Where are the trolls?

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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by jeb Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:55 pm

Sam @ ga

What I find frustrating is the lack of knowledge. Just no sense of history. A poor grasp of the present. The need to agitate. The unobserved ego.

Now is all we have in this life the past is gone the future don't exist and I KNOW that but keep an open ear to those that came before you. Learn. Respect.

I hated those Laker teams with Magic then but now look back at them with the greatest respect. Their 87 team is way up there in the greatest conversation in my estimation. They have a deep, talented squad this year and will be very tough to beat. Kobe showed a lot of growth last year and I applaud him for it.

I can have conversations with people I don't agree with. I ENJOY it if they are smart. I WORK in California all the time and am in constant discussions with smart Laker fans. It can be a lot of fun.

Any way. I aint goin over there no more. This site is way smarter and less aggro. I aint goin to choose that bad feelin anymore...

Damn I got carried away.


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:09 pm


I'm hoping at least a couple of Lakers fans will become regular members of this board. And you're right about the '87 Lakers. I expect that, if I were a Lakers fan, I'd pick that as their best team ever.

As I've said before, that crap Martini posts about lack of tolerance for dissenting opinions is bull. It's lack of respect for an antagonistic mentality that he refused to recognize as the problem.

As far as forgetting more than he'll ever know, that's not saying much!


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by jeb Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:52 pm


None too eloquent but dude chapped my ass. I'm a pretty mellow guy but I can go hick in a second.

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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by NickFaldo Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:26 pm

I got suckered in by greenkiller. Even though Sam didn't like the ribbing of Pierce crying and being in a wheelchair, I thought it was funny. I bought his act that he only gives back to people who give out to him. But now I see he is making fun of people because of their age. I see that he keeps writing the same stuff every post. I agree with dslack's analysis that The Boston Globe has made a big mistake with their business model. I never click on ads. I don't stick around places that have a bad environment. I like dslack's place. I might also be able to scrounge up $20 and stick around here. They forced our hand, and it looks like the good guys are winning.


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by jeb Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:45 pm


Word up.


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Ghastly at BDC today.. the fight is over... trolls win

Post by gacracker Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:57 pm

I had to laugh. No GO thread. I bet it's been a very long time since that happened.

I kept waiting for the ultimate insult.... for one of the trolls to start one... as a joke. Now that would have been hillarious. Today was the day that rigor mortis set in. The few who are left have a serious problem. Do they stay an continue the lonely fight.... and lose even more... or do the join the exodus.

Hard to imagine any of the regular posters staying.

Should be interesting. I bet that the trolls begin to fade too. What's left for them to feast on... and what is the point?

They won! A phyrric victory for sure. Sad


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by beat Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:03 pm

I went over there shortly after the game started.

calling hours on BDC are being scheduled for tomorrow cause it's pretty dead over there now!


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by jeb Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:07 pm

Beat/ Ga

To quote the great Hunter S Thompson "You buy the ticket you take the ride."

It got goony over there and all the big brains moved over here.

Where it's nice.


PS I just went over to check the box score and was not even tempted to glance at the train wreck.

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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by beat Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:10 pm

There are few signs of life, the family is being called in, priest is arriving, there are no vital signs,

This is the time for a moment of silence...........which is exactly what is going on over there at BDC on the front burner of the Celtics board.

The house burnt down and the trucks never left the station!


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:37 pm

Well, we kept getting advice from BDC to ignore the trolls.

We even got derisive, sarcastic, contentious advice from the trolls to ignore the trolls.

Is this not the ultimate way to ignore the trolls?

Just following advice.

Trolls suck! (Ban THIS!))


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by gacracker Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:03 pm

Ignoring them is one thing... but abandoning them is a whole different matter. That goes too far! That takes the fun out of it... for the trolls. Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Icon_wink

I do think it would be nice to continue to extend a hand of friendship to our comrades still there who are having difficulty making the break. I feel bad for them. Once they make the break, they won't regret it!


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by jeb Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:07 pm


Word. Invite the right guys but don't engage.


