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Post by bobheckler Tue Sep 08, 2020 1:39 pm

by FLCeltsFan

MY NOTE: Payback is a bitch. We read Rap fans gloating after Game 4. Well, what goes around comes around.

In the great words of Sir Fred VanVleet Sr, they f***ed up.

This’ll be the hardest game yet, I expect the Celtics to come out with a sense of urgency and desperation in the same vein as Milwaukee did against us in game 5 last year.

The thing that's reassuring is that our defense and coaching is so good at adjusting that there's no way Tatum, Kemba and Brown can all go off at the same time, and honestly that's the only way I see Boston winning again.

Smart had his 'Brook Lopez game' but he isn't doing that again. And the Celtics had their hands full with just Lowry and FVV finding their rhythm again, but now that Siakam is making buckets too they're f***ed.

This is the closest to adversity that Boston team has faced this playoffs. Lets see how they respond.

That's sports for ya. One minute you're leading by 12 and the next some guy name Marcus Smart goes off for 5 3s.

Ah f*** Kane Fitzgerald AGAIN.

It isn't Tony Brothers at least.

We need to weather the flurry that I expect from Boston the first 10 minutes. We then crush their souls by slowly grinding them down. Could go anyway depending if Tatum goes off as he is due.

Even if Tatum goes off, if Brown or Kemba can't deliver they will still lose.

We got the momentum and confidence going into this game, but don't count out the Cs yet. They have too much talent and too good of a coach to just go out quietly.

Gotta be really, really careful not to "exhale" on this one. Celtsh**s are sure gonna come out guns blazing, and we better match that right out of the gates.

use this as the game to break the Celtics. Cant give them anything

Refs better start consistently making calls on Tayum and Smart

I wouldn't count on it. NBA wants Boston, Miami, Bucks and Raptors to come out of the East and in that order. Actually, any of the top 3 ....

As long as the shots continue to fall, Raptors will win this in 6.

Got two really good coach's going head to head here with equally good talented players. Really ultimately will come down to execution especially in the clutch.

I have this feeling about Kemba tonight. We gotta find a way to contain him.

Kemba is definitely the key. We can force Brown, Tatum or Smart into bad decisions using double-teams and blitzing, but Kemba can split those or turn the corner around the second defender. Without him, the Celtics are dead in the water.

We're in their heads, let's demoralize them more

Refs has not been kind to us all 4 games and I love it. Makes the victory much more satisfying :nod:

Kemba will likely hoist up a lot of shots to try and make up for the last game. Need to capitalize on that.

One of my close buddies who is a diehard Celtics fan and brown fan told me that Jaylen brown will most likely struggle for the rest of the series cuz appearently whenever he has a rlly SH**TY game like his game 4 performance, his mental gets ruined rlly easily and he goes into a slump. Hopefully that happens again here cuz without brown, they don’t win, cuz who else is gonna score for them not named Tatum and kemba

We're occupying real estate in the Saltics heads, no rent no tax. Let's banish them to the darkest depths of Shamblesland.

can't get too overconfident. I can see them starting Williams. and spamming the pnr with kemba against gasol. Gotta hit those 3s

Think this game decides the series

80% of the time it does

Game 5 winner of best of 7 ends up winning the series 82% of the time! Nuff said!

Chuck guaranteed a Celts win. We good

We may never lose again!

This series is over. Raptors in 6. Bring on the Finals already.

don't get too cocky...we still have to beat the easy task, we have a playoff history with the Heat & with Jimmy Boy as well.

Oh good Chuck just guaranteed a boston win!! Wictory is ours

I know he's secretly rooting for the Raptors Laughing jinxing the Celtics on purpose

TV network broadcast partners and bill payers for the NBA have been pumping the tires of the Miami Heat quite a bit.

Officials tonight: Kane Fitzgerald, Eric Lewis, Courtney Kirkland Three of the most foul happy refs in the league This will favor the more aggressive team then. We could also see an Oscar-worthy performance from Lowry tonight.

Oh man Fitzgerald is one of the worst, you know at least what ro expect from Mark and Tony Brothers this guy is such a *****

Damn, Kane Fitzgerald hands out techs like giving out candy to kids for Halloween.

It’s amazing to me that Celtic fans complain so much about Lowry “flopping” when they have Marcus Smart on their team

I think most people who understand the importance of intangibles appreciate the way Lowry plays. Whenever I see someone comparing Marcus' flops to Lowry's exaggerations I just try to ignore now.

