Comments From The Other Side - vs Suns

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Comments From The Other Side - vs Suns Empty Comments From The Other Side - vs Suns

Post by bobheckler Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:38 am

Some dead time, waiting for the train to Sapa.

Time to F*** up some Massholes.

We should be able to showcase some combo guards for potential trades to the Celtics McD learned to love the Combo guard well from Ainge. And the Celtics have all the future assets.

I’m looking forward to see Kieff vs Sullinger. Two rising young PFs battling it out! I give Kieff the advantage but Sullinger has been decent for the Celts

Lots of things to work on for the Suns... But they should probably try to focus on scoring more points than Boston

I'm not sure about this strategy I think they’ll have more success by making sure Boston scores less than they do

I swear... If we don't win this... I am going to buy a plane ticket, fly to wherever the suns are at tomorrow, and slap each one of them in the face and tell them to get their shit together and then promptly run away because PJ tucker will probably slap me back and he scares me sometimes…

I hate all Boston sports teams and want none of them to succeed. Things that bring a smile to my face:
-tom Brady throwing an interception
-a red sox pitcher getting shelled
-rajon rondo bricking jumpers

Lets be honest Rondo bricking jumpers is not that unlikely a scenario… personally I like "rondo with a turnover" or "rondo gets his pocket picked" or " rondo gets his weak ass layup swatted to the second level of whatever arena they play in"

This is a winnable game, hopefully they actually win it

A really tough game coming. Boston is a potential Conference finalist this year so no doubt Suns have to play their best game so far this season.

Uh... Wut. :crazy:

Have u watch their games? A little bit more confidence and would easily be 6-2 season start. Very deep roster if Rondo healthy.

If we lose this one, the tank is on

The tank is on for the 14th pick like always.

The tank was on as soon as we signed 17 guards and left Plumlee and the Morri to fend for themselves.

I am interested to see how our PG's match up with Rondo and Bradley in this one. They are lockdown defenders, so hopefully other guys are ready to contribute. Have to find a way to start this road trip on a good note after a mediocre home stand.

Can Gerald Green start so we can blow out a team?

So, what can we trade for Kelly Olynyk? Surely we must have a spare guard lying around somewhere…

Our frontcourt actually has an advantage for once

Any team is a tough opponent for us the way we're playing but I'm not impressed with Boston. Their wins have come against opponents that have won 7 of 22 games. Let's see them beat someone besides a struggling Brooklyn, Philadelphia and New York.

Gerald traveled about 67 times on that play

I hate our offence.

Tolliver is hilariously bad at this point

This team is a joke sometimes.

Should we be concerned that Miles Plumlee gets outrebounded by Thornton AND is also incapable of boxing Kelly Olynyk out?

Sullinger is just fat.

"Big boned"

Suns getting no respect on the drives tonight.......

Isiah is an egoistic idiot. Should have given the ball for a easy lay up to Plumee.
I hate Players who care more about their own stats than team basketball.

LEN! Dude is always in the right place. Incredible

I remember reading somewhere That the Suns expect him to develop a 3 point shot. I’m pretty sure he is working on it

Suns expect their dancers to make 3pt shots Its a franchise requirement

Can we just start Len already and quit pretending that Plumlee is decent?

The Celtics look like us playing defense against the Clippers the other night.

I'm happy with Rondo taking midrange jumpers

Plumlee has the basketball IQ of a rock

Nothing like the Celtics defense to make you feel good!

Refs bailing out green.......

New rule When people run into Len, it’s not a foul

Rondo is fun to watch

The pace of this game is hurting my feet.

IT stinks tonight. No defense. Also, watch out Celtics still hanging around.

Sometimes I wonder if Thomas/Green think they see 9 other guys with green uniform and believe they playing 1 vs 9 and passing it would result in a turnover. Surprised

These refs have not been nice today

Chances of winning a jump ball against green? Not even as high as Michael Beasley

Zeller just for got how to basketball

When two teams have similar styles of play its hard to break away from the other. Celtics have a good young team they just don't no how to win. Lets hope they don't tonight.

Zeller showing me something.

Does turner from the Celtics look like a young diaw?

You mean fat?

Guys I'm going to ruin your party by saying that Len is doing all this against Tyler Zeller...

Tyler Zeller is like... Top 5 defensive player in the league... Or maybe just top 15 defensive player... On his team. He's legit.

No answer for Green

Celtics are really surprising me they don't give up. Good future for them I see.

There defense is just bad and they don't have a go to wing scorer near the end of games, when Evan Turner plays well they win.

Well, if you're going to foul someone shooting a 3 Rondo is the guy to get.


Pretty sure Rondo's getting traded now

Suns beat very tough Celtics with season best game.

That was a fiesty as hell Celtics team. ..



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