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by David14 Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:10 pm

Sam, to me the most meaningful and "enjoyable" post for me on BDC today was Gyso's post to Che. I was tempted to do the same, however given my "limitations", I thought Gyso got the job done. I have nothing against Che, however he was not kind to those of us who decided to join your site!!


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by bobc33 Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:14 pm

Sam wrote:Well, we kept getting advice from BDC to ignore the trolls.

We even got derisive, sarcastic, contentious advice from the trolls to ignore the trolls.

Is this not the ultimate way to ignore the trolls?

Just following advice.

Trolls suck! (Ban THIS!))


That is a personal attack and has been reported. tee hee

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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by gyso Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:19 pm

I got on Che's case a little because he was ragging on us about leaving. I explained that the BDC had made the situation what it was and that he could stick his opinions where the sun don't shine.

The thread got taken down and my page doesn't seem to be under review. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:20 pm


Che's just plain strange, but I'd probably be strange if I migrated to his native land, Japan.

Funny, though. About three weeks ago, he appealed to me, asking how he could get his "Che" name back after being banned. I laid out what I thought was a pretty decent letter for him to send to Dottie at BDC, and I wished him luck.

Now, in addition to being (frankly) completely naive in his mantra about banding together (there's no one left to do the banding) and ignoring the trolls (there's will power for that), he has become rather demeaning and insulting. I don't really care a lot when I consider the source, but I sort of regret the amount of time I spent on that letter.


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by David14 Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:28 pm

Sam- You did the right thing and acted as the better person in trying to help Che. I don't post on BDC any longer, however I read the posts from time to time. I saw his post where he appealed to you. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw he returned the favor by blaming those who joined your site for the downfall of BDC's site.

Gyso-I think your comments were appropriate and well deserved. They were timely since the Laker guys started feeding off Che's comments. In effect you simply made a "public service announcement"!!! You saved me from completely biting my tongue off!!

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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Mooltrikon Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:30 pm

I am surprised that the BDC mods are working on a Sunday.

But when were BDC moderators ever predictable?

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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by gacracker Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:47 pm

Che doesn't know who to blame so he is lashing out at those he feels closest to...including Sam and including trolls he has tried to connect with. He is going thru the grieving process and is angry and blaming others. He'll get over it and then make more intelligent decisions about what his options really are.

Still, I think we need to reach out without engaging, jawing or apoloigizing for the choices we made to leave. It wasn't an easy choice for many of us... moreso for those who had been at BDC for years.

You have to give the trolls credit for being all to ready to exploit any sorts of disagreements that arise and to ferment more and more disagreements to further exploit.

The fact is that in an unwinable conflict, we put down our arms, stopped fighting, ceded the high ground to them and left in defeat, swallowing our pride.

We cut our loses. Others need to be encouraged to cut their losses and follow suit. They will come around particularly when they realize how wonderful it is on the other side... where their buddies are.


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by beat Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:53 pm

I got on Che's thread too before it got axed. I was nice (for me) but firm that he should not blame/tell us for off for being cowards and leaving.

In the end I simply asked him to check out the site and put in the link and left it at that. Now a little bit ago there was an unamed user from Japan lurking. I'm sure it wasn't him but I'll bet he's checking this out as are many others. (perhaps even the trolls)
Wonder what they must be thinking. Sort of like a strip show, look all you want but don't touch!

Sam thanks again!!!!


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by pete Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:03 pm

Anyone want to pool together and send flowers?


Back from DC, finally!

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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:41 pm


The poster now known as HankFinkel lives in Japan.


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by Sam Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:42 pm

Hey Pete, how did the weekend go? And how's the student' college life going?


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by pete Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:50 pm


Long ride home, rained all weekend, but it was great to see him. This is his first year & he seems to have a great group of friends, and loves where he is & what he is studying.

We are extremely proud & happy. I have always wanted my kids to do whatever they wanted, but, most importantly, to do better than us. So far so good!

Site looks great, look at all the threads! You must be a bit weary at this point, but I assume you are running on adrenaline.


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Where are the trolls? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where are the trolls?

Post by jeb Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:56 pm

bdc is a 5 alarm train wreck

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