Celtic fans can say all they want but we know damn well how the whistle has gone for the series so far, I dont see it changing much we just gotta make our shots which include fts

Controlling Kemba is the key to beating the celtics. When he is abusing the PnR and spamming those pull up threes it throws our defense off

Saltics fans on social media calling Nick Nurse Karen because of his constant whining to the refs. Bwhahahahahaha. They so salty man.

Blowout win for raps today, let's crush these bums.

If the refs are going to swing it for Boston tonight's the night.

Boston’s young guys don’t really have that much experience I wonder if their backs will be a little tight tonight. Especially Kemba who’s playing in the first big game of his nba career.

Let's hope Brown still has the yips, he had so many open looks from deep last game I'm not sure we can bank on him missing all of them again.

I'm more anxious about the reffing. If they call ticky-tacky BS fouls on Siakam, OG, Gasol early, can't help but suspect NBA's agenda to influence to keep a major US city team still in the playoffs.

I feel like they will get the whistle tonight. We will still play through it though.

I have a feeling we're going to be playing both the Celtics and the Refs today.

Today's Special: Leprechaun Chowder

gonna get this out of the way, f*** kane fitzgerald and courtney kirkland

I kind of feel bad for celtics fans. The have all this boston I mean "national media hyping all their players non stop, and then they're shocked when they don't live up to that hype. (MY NOTE: So, how does it feel to be the reigning World Champions and being down 3-2?)

True: The NBA's broadcast partners are Celtics and Lakers fetishists.They fantasize - obsess over - a Celtics -Lakers final. And they let the NBA know it. And that's where 5 vs 8 comes in, and made 3s from us a mandatory tonight

Most Efficient Boston Celtics Plays The "Let Marcus Smart chuck 3s like he's Steph Curry" play isn't listed...

You’ve got a veteran, battle tested team that has flipped the script on a young, vulnerable group. Raps gotta make them uncomfortable and go for the throat here.

Those referees don't ring a bell... as long as I don't see Brothers on it in good!

Kane Fitzgerald is pretty bad too, not sure about our record with him as a ref but he was behind the KP ejection. I fear a Kyle and or/Nurse ejection but hopefully cooler heads prevail

Ohhhg hahahaha I remember now! Kane "The Ejector" Fitzgerald. Yikes

Oh no not Fitzgerald.

bad sign. Jaylen Browns shot back.

Brown looks different f***

The Jalen Brown 3 point contest

Really be looking like gryffindor vs slytherin out there

WTF is Gasol doing on those layups?

being totally washed up

Theis is so much better than Gasold.

Marcus Smart starting to look like himself again

So I guess Boston aren't getting called for fouls this game.

They called a charge on Tatum. Is this real life?

Foul on Tatum. That ref is getting fired

Pretty impressive how Nike has managed to even make an all time great uniform like Boston look ugly as hell.

can we run some plays? or does it have to be “dribble out the shot clock and force a horrible shot” every time

kemba got that LA fitness karen body type

whistle is clearly against us tonight

Siakam just kicked him in the face

Sweet Chin Music

In Theis' defense I felt that

Best thing Pascal has done tonight.

brad stevens lookin like a leprechaun

Lowry and Brown both lookin up at the ref at the whistle like kids whose mom just caught them wrestling in the “only for company” room.

I hate to sound pessimistic but as long as Kane Fitzgerald is in there I have zero hope

Toronto versus refs

Yeah, this game is not worth watching. Boston wants it more and frankly deserves to win.

Refs really giving the Celtics everything offensively and defensively.

We’re letting Theis look like Prime Mutombo right now, quite embarrassing

We really getting killed by a 6’5+ slim shady

Lol such a bad call on Tatum there.

Going to be in bonus in no time. Attack attack attack

I just changed my shirt and put on a hat backwards with the strap unbuckled, the same thing I wore when the raps won last game, and as soon as I did, Serge made a bucket. Let's hope this is the turning point.

a wanamaker..... 3.....?

F***ing wanamaker outplaying norm this series

Foul on Celtics?? Wait... That's illegal!

Refs all blind on the Theiss goaltend

Fred Van Flea nickname should be the Sandman. this dude kills more time than anyone in the league.

You have to give the Celtics defense credit. Anyone who is saying "Celtics defense isn't doing anything", you don't know what you're talking about.

Spot em 14 for motivation, nurse playing 4d backgammon

The refs take such good care of Tatum. Literally no contact against him is missed.

