Comments From The Other Side - vs Raptors, Playoff Round 2, Game 1, Away

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Comments From The Other Side - vs Raptors, Playoff Round 2, Game 1, Away Empty Comments From The Other Side - vs Raptors, Playoff Round 2, Game 1, Away

Post by bobheckler Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:20 pm

by FLCeltsFan

MY NOTE:  Great win.  My favorites are in bold.  Which are yours?

Kinda nervous ngl, if watching the Leafs these past few years has taught me anything, it's to never count out Boston teams.

This is a pretty easy series to predict: If all star Siakam shows up - Raptors in 6. But if we keep seeing "bubble Siakam" then Celtics in 6.

Siakam is going to dominate Tatum in this matchup.  Not even close.  They don't have anyone who can stop him!!  

I hope Pierce picks the Celtics in this series.

If Celtics win Game 1, you know Pierce is going to say this series is over and Celtics will sweep.

F*** any team Paul Pierce has ever played for. f*** the Clippers, f*** the Wizards, F*** Team USA, f*** the University of Kansas JayHawks,

Comments From The Other Side - vs Raptors, Playoff Round 2, Game 1, Away Pierce-jersey

I don't even watch hockey and was cheering for the Lightning last night. I hate Boston teams. This series is going to be so much fun when the Raps win.

Boston sucks can we stop insinuating otherwise. Just awful. They also have the worst accent in the states and that includes Jersey.

Win or lose today, it’s just one game. Right? Right?

If they lose today, Raps get swept ....

Playoffs finally begin, time to beat down those saltic clowns. Let’s get it!

All I know is that it'll be incredibly difficult for any team to beat the Raptors 4 times in a 7 game series. Beating us once is a near miracle in its own right. Lets go!!!

I'd love to be wrong, and I hope I am, but I don't really expect the Raps to do that well. I think we're going to see a lot of "my head wasn't in the right place" post-game. They seem more shaken up than other teams for some reason

the bench will be the deciding factor in how this series turns out..the raptors have a big adv in that department...I expect Lowry to play....he walked it off, so it shouldn't be a big problem, also the raptors/celtics don't have travel

Tatum - over/under 10 free throws a game?

That's an advantage for the Raptors.  Comments From The Other Side - vs Raptors, Playoff Round 2, Game 1, Away Nod

My body says Raps in 7, my heart says Raps in 7, my brain says Raps in 7.   Which means it will be Raptors winning in 6 games.

If Raptors win, then Raptors win the east. If Celtics win, then Bucks win the east.

I wish this iteration of the Saltics had some unlikeable characters on it. It's always been so easy to hate on Boston sports teams when they had ****bags like KG, Pierce, Rondo, Ortiz, Ramirez, Brady, Marchand, etc. playing for them (you could make a multi-page list of unsavoury characters to play for Boston sports teams). In addition to being a division rival, this made it easy to hate them. This version of the team is different though. I don't hate any of their players.

You will

Marcus Smart is built to stop FVV...this is FVV last test IMO. The Max contract-Test. He passes that one then he absolutely should get the Max contract

Smarts a great defender but he’s best against bigger guards/wings.

Fun fact, if we lose this series, Celtics will be only team we lost to in the bubble.

we need lowry's annoyance/flopping/charges taken badly, they impact the game alot lol

Hope the Raptors destroys Horford and finally get revenge for TJ Ford! Yes, I still hold that grudge...

Idk where you’ve been but horford ain’t a Celtic anymore

1pm start times used to mean automatic loss for us. But they’ve probably gotten used to it in the bubble.

team talent now that the Celtics don't have Hayward is fairly even.

Why do you think the Raps finished 5gms ahead of the celtics this year, even with many more injuries, even with Hayward healthy, if the raps and celtics are even in talent even without Hayward?

Ugh, Ed Malloy...

at beginning of season I said tatum was overrated. this series will either prove me right or wrong.

Their center Williams worries me due to his length and also wannamaker was abusing our guards.

Please beat Boston, I hate all their teams. Don't care too much what happens next round (obviously a dub and return to finals would be awesome though) cause getting to the ECF is a success in itself after losing Kawhi, but I really really just want to see a Toronto team beat a Boston team.

