Comments From The Other Side - vs Suns, Away

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Comments From The Other Side - vs Suns, Away Empty Comments From The Other Side - vs Suns, Away

Post by bobheckler Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:45 pm

by FLCeltsFan

The Celtics will be without Kyrie Irving.

It seems we dodged a bullet by not getting Kyrie for the rumored asking price. His knee looks to be a chronic issue. Had we acquired him, we wouldn't have Jackson and he would have made us good enough this season to where we'd likely be picking at the end of the lottery. (MY NOTE: His knee should not be a chronic issue now that they've taken that tension wire out)

Of course the Suns would have run the risk of losing him after next season when he has a player option.

I hope Josh kicks Tatum's ass

Celtics pregame just ripped the suns from top to bottom!

Let's just say I wouldn’t hate it if we beat the Celtics

Ah yes….NBA block out rules have saved me from myself… enjoy folks!

Reddit NBA streams If I have to suffer, you do too

Why dost thou tempt me so??!! I’m trying to be good!!!

Celtics pre game just called Morris "Mr. Big Shot" Ugh I hate Boston and all their pasty fans

The second best road team in the league plays the worst home team in the league. Is it a recipe for disaster? Probably. Do we care? No. The 3rd and 4th picks of the 2017 NBA draft go at it.

No Warren and it looks like no Booker game tonight. Again. What a sad season. We can't compite.

Looks like McDonough has learnt to put injury next to whoevers being sat.

Louder cheers for the Celtics when they ran onto the court than the Suns when they ran onto the court. SMH

Hard to listen to Boston play by play Always expecting them to say "so you think you are better than me???"

And the Grizzlies get the win Let the tank roll on ladies and gentlemen


Tatum and Jackson going after each other. Both have 9 points.

Damn Celtics don't miss from 3

JJ might be the only Sun who scores this quarter

Boston -22 Jackson - 11 The rest of the Suns - 0

I almost hope the rest of the team goes scoreless for the quarter.

Bender looks so dejected every time Horford beats him. It gets in his head and affects his shot.

Larkin is one guy Ulis can handle on defense

Tatum career high incoming

JJ vs Tatum gonna be a fun matchup for awhile (MY NOTE: Not Suns vs Celtics, just Jackson vs Tatum)

Every game I'm more thankful Ainge took Tatum in '17
EDIT: And Tatum is good

Tatum was my guy in that draft but I'm happy with either guys.

JJ my #1, Tatum my #2 I'd be more glad he was doing well if it wasn't for Celtics fans.

JJ is trying to outscore Tatum instead of limiting him.

Man the suns need a top pick or 3 this summer

I Feel like I'm watching Rookie Battle 2018: Jackson Vs. Tatum!

So far JJ looks better than Tatum

The Celtics are playing better than the Suns. Tatum isn’t playing better than Jackson.

They both made 4 FG’s, the difference? Tatum only needed 6 attempts, JJ needed 9. Quit acting like JJ is far outplaying someone when he isn’t. They are both having good games.

It’s so much harder being good on a bad team with meh coaching as it is being on a really good team with really good coaching So thinking JJ is playing better isn’t a "homer" statement. He has to work that much harder to keep up

Welcome home Moose Not really

I think we’d be in this game if booker was playing Too bad he’s always hurt

..lead slowly shaving & more rebound by the Suns

How is this game close?

Ok they gotta calm the F down in the 2nd half

Tried to warn you Tried to warn everyone this was a trap win. But nahhhhh we’ll be fine and lose everyone assured me.. 😉

Come on... We have seen this a couple times in just the past week. We either have a lead or a close game at half and then get beat up in the 2nd half. I’ll believe this team can win this game when I see it.

We looked fine Then ulis and daniels decided to chip in with their useless 3’s

Pretty good rookie battle right now Both are having really good games for Rookies so far. To me Jackson has looked better this game as he has had to do more with less while also having to guard Tatum. Tatum obviously the better shooter but Jackson seems to be doing a bit more at the moment. The difference I have between them in this game is the work both have to do on defence. On defence the Celtics put Brown on Jackson so Tatum probably did not need to work as hard on defence in the 1st half compared to Jackson. Both are going to be studs for a long time.