Not blaming refs but man we are getting shafted on the refereeing side of things

I'd rather have Norm out there then Fred at least one of them can play defense the other is a paper bag

can you imagine benching gasol? mans probably so nice, gives christmas baskets, and the puppy dog eyes

Damn just realized Kane Fitzgerald is officiating, might turn this game off rn

Refs aren’t helping here at all. We’ve played bad but I’ve only seen one or two decent calls from them.

Zebra lives don't matter.

Refs see us missing so they are turning on the rigg

Tatum gets such a bs whistle.

Game was over the moment they announced the refs. Fix is in. Onto Game 6 and 7

Raptors Vs. Refs

I know every fan base complains about the reffing, but I’m pretty certain Boston has gotten literally every iffy call this game

LMAO these refs really do hate us don't they

How does wannamaker get a layup against pascal

grant williams built like a roblox character

Refs letting the Celtics play old school basketball!

Wannamaker sounds like the fake name

Refs need to be fired

Are these the same refs from game one?

These refs gotta be getting paid

can the refs carry these guys any more


Fred VanVleet is singlehandedly accelerating our deficit with his AI-wannabe complex.

If I wanted to see someone go 0/100 I could just go to the bar

Alright! 3 fouls on Tatum. Go at him.

There is no way this team could win a championship 0 chance even if they beat Boston

Garbage time and it’s not even halftime. Sad but at least 3rd stringers will have more effort

Now we just need Boston to implode. Piece of cake

Anyone wanna come over and cry with me? Dw my couches are six feet apart

Stevens has brought his A defense today. Nurse has yet to figure it out this series although I think it's a personnel issue. Raps need a guy to break down the defense to run his offense and FVV is not that guy.

Just to tie it we’d need a 20-0 run

Keep the starters in all game. Let them live with what they've started lol

What a game refs...

oh are we blaming the refs now after scoring 12 points in the first q?

Nothing worse than being reminded that we have no legit superstar and our entire team can throw up bricks at any given night. I miss kawhi.

What number buzzer-beater is that for Kemba now?

Wannamaker, Smart and Brown have more than our entire team lol this is so embarrassing

This is our most embarrassing Celtics loss which is impressive considering the Christmas Day game

Theis has been killing us with his defense

I've never seen a bigger difference on defense between two players. Theis' mobility over RWIII is insane.

Dude these refs 🤦🏻‍�

It’s simple, Celtics are too good a team to lose 3 in a row. I didn’t really expect this to be a Raptors win, at the same time I didn’t expect the Raps to be this bad. L L W W L W W

ibaka needs more than 9 mins. He's been effective Is IBAKA injured?

hes old

Theis And goaltending name a better duo

We’ve seen how this Celtics team reacted after that buzzer beater - they’re mental midgets. We just need to build up some pressure, and they’ll cave. We can come back from this!!!

Marc, you can't let Kemba lay it in over you bro. That's embarrassing

No better way to get back in the game than to get in the bonus early.

Now the refs are calling these soft fouls vs Boston...

Yesss refs help us get us back in this

Siakam is trash no question

Do the refs not see Kemba just blatantly extend his off hand?

That Walker midrange stepback is scary good man

Kembas got hella nice handles ngl

I hate kemba

I hope people realize this is without them having Hayward, we were never going back to the finals with Boston in our bracket

I think the boys miss poutine too much they tryna get back to toronto

I think nurse just got heavily outcoached this game to start out.

Boston is so sneaky making Toronto think they've got the mismatch vs Kemba. But as soon as the ball finally makes its way into the post, Kembas already retreated with one of the long bois in his place. Such a subtle switcheroo that completely nukes the Raptors offense

I’m so drunk, I might call my ex... dials Kawhi Leonard

Boston just wants it more. A lot more. And it's incredibly sad to watch.

Tatum has such a smooth game! He's special for sure.

at this point i just wanna see Tacko get some experience

Boston can go on and score 0 point for the rest of the game and we may still lose

Hakeem Theis

You know I always really liked Tatum but I never noticed how much foul hunting and baiting he does. Every single drive he misses he looks at the ref and complains. Really drives me crazy. Not to mention he commits an offensive foul on every move he makes

Even the Celtics know these refs are a joke.

OG getting posterised by Brown is trending on Celtics

If you breathe on Tatum it’s a foul

Can’t believe Tatum complained publicly about not getting any foul calls before this series.

Things could be worse, We could be Miwaukee fans rn

The only way we have a chance is if Stevens puts Kanter in for 12 mins straight

We suck!!!!!

why is Tatum still in the game?

Tatum and Brown still playing...