This series has my stomach hurting

never understood why so many fans are scared of this celtics team...i know for sure Klow, Gasol, Pascal, Ibaka and Fred arnt, they looking at this young celtics team as bbq chicken lol

Paul Pierce says the 2 best players in this series are Tatum & Jaylen Brown

Lmao f*** Poo Pierce

Pierce is saying Jaylen Brown is better than SIakam hahahahaha

is jaylen better than norm or fred? thats a better discussion.

Pierce adding some fuel to the fire with his love for his Celtics here. You know he would never be able to root against them but now he is throwing some hot takes. Most people are comparing Siakam to Tatum...he wants to say Brown is better than Siakam? Get that garbage out of here. I would never trade Siakam for Brown straight up.

Jason Tatum=Paul "pandamic P" George with a worse defense. Jaylem Brown = a glorified 3 and D player.

Every year I hope for one of two things: Win the championship, or at least eliminate Boston. Raps can do both this year!

Celtics are a great team no disrespect but we are BETTER

Taco Fall is like 5'9" when he kneels.

Maybe I should be more cautious but I really don't think the Celtics are good enough in any regard to take this series

Theis will be too fast and mobile for Gasol.

We won the opening tip, we're gonna sweep

As much as I hate Boston, their black jerseys do look nice. But f*** Boston.

Oh. It's a ref game

Why did I expect anything from the refs this round

You guys are complaining now but just wait till smart and kemba start their flopping, and refs rewarding them

Boston looking scary out there

Biggest problem with Boston is their size. Most of their starting line up can switch on to Kyle or Fred and be fine.

Jaylen Brown is so freakin good

Gasol looks like a 7 foot garden gnome.

no one on this **** team and guard siakam, he should be the first option all the time

I guess with no games in Toronto you can have the td garden whistle in every game

Refs making sure Celtics will win game 1

Guys let's not blame refs. So far the Celtics are better. That's the real story

This Boston team can be tough to handle cos everyone can play off the bounce. Triple threats all over the floor and that’s tough to guard sometimes.

The Celtics have the 3 best players in this series. Tatum, Brown and Walker.

Celts best player may have been Pascal Siakam in that Q.

Is this a surprise? Celtics are the better team. We gonna get swept.

How raps letting the paint become a charity points to a smaller Cs team

5 ON 8 The refs hate us

Ifs 5 on 8. The refs are even waiting till the celtics get down the court in position to play D before they pass the ball to lowry so he can inbound. Make ur bias less obvious .

Smart making 3s.. this is going to be a long game

Man Celtics are so consistent from 3 its annoying

Marcus Smart is going to have a huge series I think..

Refs win 6 man award for Celtics

Refs going "AMERICA first" early Laughing

Refs probably personally offended that O’ Canada was sung second as if it’s a home game for the Raps.

Pascal has be straight doo doo

People complaining about the Refs and not the 30 million dolllar superstar who missed two open layups with no defender .... Calls are bad but they aren’t the reason that the raptors can’t play basketball.

Boston is going to destroy us if we keep playing like this.

Im starting to miss tony brothers.....

Yup, we are getting the punishment treatment guys from Adam Silver for starting the boycott.

Celtics should not be complaining about calls

Tatum's so good slicing through defenders to get to the rim

Jaylen brown shooting 3s over fred could be a problem

Doesn't help that Tatum hasn't done anything yet either.

He never does it's always brown and kemba

We need to make our open looks. Boston offence is so good that we can’t waste any chance.

Siakam is Celtics best player so far

Can we play the second half at 8pm plz?

Siakam came in, and the Boston lead exploded from 10 back up to 17....yikes

Friendly reminder we gave Pascal Siakam 130 million dollars

I never want to hear Siakam and Tatum in the same sentence ever again

Gotta give credit, fCeltics are not pi**ing away and utilizing every drop of talent they bamboozled off of stupid teams.

Honestly having Marcus Smart on Siakam and the Jays on FVV and Lowry is a genius move by Stevens out of the gate

Enes Kanter is an annoying cheerleader on the bench. But there is only one way to stop that.

Hopefully he checks in so the Raps can mount their comeback!  Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

This is what I was afraid of. The Celtics are a bad matchup, Stevens has Nurse figured out. But Ed Malloy being his usual Raptor Hater self is not doing any favours.