26-9 run. So looks like that grizzlies win was important

Tatum really doesn’t like to pass much does he...those Melo comparisons may end up accurate AF. (MY NOTE: Brad won't let them)

Tie game, get your **** together Celtics

Thank you horford

Marcus Killing it

Yes Mook

We don't root for mook

I'll root for anyone if it gets us Doncic

Its sad day When a Suns fan roots for a Morris twin again . . .

I question if Payton can be good with his hair hanging down over his eyes. On a side view it looks like his hair is below eye level.

Another thought about the hair. If he was really good the hair would be cool. Its OK to be eccentric when you are really good. Mediocre? Not so much.

There is no chance that I would think that hair is cool even if he started playing like Steph Curry.

Suns and Celtics down their two best players and look about the same talent wise. Goes to show the W/L difference an elite PG makes. (MY NOTE: The difference between being one of the best teams in the league and one of the worst teams in the league is not an elite PG. If it was NOP would rule the world)

Marcus Morris and Jayson Tatum on the floor at the same time means nobody else on the Celtics will be even touching the ball really..

Wow is Troy Daniels a moron? Did he really just foul a jump shooter 35 feet from the basket?

Looked like Marcus kicked his leg out right there

Troy with a dumb foul... Troy with an awesome tank foul

Ulis is looking much better than Payton.

Not hard when all Payton can look at is his hair.

Marcus Morris has turned into a really good player. McDonough's rejects would be a good team: Thomas, Dragic, Tucker, Morris, Gortat / Bledsoe, Green, Morris, Monroe

We basically had that team lol it wasn't that good

These guys all need the right coach. Too bad we will be getting the Hornawatsiano model 4.0 next year. Ducey just signed a bill allowing autonomous coaching robot testing, and Sarver went for it because it is cheap.

I really wanted to see a win tonight. I'm not in the tanking camp though I completely understand why people are. We could have maintained best odds even with a win.

I'd prefer a win over the warriors when booker comes back

Lot of fun watching tatum and Jackson go at each other

Jackson is a monster. Such a nasty steal against Tatum.

...JJ vs Tatum …personal battle is on

Man Tatum is so smooth offensively

He is so much better offensivesly than I thought he would be.

JJ's shots have been much tougher than Tatum's in this game. (and the season overall for that matter)

Ulis really loves the Celtics. Smile

Wait. Either Jackson or Tatum needs to score in the closing seconds. They both have 23 points. How will I know who is better? Help!

Last place!! Let's go! Sole possession of last place, now let's finish it off and secure that top pick. That should secure at least a top 2 pick and take Ayton or Doncic/Bagley (all 3 of which should be stars) to add to the core. Jackson looking good. Love that we're actually tanking the right way, bottoming out, pretending our top 2 scorers are "Hurt" in Booker and Warren, secure another lottery star. We'll be all right 2020-2030 decade. This is how you rebuild look at Philadelphia. We'll be all right.

Great tank day today 😊

Celtics fans taking over the postgame show lol

Funny stuff. Tatum and Jackson had identical points and rebounds.

Both had 23 points and 6 boards. Jackson did it on less shots though. He also went 4/9 from the line though

And Jackson is much better defensively. #Winning

Jackson and Tatum both look like the goods while there are questions about Ball and Fultz.

A reminder, the worst record gets you-
35.7% chance for #4
25% chance for #1
21.5% chance for #2
17.8% chance for #3
BTW- Booker is not "pretending" to be hurt

A reminder, 25% is the highest chance for the #1 pick. Ill take it!

Which means we will be drafting 4th.

Knowing our luck, we're drafting 5th. Which is a statistical impossibility.

