NBA League Pass

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NBA League Pass Empty NBA League Pass

Post by sinus007 Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:11 pm

I'm planning to get it. The question I have is what's the picture quality?
Is it really good or similar to those jerky pictures that you can get for free?
Any other comments?
Thank you very much.


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NBA League Pass Empty Re: NBA League Pass

Post by MDCelticsFan Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:20 pm


Picture quality is better than what you get on a computer screen. In the past not all channels get HD, but all are digital quality except the ones that are HD. I have no problem with it. However, the price is $179.00 this year and I haven't seen an offer of a $20.00 discount for early-bird ordering.



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NBA League Pass Empty Re: NBA League Pass

Post by sinus007 Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:38 pm

Thanks for the quick response.
Actually, I'm looking at broadband access, which costs $120.
The "full" access (TV+Broadband+Mobile) is $180.


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NBA League Pass Empty Re: NBA League Pass

Post by gyso Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:55 pm

Here's a link:

It looks like for $120.00, you can choose up to 5 teams to watch throughout the regular season.

For $180.00, you can watch all 30 teams throughout the regular season.

Does anyone know how much they charge for the playoffs?

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NBA League Pass Empty Re: NBA League Pass

Post by beat Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:32 pm


Not sure they even do playoffs as most of those games are either TNT, TBS ESPN, or ABC.

Just a thought



After having it 3-4 years we dropped season pass last year, just was not worth it. I called them and bitched that I really only wanted to watch the Boston games and would pay a fair price to be able to do that but about all I could get thru to was an employee that failed the "English as a second language course". 5 teams sounds interesting, as I already get the Nets and Knicks games would probably stay in the east for the most part as I really don't care about staying up that late.

So i'd probably take Boston, Philly, OK City, Miami, and (suggestions)

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NBA League Pass Empty Re: NBA League Pass

Post by gyso Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:03 pm


Indy? Not in the East, only an hour time zone difference?

Spurs? Isn't that only one hour time zone difference as well?


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NBA League Pass Empty Re: NBA League Pass

Post by tjmakz Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:36 pm

The picture quality improved when we switched from our cable company to FIOS a couple of years ago.

We go out to dinner as a family and can spend $125 so to spend $179 for 6 months of games is well worth it.

The 5 team package would probably work out for most people.

There are no League Pass games for the playoffs.

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NBA League Pass Empty Re: NBA League Pass

Post by mulcogiseng Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:03 pm

I dropped league pass a couple of years ago. I figured that there would be a good number of games on network tv so why pay all that for all games when all I watch are the C's and I don't need to see every game when I can use a great msg board full of great fans to follow what they call the game on thread. Now what was that boards name? lol

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NBA League Pass Empty Re: NBA League Pass

Post by swedeinestonia Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:59 am

If you have a fairly modern computer and a decent internet connection the broadband league pass gives excellent picture quality and "other features".

They will most likely black out whatever games are broadcast in your area though so it is not a complete replacement for tv.

The international version does not black out any games for natural reasons.

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NBA League Pass Empty Re: NBA League Pass

Post by mrkleen09 Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:10 am

I was a subscriber a few years back when I was unemployed over the winter - and when you can stay up late all week long, League Pass is great.

I think for most Celtics fans - with ESPN, TNT, NBA TV all showing free games and all the Celtics games on Comcast....I dont see the value.

If you are out of market however and want to see your favorite team - it is money well spent.

One thing I really noticed was how bad most local announcers are. We are really spoiled in Boston and Tommy and Mike are the best by a long shot.

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