Honestly give the Celtics credit they’ve gotten back in transition and have made offense difficult for toronto

Don't lose hope, Boston is clowns, we have to have faith in our D

Jayson Tatum gets away with a sh** ton of offensive fouls

Gonna be a tough series with Boston’s length

Out in 6

Did we forget or not talk about r williams pick and roll? He did that all game last time

doris burke should not be able to call celtics games she is a homer

Paul Pierce is saying Jaylem Brown is the 2nd best player in this serie and better than siakam. I'd love to prove him wrong but spicy P is not doing us a favor by his performance.

At this rate Boston has the best 3 players in this series, Tatum, definitely Kemba and jaylen

I think the Celtics are just the all around superior team. I love my raptors, but I just don’t see us winning in a 7 game series. They outmatch us at every single position, even Pascal is getting dwarfed in Tatum’s massive shadow. He truly is the NBA’s future.

VanVleet is boycotting decent basketball. F***ing loser should have just went home if this is what he is bringing

Looks like the loss to the Celts earlier in the bubble wasn't a one-off fluke guys

Is it garbage time

Tacko Fall is a meme and their other seven footer is a scrub.

How can you give jaylen brown an open corner 3?????


Current Raptors defensive scheme is getting exploited by Brad Stevens.

Wow we're overrated

No idea why I bet money on this team. Holy sh** the raptors are f***ing garbage. Never betting on this AAU sh** show again.

This is the same game as the one we played Boston last time. Getting Deja Vu from watching. Except last time they have Hayward

Brad Stevens is extra motivated for the COY snub. He's tryin to show NBA writers he's better than Nurse.


Great now Boston fans are gonna talk about how Chowder is better than Poutine. That's gonna hurt.

Even their centres are better than ours, getting out-talented at all 5 positions I guess

I don't give a damn about Giannis. Marcus Smart is the best defensive player in the NBA. FVV and all these guards can't be f***ing around with the ball especially when you're being guarded by Smart.

I'm going to go ahead and say it... The Celtics are a better version of the Raptors. The only advantage is Nurse...

i don’t like tatum but i like smart and brown so much. i hate playing boston

Why isn’t Norman Powell getting the ball?

Because he’s 1-9

We have to work so much harder on offense then they do

Celtics passing is fast man. The chemistry of these top guys is all fast. Need to control Tatum and Smart

Did Doris Burke graduate from the Jeff Van Gundy School of Ignoring the Game?

Boston should just play Kanter cause why not...

Marcus Smart is an annoying sh**

Bums doing windmills on us greatt

we’re letting Robert Williams look like prime Shaq

tempted to turn it off after the Windmill from their 10th man

Will the Raps take kindly to the Bob Williams windmill?

All signs point to yes.

windmill dunks, opposing bench laughing at us. Anyone else feeling nostalgic?

Marcus Smart is absolutely embarrassing us on both ends too. Him playing more minutes due to the Hayward injury is not a good thing for us.

That's silly. Hayward is better than Smart he's just been on fire this game. He's made every three he's taken. It happens sometimes. I'd much rather have Smart than Hayward on the court.

Smart is the better two way player of the two and contributes a ton that doesn't show up in the box score.

Robert Williams is a problem, im not surprised Brad stevens knew this.

im sorry i tap out when i see a windmill its over for me

Why cant we play the Celtics without getting absolutely smoked?

...Did we just let Tatum have an open 3 look?

They've had our number all season long... not surprised by what's happening.

Any fair weathers in here discounting Raps after game 1 can find themselves out. I hear Clippers are looking for the bandwagon jumpers over there

Doesn't take a bandwagon to see Boston has our number

We're plus 9 at the free throw line, anyone who blames this on the refs is blind.

Tatum is unbelievable. It doesn’t look like he’s really pushing himself too much, but whenever he wants a bucket he gets the damn bucket.

Tatum is Kobe like. It's gonna be tough to beat this when you don't have a go to guy on offense.

Someone needs to kiss Tatum on the lips to try to throw him off his game

Tatum so good lol

Note to Raptor fans: If you want to get under Boston fans skin just say you don't like Ben Affleck and he makes a horrible Batman.  (Here's MY NOTE:  I don't like Ben Affleck and he did make a horrible Batman)

Down 17 at half Down 15 after 3 Celtics must be trembling

Tatum been jawing off all game lol he’s a diva

We’re very simply just out coached (in surprised to say) leaving the corners wide open, not addressing poor matchups...