So many butt hurt celtics fans that are so **** bitter about everything. Why are they so hateful of everything that isnt new england? Is it decades of listening to heinsohn? Is it the worst accent in the english language? Is it their weather?

As a Phoenix native and resident (who graduated from UMass).... massoles are that way because
1. Weather blows ass
2. Shoveling snow at 7am to get to work on time blows
3. All the chicks are pale and fat
4. The cost of living is atrocious
5. A small old **** house near Boston is over 1 mill $
6. The traffic is so bad
7. Because the weather is cold, everyone is always sick
8. Everyone has an alcoholic in the family because all you do is drink in the winter
9. No in and out burger
10. Taxes are sooo high , hence taxachusetts
I hated living there in college

#9 would've been enough to make your point.

I know stats show that Tatum is super efficient but man is he taking many inefficient, Knight style shots. Once he stops hitting them he's going to be aggravating to watch as a fan.
And in general this game confirmed my previous opinion of Jackson >> Tatum. My favorite Suns player on the roster

Well, at least we didn't lose by 30.

Jackson out played Tatum

Tatum has the benefit of playing on one of the best rosters in the NBA JJ clearly doesn’t. He was creating all his own offense tonight with no one else to space the floor. If he had anyone else to help draw looks from Boston’s defense, the stats would have clearly showed he had the better game.

Boston one of the best rosters in the NBA? Thats a stretch. Better shooters maybe and low-post with Horford against the lowly Suns, but by no means one of the best rosters in NBA – ya’ll trying really hard to convince people about JJ. We know. How the hell did Jackson outplay Tatum? Both scored 23 and 6 rebounds, did the 2 assists get him over Tatum? My goodness.

Boston has the 4th best record in the NBA, so I would say one of the best rosters in the NBA. especially considering how mnay injuries they’ve dealt with. Not to mention Brad Stevens is a genius coach.

Many more teams have a better roster than the Celtics - maybe Eastern Conference.

Like who? I think Boston has a really well assembled roster. Golden State, Houston, Toronto, and maybe OKC or San Antonio with a healthy Kawhi are the only teams I can think of with better rosters.

You naming even the western conference?! Too many to name, lets go with who the Celtics roster is better than: Chi, Det, Knicks, Hawks, Suns, Orlando, Mavs, Kings, Nets, Pacer and Clippers.
Even the Nuggets have a better roster, Phila no doubt, even the Lakers. Hornets are debatable.
You have Horford that is playing his worst since his rookie year, Smart who cant shoot, some center that no one knows about, Rozier who is playing behind Irving, Brown who is inconsistent except in Dec and Tatum.

Honestly, that's laughable. So the Hornets, a 34-win team with one above-average player under 29 on their roster are "debatable" as better than a 51-win team in their own conference. You beat yourself in this debate, man.

Grizz crashed their tank tonight Suns now stand alone.

Suns right now:

Comments From The Other Side - vs Suns, Away Tenor

Also: Lakers officially out of playoffs. Take that Lavar!

That just means they win the draft lottery with only a .0000000001 percent chance to cuz Lakers and cuz Suns

JACKSON > tatum

but no reason for Boston to take Jackson, they had Jaylen Brown and needed a scorer which Tatum is better than jackson at.

Glad Tatum ended up with the Celtics Have always liked them since the days of Larry Bird. Many Boston fans say Tatum reminds them of Paul Pierce, a nice comparison.

What a fun battle between Jackson and Tatum! I did not like Tatum in the draft but the Celtics got a good player. It’ll be interesting to see what the C’s do when Hayward and Irving are both back and healthy.

Weird observation: JJ looks so smooth and natural when he’s running, Tatum looks like he’s wearing a back brace. Jackson runs the break like Russell Westbrook does



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Comments From The Other Side - vs Suns, Away Empty Re: Comments From The Other Side - vs Suns, Away

Post by mrkleen09 Tue Mar 27, 2018 9:56 pm

Love these threads, thanks for always posting these Bob.

That list is gold.

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Age : 55

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