Who does Tatum think he has trying to slam that over Ibaka

Kemba has been ungaurdable

Close your eyes and imagine we put the bench mob in 39 minutes ago

Okay guys let’s not act like Celtics are giving full effort now

We’ll come back with a bite in game 6

not so sure at this point

7 minutes left. OG can hit a 3 in 0.5 seconds. We potentially can score 2520 points

Well I said from the beginning with Kane Fitzgerald on the floor we lose, everyone loses when Kane calls

Boston let off the gas in the 4th and we have not capitalized.

If Brad Stevens wants to run his starters til the last minute then whatever. Works for us.

Watch a Celtic starter get hurt lmao

Im craving some Tacko Brad Stevens you coward

Kemba is genuinely a magician with the ball. This guy can do anything at any time. Any time he drives he finds the kick out or pass perfectly,

We need journalist to investigate the refs. They're just be money on the line. No way they're not biased

Love that Celtics starters are still out there getting tired.

Why is Stevens still running 5 starters, up 20 with half a quarter left against a bench team....

Boston is scared when they are playing their starters against our third stringers

Celtics with zero class in this garbage time.

eh. not really. taking huge precautions with a 20 point lead in the playoffs is great coaching. if it was regular season, sure the starters would have come out earlier.

Celtics have a better defensive reputation ... this league is a joke sometimes. We got destroyed tonight, but a few momentum plays in the first could’ve helped

While Boston initiated contact and were aggressive we settled for an missed a bunch of contested jumpers. The ft differential is deserved or pretty damn close to it.

Lmao NN tech, and he complains some more about the tech

Geeze stop bitching about fouls. You don't get fouls when you don't attack the rim. We did not do that tonight. You're not going to get foul calls on shooting contested jumpers.

Good for you Nurse, get that T. The reffing has been horrific, not quite as bad as the Raps play though. More than 2X the free throws for the Celtics

Celtics deserve more FTs. They were attacking and being aggressive all game. You don't get FTs by jacking threes all game

Is it because we attempt more 3s and don’t drive as often?

No, it’s because Tatum gets a foul call everytime he touches the ball.

Didn’t think I’d ever see Stanley Johnson and Tatum on the court at the same time in the playoffs but here we are

I think the most frustrating part is not that Boston is playing so well but we just suck

Kanter is on, we have a chance?

This is a easy 23 point comeback

Kanter getting minutes, dudes rubbing it in now

Lmfaoooo refs not taking any chances either

Never expect a fair whistle when the Raps are playing

The league should check Kane's bank account

Raps didn't play well, but the officiating helped kill any hope of a comeback

Is Jack really trying to complain about homecourt advantage right now?

Every team has this problem though. No excuses.

Toronto has a much bigger advantage because players are not as used to going through customs. It gets annoying crossing countries and can fatigue some players. This is why we have such a good record in game 5's.

You can’t be serious. A charter fight full of pro athletes spend maybe 10 minutes in customs. It’s not like they’re stranded for hours at the airport. Hate to break it to you but they get preferential treatment over you and I going thru customs.

First mistake of the game is trying to play Boston's offense. Just because the Celts drain a three ball doesn't mean we also have to knock some threes.

The crazy part is we hit more 3s than the Celtics

Boston was +16 in points in the paint, +13 at the line. That has to be solved on Wednesday.

Refs got it done tonight.

Refs were far from the problem. Raps got no FTs cause you don't get FTs by jacking threes all game.

Hate when the refs make you lose by 20

Raps wouldn’t be able to beat em with no refs.

Couldn’t make shots to save their lives. Celtics have more talented starters. I mean, exactly how does Marc Gasol make a difference that any bench center can make? Lowry and VanVleet are too short compared to Brown and Tatum.

If I got to watch a Boston Clippers final I ain’t going to make it through 2020

I think Miami can eat Boston’s lunch easily tbh

That was a great response by the Celtics, props to them they didn't hang their heads after blowing a potential 3-0 lead, a tell tale sign of a championship team.

The Raps are simply what they were before Kawhi. A great regular season team when defenses are pretty lax. Once playoffs start and defenses and intensity gets ratcheted up, they get exposed because they don’t have a superstar on thier team who can take over when needed.

Even when we were down 11 points in the 2nd quarter, we could have still make a run but the refs allowed the Celtics to grab and do whatever they like on defense and that alone took us outta the game. Only way we win this series is to shoot outta our mind and i don't see it happening.

Dudes here complaining about refs after we scored 11 pts in first half and all 5 of our starters stunk. What a joke.

Gonna go watch the Kawhi game and cry into a mirror



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