The raptors needs to score more points than the Celtics in the fourth to win this basketball game.

Marcus Smart = Reggie Miller

I just knew Smart was going to have "it" all series long.

Gets paid 180 mil but can't beat Marcus smart

Smart the leader scorer? I'm going to throw up

Every comment that says " the celtics won't shoot like this every game" sound's like a hope more than a statement lmao

Tatum giving me flashes of Kobe kids a pure stud

Kemba hates us.

Give me a break Kemba. Only wants to hit shots against us.

Kemba has been a grade A certified Raptor killer since his days as a lolcat

Hayward = Raptor killer. Kemba = Raptor killer. Smart = Raptor killer.

Hayward isn't playing

Celtics taking away transition, leading to FVV bouncing for 10-15 seconds leading to a Hail Mary 3. The issue is KEMBA crushing FVV.

Ed Malloy is a bullsh** referee

That charge is BS.

Nah it was a good call

That fraud superstar is the real bs. Media calling for him to replace Kawhi is getting into his head

I wasn't buying it even when he was averaging 30points in November last year. He's a fraud.

Time to empty the bench before someone gets hurt or suspended lol

Pascal getting hurt would give us a chance

lmao, what is Serge complaining about? He just body checked the guy.

We have a big problem Boston has killed us before like this

Lmaoo thies better stop the tough act, ibaka would serve him as food on "how hungry are you?" 😂

Theis makes himself so unlikable

This series will make all of us pray and hope that we can get giannis when Miami beats bucks Smile

Game 1 summary: Celtics embarrasses champs. On to game 2.

There missing one of their best players to btw

We obviously just need to get Drake in the bubble

I think Nurse is out of plays.. this is 3 straight blow outs by the Celtics

Now get Jaylen Brown out and take this thang in OT!!

Can't help but feel like the celtics are in this team's heads. They're the only team that has been able to beat us in the bubble.

Game one goes to Marcus Smart hopefully game to Freddy can get it together

Celtics now 4-1 over us this season. In the 4 wins they’ve out scored us by 67 points and counting

I don't get it, Raptors have better centers (Ibaka, Gasol) than the Celtics yet Theis is outplaying them both, sad...

This game basically mirrored the last game we played against them, no lesson was learned I guess.

Sadly I have to admit Boston is better than I thought

OG 4-5 fg 1-2 3point. 6 boards. Between him and Ibaka, only people to show the **** up.

That's not true. The Celtics showed up Wink

Did we get Tacko Fall’d yet?  (MY NOTE:  I love that Tacko is now a verb)

And these clowns were saying Nick nurse was holding back his strategies against the Celtics for the playoffs

Oh God I just realized that the Brad Stevens myth is gonna be more exaggerated after this game.

I really hope we can make adjustments. I trust Nick won’t be outcoached by f***ing Brad Stevens

?? Brad is an elite coach

The Celtics haven’t just beat us this year they’ve blown us out three times this year(including this game)

Celtics are so relaxed lol They move confidently

Give Boston credit— they simply outplayed us. Great defensive rotations in the half court. Excellent trapping in transition. Role-players stepped up and hit their shots.

We have a big problem with the Celtics this is not good

Well the Celtics beat the Bucks game 1 last year...all we need is Paul Pierce to say its over

Tatum showing what a true number one option looks like

Never say Siakam is better than Tatum.

Tatum over Siakam any day

Tatum has superstar potential. He makes the type of tough shots you want your go to guys to take.

The feeling i get when Tatum shoots is the feeling i get when KD shoots, it never looks like you have a chance to block it

tatum has perfected that step up 3 like harden and hes only 22 and longer

This game proves that Celtics bubble game wasn’t a fluke. They may be better than us

Would not be surprised if we get swept at this point

You know that they actually have to play at least four games, right? They don't announce a sweep based on one bad game.

I guess you haven't watched the Raptors vs. Celtics season series this year. People aren't pissed/concerned because of "one bad game"

Gotta trade that bum siakam this off season. Our #1 option can’t be so inconsistent.

