncha agitators and dudes workin up a hate buzz for each other.

Myself I like to hear what the other side is thinking but those boys on the globe's site aint very good representations of the opposing side.

Lotsa talk about nursing homes and such.

Think I'll hang out here.

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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by gacracker Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:50 pm

Very grim indeed, Jeb.

It is very obvious that they are lurking over here and taking back info to BDC go after those who have departed. Not very effective strategy but it is all that they have.

Good luck fellas. It's all yours. Y'all come see us, you hear! NOT!!!

Ta Ta!

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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by jeb Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:54 pm


Yeah I think most of the best guys came here near as I can tell. It seems like the globe site is just gutted and left with young know it alls and all those knowledgeably challenged laker doodes.

I went there twice today and came back here where the basketball talk is happening.

Where abouts in Georgia are you from?

I grew up in Chattanooga.


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by gacracker Sat Oct 17, 2009 8:24 pm

Born and raised on the salt water marshes in coastal Savannah.

I've been in North Ga since I was grown. Athens, Clarkesville... the N Ga mountains as you well know are pretty special.

I pass thru Chatt on the way to Knoxville and Nashville.

Beautiful country. I've had more than one breakdown on MtEagle. pale


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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by jeb Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:56 am

Well that makes us both southern boys. Monteagle kills folks. Very knarly hill.
Good to meet you

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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by jeb Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:28 am

Just went on globe site and got angry and lashed out at martini dip. Waste of time. Waste of energy. No mas.

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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by gacracker Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:14 pm

The trolls are gluttons for punishment. They love it...and then turn it around to punish you. No win situation.

Sado-masicism in its purest form. ALL DAY LONG!!!

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Where are the trolls? Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:35 pm


I read your mini-rant. Good stuff. The guy's DNA is comprised entirely of antagonism.


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Where are the trolls? Empty trashing a troll

Post by gacracker Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:52 pm

jeb65 wrote:Just went on globe site and got angry and lashed out at martini dip. Waste of time. Waste of energy. No mas.

Your rant to Tini???

"Sam has forgotten more than you'll ever know. Bite my crank you tinhorn punk. Good luck with the Spurs."

Well at least it was short and to the point!


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