Don't be fooled. Celts defend the 3's well. 2nd in league in 3pt% defense. If you think we'll start hitting 3's significantly better, you'll be rudely awakened.

Something else I saw in this game is that Brad Stevens is very smart. He saw us running plays for Siakam to start the 3rd and he immediately put Ojeleye to guard him and Siakam been struggling since then.

Why does Siakam turn into Jeff Green every time he plays a good defensive team?  (MY NOTE:  Even Raptor fans recognize the positively meme-like nature of Jeff Green's inconsistency)

Thought with Hayward out, they'd be able to lock in more defensively on Tatum and Brown. Boy, was I wrong on that one

Smart hit 5 3s and the Raptors' good shooters couldn't make anything.

Brown and Tatum are problems. Wouldn't shock me at all to see them with championships together

probably the best two-way wing duo in the East.

Celtics lose Kyrie and get Kemba immediately. **** them.

We should beat them handedly when we have Giannis

Celtics have our number. Our first loss against them could've gone either way. But this is now the 4th time they've beat us out of 5 games and 3rd time it's been a blow out. Just a bad matchup. I think we could take the Bucks and Heat but Celtics have proven again and again they're better than us.

We lost every quarter and did Boston always lead the entire game - that could be a clear indication of a better team. I am nervous for this round. It seems like Boston knows and are more confident.

I've had surgeries less painful than this.

Celtics beat the bucks in game 1 last year and still lost in 5. Make adjustments and come back strong for game 2

Celtics simply outplayed the Raptors. Celtics scouted the team well and won every matchup. Raptors did not seem ready for the huge uptick in competition from round 1. I still believe in this team but this loss, especially after that embarrassing seeding loss vs Boston, was demoralizing.

I would have faith but we look outclassed...Not in the same league as the Celtics...When we lost to Cavs every year you just had to say LeBron is just that good...But getting spanked like this to a team who doesnt have a superstar like that i just have no faith things will change this series

My moral victory is at least I don't have to live the rest of my life with Theis' absolute dogs*** tattoos lol

Felt like we lost by 40 or 50 points....painful talent discrepancy between our two teams. A blowout once is a fluke...three times in a year is a trend

Malloy though really screwed us over in the first. Was it 11 foul calls against us or something? So many ticky tack ones too.

Masai has got to talk to the League Office about Ed Malloy refereeing our games. There's a reason people think NBA officiating is fixed. It's right in front of our eyes.

So fixed, that we are the defending champs. Rolling Eyes

The real mvp the refs!

F***ing refs. I bet we would have only lost by 15 if they were fair.  (MY NOTE:  Now you got it!)



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Comments From The Other Side - vs Raptors, Playoff Round 2, Game 1, Away Empty Re: Comments From The Other Side - vs Raptors, Playoff Round 2, Game 1, Away

Post by dboss Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:52 pm

There is a lot of consistency I have seen from just about every opponent's fans in these.

They hate on us throughout the game but little by little they resigned themselves to the stark reality that The Boston Celtics can and will beat their ass.

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Comments From The Other Side - vs Raptors, Playoff Round 2, Game 1, Away Empty Re: Comments From The Other Side - vs Raptors, Playoff Round 2, Game 1, Away

Post by worcester Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:27 pm

I love raptors fans. They are so intelligent, funny, and now depressed.
Here are my favorites:

1. Pierce is saying Jaylen Brown is better than SIakam hahahahaha

2. I don't give a damn about Giannis. Marcus Smart is the best defensive player in the NBA. FVV and all these guards can't be f***ing around with the ball especially when you're being guarded by Smart.

3. Why isn’t Norman Powell getting the ball?

Because he’s 1-9

4. Did Doris Burke graduate from the Jeff Van Gundy School of Ignoring the Game?


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Comments From The Other Side - vs Raptors, Playoff Round 2, Game 1, Away Empty Re: Comments From The Other Side - vs Raptors, Playoff Round 2, Game 1, Away

Post by dboss Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:37 pm

Worcester they are pretty funny and yes they are pretty damn smart too

I liked

OG 4-5 fg 1-2 3point. 6 boards. Between him and Ibaka, only people to show the **** up.

That's not true. The Celtics showed up Wink

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